Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Seed and Plant Locations

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - All Seed Locations

In Star Wars Jedi Survivor, seeds are collectibles that allow you to grow plants in your homebase on Koboh. Read on to learn all the seed locations in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, their rewards, and if they are missable.

All Seed Locations

All Seed Locations
Basalt Rift Bilemaw Den Boiling Bluff
Bygone Settlement Derelict Dam Devastated Settlement
Fogged Expanse Foothill Falls Forest Array
Fort Kah'lin Gorge Crash Site Harvest Ridge
Hunter's Quarry Mountain Ascent Nekko Pools
Rambler's Reach Outpost Riverbed Watch Southern Reach
Summit Ridge Swindler's Wash Untamed Downs
Viscid Bog Winding Ravine -

Basalt Rift

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Midway through the zipline, jump towards the area on the left and you'll find the Seed to your right by the edge.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Found in the area where you find Toa just by the wall.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: At the end of the first zipline you'll encounter from the entrance of the Basalt Rift.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: 2 seeds can be found at a low level of the area where you'll find a Bilemaw sleeping.

Bilemaw Den

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Bilemaw Den
Where to Find: Found at the dead-end cliff at the end of Bilemaw Den behind some pots

Boiling Bluff

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Boiling Bluff
Where to Find: Found near the Boiling Bluff Meditation point next to a yellow lamp post
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Boiling Bluff
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, circle around the back and you'll find the Seed on the side across a Force Echo.

Bygone Settlement

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Bygone Settlement
Where to Find: Found at the edge of the Bygone Settlement near the bridge with Jawas
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Bygone Settlement
Where to Find: Found near a Mogu.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Bygone Settlement
Where to Find: Found on an elevated ground that you'll need a Nekko to reach.

Derelict Dam

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the path in the middle and you'll find the Seed next to a large plant.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head straight and down the small gap under the short bridge. You'll find the Seed beside some solidifed tar.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, drop down the nearby vines and defeat the Shiverpedes on the left. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Head past the dam until you reach the large friendly creature on the right. Take a left and use Lift and Slam on the platform to climb up. You'll find the Seed on your left at the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Drop down the vines on the edge and follow the path forward. You'll find the Seed just before the rope by the huge gap.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Head past the dam and you'll find the Seed near the large friendly creature.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Once you've blown a hole in the cave, lure the Roller Mine towards the road to the right past the broken elevator and throw it to the tarred wall below. Follow the path, climb the rope, and walk forward a bit. You'll find the Seed infront at the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Variation: Rare
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: After defeating the Gorocco Matriarch, head past the balloons and you'll find the Seed at the area above on your right.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: After defeating the Gorocco Matriarch, head past the balloons and you'll find the Seed at the area above on your right.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: After defeating the Gorocco Matriarch, head past the balloons and you'll find the Seed at the area above on your right.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Take the giant bird at Boiling Bluff, and you'll find the Seed on your right by a bush.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Take the giant bird at Boiling Bluff, and you'll find the Seed at the center next to a rock.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Take the giant bird at Boiling Bluff, and you'll find the Seed on the right by the ledge.

Devastated Settlement

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, turn around and head back across the gap. Drop down on the ledge to your right and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, take the Reltor and head towards the island to the right of the first Meditation Point. You'll find the Seed by the edge.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, turn around and take the Reltor to the island on your right with a lake in the middle. You'll find the Seed nearby by the edge.
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Variation: Rare
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard, take the Reltor at the top of the building and head for the island on the left. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, turn around and take the Reltor to the island on your right with a lake in the middle. You'll find the Seed nearby by the edge.
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard, take the Reltor at the top of the building and head for the island on the left. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head towards the island infront and you'll find the Seed by the edge.

Fogged Expanse

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Fogged Expanse
Where to Find: Found near the outdoor elevator along with 5 other Koboh Spiker seeds.
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Area: Fogged Expanse
Where to Find: 3 Koboh Spikers along with a Priorite Shard can be found after jumping from the balloon.

Foothill Falls

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Foothill Falls
Where to Find: From the falls, ride the Relter to the next area. The seed can be found on the edge of the cliff with the second seed found on the opposite side of the shack.

