Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough

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Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough of the second visit to Jedha in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to reach Pilgrim's Sanctuary, how to locate Brother Armias, how to solve the Whistling Drop Wind Puzzle, and how to get through the Trailhead Pantheon and Sanctuary Temple!

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Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough

Jedha Part 2 Objectives

1 Show Research to Cordova on Jedha
2 Reach Pilgrim's Sanctuary
3 Locate Brother Armias
4 Bring Contact Codes to Cere

Show Research to Cordova on Jedha

Showing Research to Cordova
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2
Once you have arrived at Jedha, head towards The Archive to show Cordova the research material. A cutscene will play out after you interact with him.

Reach Pilgrim's Sanctuary

How to Reach Pilgrim's Sanctuary
1 Cross the Arid Flats
2 Traverse the Trailhead Pantheon
3 Solve the Whistling Drop Wind Puzzle
4 Back to the Trailhead Pantheon
5 Pass by the Timeworn Bridge
6 Go Through the Singing Ruins
7 Cross the Timeworn Bridge

How to Reach Pilgrim's Sanctuary Walkthrough

Cross the Arid Flats

Crossing the Arid Flats
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2
Head towards the path until you reach Anchorite Base. Take down the enemies you see along the way. You will have Merrin as a companion for your travels.
2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (2)
Head towards Arid Flats using the spamel. In the Arid Flats area, ascend through the latch that you can use the grappling hook on. From there, traverse towards the next area.
3 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (3)
After climbing the cliffside, enter the cavern. You will encounter a large boulder on your left. Force Push the boulder to place it back to the rock wall. Then, Force Push both balls to activate the mechanism that opens the door. Afterwards, Force Pull the boulder out so you can jump on it to cross the gap.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (4)
You will encounter a Skriton on your progress. Slay it, then proceed to the next area, Trailhead Pantheon.

Traverse the Trailhead Pantheon

Traversing the Trailhead Pantheon
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (7)
Continue along the path of Trailhead Pantheon and slay the Sutaban you find inside the structure.
2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (8)
You will notice a movable box inside the confines of a steel gate.
3 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (9)
To open the gate, return to the elevated circular platform at the center of the area. Climb it and find the metal hatch. Force Pull on it, which reveals a lever. Force Pull again on the lever to open the steel gate.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (10)
Quickly Force Pull the movable box away from inside the gate. Move it to under the area where you gain access to the lever. Climb the box and then climb the wall, then proceed through the dark path until you reach the other side.
5 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (10)
Quickly Force Pull the movable box away from inside the gate. Move it to the spot below to the lever. Climb the box then climb the wall, then proceed through the dark path until you reach the other side.
6 Jedi Survivor - Wall Run on Trailhead Pantheon
After getting out of the dark path, swing towards the nearby wall, wall run, and swing again until you land on one of the elevated platforms.
7 Jedi Survivor - Jump to Whistling Drop Tower
Jump towards the other elevated platform, then jump towards the building. Climb towards the opening of the building.
8 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (11)
Go upstairs and exit the building to reach the Whistling Drop area. You will encounter an area with a large gust of wind pushing you backwards.

Trailhead Pantheon Puzzle Solution

Solve the Whistling Drop Wind Puzzle

Solving the Whistling Drop Wind Puzzles
1 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop
Look to the left of the entrance and climb the wall upwards. Progress through this area to reach a gap that you could double jump across, if there was no gust.
2 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Where to Go
From the gap, look to your left and you'll see a small crevice in the cliffside. Pass through it to a reach a new area.
3 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Jump Across
In this new area, Force Pull the metal object across from you to block the gust of wind blowing outward. This will allow you to cross the previous gap.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (13)
After pulling the metal structure, you'll now be able to double jump across the gap in the previous area. Head down there and jump across, where you'll find the Whistling Drop meditation point to your right.
5 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Where to Go
Follow the path to the next area where there are a couple of Stormtroopers. After beating them, head down the path to the right.
6 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Wind Puzzle
Heading down the path to the right leads to a windy section below where you can climb across the gap.
7 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Wind
At the end of the first climbable wall, drop down to grab the metal bar and climb across to the second climbable wall.
8 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Down to Beam
At the end of the second climbable wall, drop down to the climbable wall below it. Due to the wind, you have to drop down from the leftmost point of the wall, otherwise you'll be blown away.
9 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Grappling
Grapple to the grappling point then slide down towards the metal bar below.
10 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (17)
Follow the climbable wall to the ledge where you can Force Pull another metallic structure to block the wind current.
11 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Walkthrough
After Force Pulling the metallic structure, jump down to the ledge below it.
12 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Guide
Jump towards the climbable wall in front of you. The lower wind current will boost you to make the wide jump possible.
13 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Puzzle Walkthrough
Come back to the spinning contraption. It is now immobile, which enables you to use the metal bar to swing across. Wall run towards the next area.

