Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Lightsaber Skills

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Lightsaber Skills

Lightsaber skills are the primary abilities used during combat in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to see a full list of the game's Lightsaber Skills, what their effects are, the skill tree, and more!

Skill Trees
Survival Lightsaber Force

All Lightsaber Skills

Single Double-Bladed Dual Wield
Blaster Crossguard -

Single Lightsaber Skills

Jedi Survivor Single Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Lunging Strike
Lunging Strike
1 SP Hold Force Attack button to perform a long-reaching thrust attack.
(Uses Force)
2 Fallen Order Icon Improved Footwork
Improved Footwork
1 SP Lunging Strike now reaches further.
(Uses Force)
3 Fallen Order Icon Twofold Reflection
Twofold Reflection
1 SP Press Parry/Block button just before contact to reflect up to two blaster projectiles in a row.
4 Fallen Order Icon Cyclone Slash
Cyclone Slash
2 SP Hold Attack button after a basic attack to perform a powerful overhead swing.
5 Fallen Order Icon Charged Throw
Charged Throw
2 SP Hold Parry/Block button and Force Attack button for a stronger lightsaber throw that hits for more damage and moves a short distance through the target.
(Uses Force)
6 Fallen Order Icon Aerial Assault
Aerial Assault
2 SP Press Force Attack button while in the air to attack straight down at a target below.
(Uses Force)
7 Fallen Order Icon Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace
1 SP Aerial Assault does more damage and staggers enemies hit by it.
(Uses Force)
8 Fallen Order Icon Dash Strike
Dash Strike
2 SP Hold Parry/Block button and press Attack button to dash and strike a target out of normal melee range.
(Uses Force)
9 Fallen Order Icon Aerial Dash Strike
Aerial Dash Strike
1 SP Unlock the ability to perform Dash Strike while airborne.
(Uses Force)

Double-Bladed Lightsaber Skills

Jedi Survivor Double Bladed Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Gathering Tempest
Gathering Tempest
1 SP Hold Attack Button to deal fast strikes towards a single enemy.
2 Fallen Order Icon Vortex Dive
Vortex Dive
1 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and press the Attack button to dive forward while spinning the lightsaber.
3 Fallen Order Icon Double Orbit
Double Orbit
1 SP Press the Force Attack button again to perform a second lightsaber throw around Cal.
(Uses Force)
4 Fallen Order Icon Endless Hurricane
Endless Hurricane
1 SP Continue pressing the Attack button to add additional attacks to the end of the double-bladed attack chain.
5 Fallen Order Icon Repulsing Burst
Repulsing Burst
2 SP Press the Force Attack button while airborne to slam down, dealing damage in an area.
(Uses Force)
6 Fallen Order Icon Rising Storm
Rising Storm
2 SP Hold the Force Attack button to perform an attack that pulls enemies in a small area and takes Cal into the air.
(Uses Force)
7 Fallen Order Icon Multifold Reflections
Multifold Reflections
2 SP Hold the Parry/Block button right before blaster shots connect to reflect them back towards nearby targets.
8 Fallen Order Icon Controlled Throw
Controlled Throw
2 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and the Force Attack button to throw the lightsaber. Keep the Force Attack button held to maintain the lightsaber's position and use the Left Analog stick to direct it around.
(Uses Force)

Dual Wield Lightsaber Skills

Jedi Survivor Dual Wield Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Backstep Slash
Backstep Slash
1 SP Hold Parry/Block then press Attack to attack and leap backwards, creating distance from the target.
2 Fallen Order Icon Uncoiled Strikes
Uncoiled Strikes
2 SP Delay Attack input to perform a flurry of quick, targeted swings.
3 Fallen Order Icon Serpent
Serpent's Bite
1 SP Hold the Attack button through the flurry to execute a strong final overhead swing.
4 Fallen Order Icon Focused Parry
Focused Parry
1 SP Perform a spinning strike on releasing the Force Attack button.
(Uses Force)
5 Fallen Order Icon Precision Release
Precision Release
2 SP Release the Force Attack button right as an enemy hits to perform an even more devastating follow-up attack and stagger nearby enemies.
6 Fallen Order Icon Split Reflection
Split Reflection
2 SP Press the Parry/Block button right before a blaster bolt hits to split the incoming bolt and reflect at an additional target.
7 Fallen Order Icon Twin Vipers
Twin Vipers
2 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and the Force Attack button then press the Force Attack button again to throw the second blade at a target to double-up damage.
(Uses Force)
8 Fallen Order Icon Dancing Blades
Dancing Blades
3 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and the Force Attack button to throw lightsabers that bounce between multiple targets.
(Uses Force)