Forest Array

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: From the Nekko Pools Meditation Point, use the nearby balloons to reach the Forest Array section with the seed.

Fort Kah'lin

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Variation: Rare
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Cross the vines and head up the stream. You'll find the Seed by the wall.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Cross the vines and follow the stream to the right. You'll find the Seed at the end.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Cross the vines and you'll find the Seed on your right next to the stream.

Gorge Crash Site

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Found just near the Meditation Point beside the elevator by some bushes.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Take the zip down near the tar pit and you'll find the Seed next to the cliff.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Found just near the Meditation Point below the cliff with a chest on top.
Seed: Fire Pineapple
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Found at the edge of the tar pit behind the droid.

Harvest Ridge

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Fond near the slope to get to Harvest Ridge
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Found at the left side of the entrace to the red barn
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point, head towards Harvest Ridge and you'll find the Seed under the large rock formation.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Head towards the center area and you'll find the Seed by the river.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Head towards the center area and you'll find the Seed by the river next to a broken fence.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Head towards the center area and you'll find the Seed on your right before the river by the bushes.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Head towards the center area and you'll find the Seed on your right before the river by the bushes.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Head towards the center area and you'll find the Seed on your right before the river by the bushes.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Moldy Depths exit, follow the path to your right and you'll find the Seed next to a pole near the fences.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: Found just beside the red barn by a ledge.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed by the edge of the rock.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed near the walls you can run on.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed near the walls you can run on.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Variation: Rare
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed on top of the walls you can run on.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed on top of the walls you can run on.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed on top of the walls you can run on.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed on top of the walls you can run on.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Harvest Ridge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the large rock on the right. You'll find the Seed on top of the walls you can run on.

Hunter's Quarry

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Found at the center of the map area.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Found at the center of the map area.
Seed: Pine Fern
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Found near the entrance to the cave on the east side of the area.
Seed: Pine Fern
Variation: Rare
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: From the area above the ruins, take the balloons back and across towards the large bones. You'll find the Seed just by the head.
Seed: Pine Fern
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: From the area above the ruins, take the balloons back and across towards the large bones. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Pine Fern
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: From the area above the ruins, take the balloons back and across towards the large bones. You'll find the Seed nearby.

Mountain Ascent

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Variation: Felusian Yellow
Area: Mountain Ascent
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head left. Jump towards the falls to the left and to the next platform to find the seed.
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Variation: Rare
Area: Mountain Ascent
Where to Find: Find a way to walk above the green laser gates.
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Variation: Rare
Area: Mountain Ascent
Where to Find: Found In the area where you have to fight two Bilemaws.

Nekko Pools

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Nekko Pools
Where to Find: 2 seeds can be found in a swampy section of the area you'll need a Nekko to access.

Rambler's Reach Outpost

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Pine Fern
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found at the rooftop garden above Pyloon's Saloon.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found just beside the Stables.
Seed: Pine Fern
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found just behind a building next to a ledge.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found by the river behind the Stables.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found just outside the Stables by the fences.
Seed: Pine Fern
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found on the area above the Mantis just behind it.
Seed: Pine Fern
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found on the area above the Mantis just behind it.
Seed: Pine Fern
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found on the area above the Mantis just behind it.
Seed: Pine Fern
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found on the area above the Mantis just behind it.
Seed: Pine Fern
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found on the area above the Mantis just behind it.

Riverbed Watch

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Tuber Maw
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Riverbed Watch
Where to Find: Head past the door and you'll find the Seed on your left by the bushes.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Riverbed Watch
Where to Find: Found by the edge of the river near the sewers.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Riverbed Watch
Where to Find: Found by the edge of the river near the sewers.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Riverbed Watch
Where to Find: Found by the edge of the river near the sewers.

