Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert Rumor Walkthrough

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Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert is a Rumor that can be found at the Path of Persistence in the planet of Jedha in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to see a detailed walkthrough of Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert, its rewards, and its location!

How to Unlock Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert and Location

Starting Location in The Archive

Northern Desert Ruins Map

Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert can be found at the Archive in the planet of Jedha.

Speak to Eno Cordova to Begin

Northern Desert Ruins In Game
Speak to Eno Cordova at The Archive. Be sure to complete the conversation with them to unlock the Rumor! This can only be done once you've unlocked Cere's Base.

Jedha Walkthrough: Where to Meet Cere

Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert Walkthrough

1 Ruins in the Northern Desert Map Location
Head to the Path of Persistence
Head over to the Path of Persistence which is a short trip over from the Anchorite Base Meditation Point.
Take the Zipline Across the Gap
You know you're in the right place when you find the zipline that leads to a standing rock pillar.
▶︎ Path of Persistence Puzzle Solution and Location
Zip Up Onto the Next Level
Go towards the edge of the pillar and you should see a spot where you can zip up to the next level!
4 Defeat the First Set of Enemies
Defeat the First Enemies
This is only the first set of enemies that you'll encounter, so take them out quickly before proceeding further.
Create the Shortcut and Zip Up
You'll encounter another zipline, create the shortcut before heading up as this will be important. To the left of this space is another zip point to head up.
Force Push the Orb
After climbing the platform, take a left and enter the area where a Stormtrooper is waiting. Take them out and look up to see the Orb in the wall. Push it forward.
Wall Climb Down
Head back to where you zipped up and run over the wall. Do not go up. Drop down instead.
Push the Orb
Once you reach the bottom,force push the Orb and it should go upwards.
Take the Zipline Back!
Hop across the gap and take the Zipline shortcut.
Climb the Wall
climb the wall on the first section, this time it's no longer blocked!
Return the Orb
In the section where you found the first orb, return it back in its position to shift the wall back in place.This will allow you to wall run once more and climb up.
Defeat the Second Set of Enemies
Once you climb up the wall, you will encounter a large number of enemies. Take them down in batches by dealing with the Stormtroopers first and then the droids further in.
Push the Final Orb
Push the final Orb into place and once it has entered the slot, parts of the ruin should begin to move and open.
Collect Your Reward
A panel will open on the side, allowing you to collect your reward!
Fly to Leave
The simplest way to leave the area is to take the flying mount between the pillars and glide back to the Meditation Point!

Path of Persistence Puzzle Solution and Location

Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert Rewards

New Perk Slot

New Perk Ability

After completing the Ruin, you'll have a chance to snag a new perk slot, allowing you to take more or better perks!

You will also unlock the Explore the Ruins in the Southern Desert Rumor once you have returned to the Archives and spoken to Eno Cordova.

All Perk Slot Locations

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