Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle Solution

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Jedi Survivor Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle Solution
Solve the Crypt of Uhrma puzzle by following the patterns of the pillars displayed on Blustery Mesa in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn where to find the Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle and its exact location, how to solve the Bluestery Mesa Puzzle and what are the rewards.

Crypt of Uhrma Door Puzzle Solution

How to Solve the Blustery Mesa Puzzle

Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle Solution
Upon reaching your destination, you will encounter a puzzle where you have to pull specific pillars to open the door. You can see the pattern for these pillars over the cliff in Blustery Mesa.
Head inside the crypt and use Force-Pull on the vent.
Before going down, pick up the Stim Upgrade on the opposite end of the room.
Beside the Stim Upgrade, there is also a Force Echo on your right. Make sure to pick it up before leaving.
Head down the vent and follow the path until you reach the Trailhead Pantheon and meet Skoova.
Continue moving forward and you will encounter a Green Laser Gate. You will need the Dash ability to pass through here.
Pass through the waterfalls and squeeze through the small gap to fight the Sutaban Alpha. Be extremely careful especially if you are playing on high difficulty. This is one of the legendary enemies in the game.
After defeating Sutaban Alpha, you can explore deeper in the tunnel where you can get the Gambler perk.

Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough

Where to Find Solution

Map Location In-Game Location
The solution can be found by checking the pilars in Blustery Mesa right after you use the elevator.

Where to Find Crypt of Uhrma

In Between Whistling Drop and Blustery Mesa

Where to Find Crypt of Uhrma
From the Trailhead Pantheon, go to the circular room that connects Whistling Drop and Blustery Mesa.
Defeat the enemies in this area and go up the stairs.
Once you reach the top, jump down and you will see a large cliff. You need to get to the other side to enter the Crypt of Uhrma.
After making the jump, you will encounter a couple of Stormtroopers in the area. Kill them immediately to make the exploration a lot easier.
Follow the path and then turn right. From here, you will have to fight monsters that explode on contact.

Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle Location

Crypt of Uhrma Location

Map Location In-Game Location
Jedha - Crypt of Uhrma

Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle Rewards

Stim Canister and Force Echo

Jedi Survivor Crypt of Uhrma Stim Canister
After opening the door that leads to the Crypt, you will find a Stim Canister and a Force Echo at the end of the room.

All Stim Upgrade Locations

Fish - Fantailed Laa

Jedi Survivor Crypt of Uhrma Skoova.png
Entering the vent leads back to the Trailhead Pantheon. Here, you will receive the Fantailed Laa after meeting Skoova.

Legendary Enemy - Sutaban Alpha

Jedi Survivor Crypt of Uhrma Sutaban Alpha.png
You will also meet the Sutaban Alpha at the end of the tunnel after passing through the green laser gate.

List of All Enemies

New Perk - Gambler

Jedi Survivor Crypt of Uhrma Gambler Perk.png
After defeating the Sutaban Alpha, you can also get the Gambler perk at the end of the tunnel. This perk greatly increases the XP that you gain, but it disables respawn if you die.

All Perk Locations and Effects

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