Whistling Drop Wind Puzzle Solution

Back to the Trailhead Pantheon

Traversing the Trailhead Pantheon
1 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Enemies 23
Dispatch some Stormtroopers, then zipline upwards to continue through Whistling Drop. Head through the straightforward path until you reach an area with a crashed fighter.
2 Jedi Survivor Whistling Drop Crash 24
Defeat the Skriton and the Stormtroopers in the area, then zipline and climb the rocks to get to the ledge above the crashed fighter. Follow this path back to the Trailhead Pantheon.
3 Jedi Survivor Trailhead Pantheon Meditation 25
Head back inside the Trailhead Pantheon chamber you were in earlier, but you'll be on the second floor. Jump to the metal platform then wall run to the other side.
4 Jedi Survivor Trailhead Pantheon Second Floor 26
Head outside to the Crypt of Uhrma meditation point and rest up. Head inside the next chamber then to the room on the left.
5 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (19)
You will encounter a DT Sentry Droid; defeat it.
6 Jedi Survivor Trailhead Pantheon Where to Go 28
Climb to the top of the hall via the 2 pillars on the right.
7 Jedi Survivor Trailhead Pantheon Climb 29
Wall run then grapple to the metal bars you can hang from. Climb to the other side of the hall.
8 Jedi Survivor Trailhead Pantheon Swing 30
Wall run on the wall to the left, then double jump to swing on the pole that'll bring you to the next area, Blustery Mesa, past the sandy slope.
9 Jedi Survivor Blustery Mesa 31
Head right through the Blustery Mesa wind area until you reach a sandy slope that'll lead to a death drop. Keep double-jumping forward through the sandy slope to reach the grappling point of the wall you can run on at the end.
10 Jedi Survivor Blustery Mesa Wind 32
Head through that straightforward path until the area with the Stormtroopers. Defeat them all, then push the box backwards to trigger the wind current.
11 Jedi Survivor Blustery Mesa Crypt Elevator 33
With the new wind current, you can jump across the gap to the climbable wall. Head through the path with the trinkets, then take the upper path before the Crypt of Uhrma.
12 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (21)
You will encounter another metal structure across a gap. Force Pull it to reveal a path that you can climb.
13 Jedi Survivor Blustery Mesa Crypt of Uhrma 35
Wall run to reach the ceiling you can climb. From there, jump and use the wind current to reach the other runnable wall to the right.
14 Jedi Survivor Blustery Mesa Climb 36
Proceed through this path until you encounter Pili. You can talk to her to begin the Check in With Pili Rumor and unlock the Rooftop Garden upgrade on Koboh.
15 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Part 2 (22)
Zipline across to an area where the wind blows upward. Head towards the cliff near the surging wind, and jump to its direction so that you could use the wind to propel yourself upwards.
16 Jedi Survivor Blustery Mesa Head Right 38
Defeat the Stormtroopers here, then head to the right and take the climbable wall to the next area. Going down the elevator to the left leads back to the Crypt of Uhrma.
Solving the Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle gives you access to a Stim Canister and a Force Echo.
17 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins 39
You will spot a large hole on a rock wall across you. You will land by the Timeworn Bridge meditation point.