Jedi Survivor Blaster Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Flying Lunge
Flying Lunge
1 SP Hold the Attack button to close the distance to your enemy with a leaping thrust.
2 Fallen Order Icon Blaster Cooldown
Blaster Cooldown
1 SP Gain additional ammunition each time you strike an enemy with the lightsaber.
3 Fallen Order Icon Improved Clip
Improved Clip
1 SP Increases Maximum Blaster Ammunition by three.
4 Fallen Order Icon Energizing Flurry
Energizing Flurry
3 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and press the Attack button to perform a sequence of quick swings that rapidly replenishes ammunition if they connect.
(Uses Force)
5 Fallen Order Icon Efficient Heat Transfer
Efficient Heat Transfer
2 SP Reduces time required to fully charge a blaster shot.
6 Fallen Order Icon Point Blank
Point Blank
1 SP Hold the Force Attack button just before an enemy hits to blast them away.
7 Fallen Order Icon Quick Draw
Quick Draw
3 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and the Force Attack button to focus and target multiple enemies at once with the blaster.
(Uses Force)


Jedi Survivor Crossguard Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Rending Strike
Rending Strike
1 SP Hold the Attack Button to perform a single, high damage swing with a long windup.
2 Fallen Order Icon Impact
2 SP Press the Force Attack button while airborne to slam into the ground, causing a shockwave.
(Uses Force)
3 Fallen Order Icon Greater Impact
Greater Impact
1 SP Increased shockwave range.
(Uses Force)
4 Fallen Order Icon Greater Cleaving Swing
Greater Cleaving Swing
1 SP Reduces focus attack charge-up time.
5 Fallen Order Icon Reaching Cleave
Reaching Cleave
1 SP Increases Range of Cleaving Swing.
6 Fallen Order Icon Sundering Swipe
Sundering Swipe
2 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and press the Attack button to perform a wide sweeping lightsaber attack.
7 Fallen Order Icon Charged Reflection
Charged Reflection
1 SP Press the Parry/Block button right before a bolt makes contact to send them back a charged bolt that hits the target and nearby enemies.
8 Fallen Order Icon Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder
2 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and the Force Attack button to throw the lightsaber in a line through multiple enemies.
(Uses Force)

Lightsaber Skill Tree

 ┣ Single (16 SP total)
 ┃┗ Lunging Strike (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Improved Footwork (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Twofold Reflection (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Cyclone Slash (2 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Charged Throw (2 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Aerial Assault (2 SP)
 ┃  ┣ Aerial Ace (1 SP)
 ┃  ┗ Dash Strike (2 SP)
 ┃   ┗ Aerial Dash Strike (2 SP)
 ┣ Double-Bladed (12 SP)
 ┃┗ Gathering Tempest (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Vortex Drive (1 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Double Orbit (1 SP)
 ┃ ┗ Endless Hurricane (1 SP)
 ┃  ┣ Repulsing Burst (2 SP)
 ┃  ┃┗ Rising Storm (2 SP)
 ┃  ┗ Multifold Reflections (2 SP)
 ┃   ┗ Controlled Throw (2 SP)
 ┣ Dual Wield (14 SP)
 ┃┗ Backstep Slash (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Uncoiled Strikes (2 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Serpent's Bite (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Focused Parry (1 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Precision Release (2 SP)
 ┃ ┗ Split Reflection (2 SP)
 ┃  ┗ Twin Vipers (2 SP)
 ┃   ┗ Dancing Blades (3 SP)
 ┣ Blaster (12 SP)
 ┃┗ Flying Lunge (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Blaster Cooldown (1 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Improved Clip (1 SP)
 ┃ ┃ ┗ Energizing Flurry (3 SP)
 ┃ ┗ Efficient Heat Transfer (2 SP)
 ┃  ┣ Point Blank (1 SP)
 ┃  ┗ Quick Draw (3 SP)
 ┗ Crossguard (11 SP)
  ┗ Rending Strike (1 SP)
   ┣ Impact (2 SP)
   ┃┗ Greater Impact (1 SP)
   ┣ Greater Cleaaving Swing (1 SP)
   ┃┗ Reaching Cleave (1 SP)
   ┗ Sundering Swipe (2 SP)
    ┗ Charged Reflection (1 SP)
     ┗ Rolling Thunder (2 SP)

What are Lightsaber Skills?

Combat Skills Utilizing Lightsabers

Jedi Survivor - Different Stances

Lightsaber skills are the player's main abilities used during combat to eliminate opponents in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Lightsaber skills are divided into different stances that the player can switch between during the game. Each stance determines the type and number of lightsabers the player will be holding, and each stance comes with its own set of unique skills.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Skill

List of Skills and Skill Trees

List of Skill Trees

Survival Lightsaber Force


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