Southern Reach

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the path and you'll find the seed on your left by the bush.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down towards Mosey's shack and cross towards the east. You'll find the Seed below a small ledge.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: Head inside the cave to the east and once you've found the rope, swing across to the nearby rock. You'll find the Seed on top.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: Head inside the cave to the east and in the area with some Boglings, drop down to your left on two BX Droids and you'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: Head past the underpass to the east and you'll find the Seed out in the open.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: Head towards the underpass to the east and you'll find the Seed on your right by a small pond.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Variation: Rare
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Tuber Maw
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the roof of the silo, turn around and climb the cascading rocks until you reach a small cave entrance with a hole infront. You'll find the Seed nearby.
Seed: Cactus Ball
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, follow the path down and you'll find the Seed on your left by a bush.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, follow the path down and you'll find the Seed on your left infront of a building.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point, head towards the rocky archway and you'll find the Seed by the ponds.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point, head towards the nearby lake and you'll find the Seed next to the sewers.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Variation: Rare
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, take the nearby Reltor and fly towards the large rock beside the Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point. You'll find the Seed on top.

Summit Ridge

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Summit Ridge
Where to Find: From the Summit Ridge meditation point, use the upgraded ascension cable to zip across the platform ahead. The plant should be on the left as you land.
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Area: Summit Ridge
Where to Find: At the opposite end from the balloon you can force pull.
Seed: Koboh Spiker
Area: Summit Ridge
Where to Find: Found in the area you can reach by force pulling a balloon twice.

Swindler's Wash

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Pine Fern
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Swindler's Wash
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, go around to the other side of the bridge and climb the ledge past the Droids that drop down. You'll find the Seed on your right by the edge.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Variation: Nabooan Green
Area: Swindler's Wash
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, approach the nearby gate. A second seed can be found by the water.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Area: Swindler's Wash
Where to Find: Found across the ponds.
Seed: Goldenlight Moss
Area: Swindler's Wash
Where to Find: From the Meditation point, cross the broken bridge and look the left.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Variation: Felucian Yellow
Area: Swindler's Wash
Where to Find: From the Meditation point, drop in between the broken bridge and head to the right. A second seed can be found nearby under the bridge.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Swindler's Wash
Where to Find: From the Meditation point, drop in between the broken bridge and head to the left.

Untamed Downs

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Variation: Dathomirian Red
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found in the middle of the area.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Variation: Rare
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Bluebell Squish
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the crashed ship, climb up and cross towards the area above. Move forward and climb up some more and you'll find the Seed by the edge of the cliff.
Seed: Palm Fruit Shell
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: On a cliff in Untamed Downs, overlooking Harvest Ridge.
Seed: Spine Fluff
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Past the river just across the stables.

Viscid Bog

Map Location In-game Location
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Variation: Alderaanian Blue
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: Head for the island behind the Meditation Point and you'll find the Seed on a lower platform by the edge of the lava.
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: Head for the island behind the Meditation Point and move to the other end. You'll find the Seed on your left near the brazier.
Seed: Crimson Jelly Spire
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: Found just infront of the Chamber of Connection entrance.

Winding Ravine

There are currently no known Seeds or Plants within this given location.

How to Plant Seeds

Recruit Pili to the Cantina

Recruit Pili

Recruit Pili from the Blustery Mesa in Jedha to unlock the Rooftop Garden. She's an unmissable encounter during Jedha Part 2, as she appears on the route of the main story. However, speaking to her is optional so be sure to interact with her to unlock the Rooftop Garden.

Check in With Pili Rumor Walkthrough

Plant in the Rooftop Garden of Pyloon's Saloon


You can now plant the seeds on the rooftop garden of the Pyloon's Saloon in Rambler's Reach on Koboh. These plants can be harvested and sold for profit. Growing plants to their full size also allows you to expand your garden and unlock special gardening abilities.

Rooftop Garden Guide and How to Expand

Are Seeds Missable?

You Can Return to Locations to Find Seeds

In the first game, Jedi: Fallen Order, you can use the Mantis to return to locations to reexplore them during the playthrough and after the main story. When you revisit planets, you can retrieve any seeds you missed. There have been reports that this feature has been expanded and revamped in Jedi: Survivor.

Seeds Don't Carry Over to New Game Plus

In the first game, Jedi: Fallen Order, if you start a New Game Plus playthrough, all the seeds will have to be collected and planted again.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Collectibles


All Collectibles

All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
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Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr


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