Pass by the Timeworn Bridge

Passing by the Timeworn Bridge Area
1 Jedi Survivor Timeworn Bridge 40
Here in the area by the Timeworn Bridge meditation point, find the loose gate and Force Push it. Then, head up the ramp to the right and through the path until you meet up with Merrin.
2 Jedi Survivor - Timeworn Bridge Merrin Fixing Structure
Fight off the Stormtroopers in the next area, then order Merrin to fix the stone entrance.
3 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2
Proceed and activate the zipline shortcut to your right. Here, you won't be able to cross to the other side of the bridge yet. Force Pull the metallic structure across the gap to your left to open an entrance to your right, then jump towards it (you'll reach the gap because of the wind).

Go Through the Singing Ruins

Going Through the Singing Ruins
1 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins 42
You will land in the Singing Ruins area. Head to the right and squeeze through the wall. Follow the path until you reach a wind area.
2 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins Wind Puzzle 43
First, Force Pull the metallic structure to your upper left.
3 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins Wind 44
Head the opposite way and Force Pull the metallic structure across the runnable wall, on the same level as you. Run across the wall and onto the platform.
4 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins Wind Puzzle Solution
Head a bit forward, then Force Pull the next metallic structure above you. Turn around and back in the direction from where you came. You can now grapple up to the higher runnable wall.
5 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins Slide 46
Wall run towards the next platform, climb through the climbable ceiling. At the end of the ceiling path, you'll see a rope; jump towards it and swing to the central wall, then slide down with your lightsaber.
6 Jedi Survivor - Singing Ruins Door
Force Pull the door to your left, then jump towards it. This will trigger a cutscene where you learn Dash.
7 Jedi Survivor Singing Ruins Dash 47
After learning Dash, proceed through the Dash tutorial. You can follow Merrin through this area after reuniting with her.
8 Jedi Survivor Merrin Empire 49
After separating from Merrin, head left and swing on the pole to the next climbable wall. This will lead you back to Timeworn Bridge.

Cross Timeworn Bridge to Reach Sanctuary Temple

Reaching the Sanctuary Temple
1 Jedi Survivor Timeworn Bridge Dash 50
From the Timeworn Bridge meditation point, head out, and go back to the top of the bridge (use the zipline shortcut to the left if you have unlocked it). You can now Dash across the other side of the gap.
2 Jedi Survivor Timeworn Dash Drop Down 51
Use your lightsaber to drop down to the bottom level of the bridge, then climb around the side of the bridge using wall runs, Dash, and the climbable walls.
3 Jedi Survivor Timeworn Bridge Climb then Dash 52
After sliding to the next section of the bridge, use the Dash with the climbable walls to cross the unwalkable platform.
4 Jedi Survivor Timeworn Bridge Jedha 53
Use Dash and the climbable walls to finally get to the other side of the bridge.
5 Jedi Survivor - Sanctuary Temple Entrance
Make your way through the platforms on the right and use the wall to get to the upper level entrance.
6 Jedi Survivor Jedha Sanctuary Entrance 55
Dispose of the Stormtroopers then squeeze through the crack in the rubble.
7 Jedi Survivor - Sanctuary Temple Meditation Point
Head through the path inside until you reach the Sanctuary Temple meditation point; the Reach Pilgrim's Sanctuary objective is now complete.

Locate Brother Armias

How to Locate Brother Armias
1 Traverse the Sanctuary Temple
2 Solve the Sanctuary Temple Door Puzzle
3 Find Brother Armias in the Buried Refuge

Locate Brother Armias Walkthrough and Guide

Traverse the Sanctuary Temple

Traversing the Sanctuary Temple
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (7)
From the Sanctuary Temple meditation point, navigate the area and dispatch some stormtroopers.
2 Jedi Survivor - Sanctuary Temple Entrance Beside Green Gate7
Proceed through the path just beside the green laser gate at the lowest floor of the area.
3 Jedi Survivor - Sanctuary Temple Moving Wall
Climb to the top of this area. You'll see a moving climbable wall; jump and dash towards it when it's near you.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (10)
You will encounter a giant metal limb from the mechanized drill blocking your path. Jump over it to reach the next platform, then jump dash under it to reach the next one.
5 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (11)
Kill some Imperial forces along the way and head towards the water. Swim through it to navigate the area and reach your next destination.
6 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (13)
After emerging from the water, you will find a large metal door.

Locate Brother Armias Door Puzzle

Buried Refuge Door Puzzle Solution
1 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 1
By this giant door in Sanctuary Temple, there are two giant mechanisms that can be Force Pulled towards the middle. They need to lock together in order for the door to be opened. Unfortunately, there are metal obstructions beside the door that are preventing the mechanisms to attach.
▶︎Jedha Buried Refuge Door Puzzle Solution
2 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 2
You will find two levers on top of the door. They both function as a trigger to elevate the metal obstructions beside the door.
3 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 3
Force Pull the left lever to fully elevate the corresponding metal obstruction, then attach the lever to the holding mechanism. The obstruction will stay elevated.
4 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 4
Force Pull the left door mechanism. It should go straight and stop at the right obstruction.
5 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 5
Release the lever attached to the holding mechanism. The left obstruction will go down again.
6 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 6
Force Pull the left door mechanism again. It should move back to the left, and stop at the left obstruction. This part is now at the correct position.
7 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 7
It's time to do the right part of the door. Begin by Force Pulling the right door mechanism.
8 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 8
While the right door mechanism is moving, immediately Force Pull the right lever. There won't be a holding mechanism for this lever, you simply have to hold it yourself.
9 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 9
If done correctly, the right door mechanism will go straight, through the right obstruction and stop beside the left door mechanism. You can release the lever after this happens. If it doesn't, you'll have to repeat the two previous steps again.
10 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 10
Force Push the door to open it. You'll now be able to proceed to the Buried Refuge area.

Find Brother Armias in the Buried Refuge

Finding Brother Armias in the Buried Refuge
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (10)
Enter the door and proceed towards the path, and you will finally locate Brother Armias. After the cutscene, you'll gain the ability to dash through laser gates. Your next objective is to Bring Contact Codes to Cere.

Bring Contact Codes to Cere

How to Bring Contact Codes to Cere
1 Destroy the Mechanized Drill
2 Travel to The Archive

Destroy the Mechanized Drill

Bringing Contact Codes to Cere
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2
Leave the area with Merrin. Traverse the next area with your new ability. Remember that when you dash through laser gates, it resets your jump and dash counter, allowing you to double jump and dash again.
2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (2)
Once you reach the Sanctuary Temple area again, take a shortcut that would lead you to Sepulcher Pass. You will find a meditation point near the area.
3 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (3)
During your progress, a cutscene will play out that forces you to confront the gigantic mechanized drill. Make use of Merrin's magical wake, and traverse through the area while confronting the mechanized drill.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (4)
After a grueling test of your gaming reflexes, you will land on a surface alongside Merrin and directly face the mechanized drill. Follow the command prompts to destroy the Imperial machination.

Travel to The Archive

Travelling to the Archive
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Jedha Part 2 (6)
After destroying the drill, follow Merrin through the portals to arrive to the Trailhead Pantheon, and locate the meditation point near the area.
2 Jedi Survivor - Bring Contact Codes to Cere.png
Your next destination is The Archive. You can travel to in on foot, but you can also simply use the meditation point to fast travel there. Once you arrive in The Archive, talk to Cere to complete the Bring Contact Codes to Cere objective.

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# Story Chapter Unlockables
1 Coruscant Walkthrough ・Double-Bladed Stance
・Dual Wield Stance
2 Koboh Walkthrough ・Rumors
・Jedi Chambers
3 Jedha Walkthrough ・Blaster Stance
・The Archive
4 Shattered Moon Walkthrough ・Crossguard Stance
5 Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough ・Koboh Grinder
6 Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough ・Dash Ability
7 Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough ・Lift and Slam Ability
8 Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough ・Upgraded Ascension Cable
9 Koboh Part 4 Walkthrough ・Electro Dart
10 Jedha Part 3 Walkthrough -
11 Nova Garon Walkthrough ・Dark Side Ability
12 Koboh Part 5 Walkthrough -
13 Tanalorr Walkthrough -


1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

This is litterally the worst description ever...


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