Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Jedha Collectibles

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Jedha is one of the planets you can roam and visit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more about all the collectibles that can be found on this planet, and more!

Planet Walkthrough Planet Collectibles
Jedha Walkthrough
Jedha Part 2
Jedha Collectibles

All Jedha Collectibles

All Jedha Collectibles
Chests Stim Upgrades BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Health Essences Force Essences
Jedha Scrolls Fish Purchasable Collectibles


In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Commander
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found at the high point at the edge of the area.
Collectible: Jedha Paint
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Narkis Highland
Where to Find: Found near the area where you fight a regular Skriton. Jump up the ledge at the side of the area and you'll find the chest at the end of the path.
Collectible: Jedi
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: Chest can be found past the wall running section after climbing up the stairs in the area.
Collectible: Kaminoan
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: Found at the bottom of the end of the path underwater just before rising up the last time.
Collectible: Justice
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: Force pull the cord to open the door. Let go of the cord and pull the large cube just below the door to stop it from closing. You'll find the chest inside.
Collectible: Solar
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Desert Passages
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head up the path and take the elevator on your left. Follow the path down and enter the first red door you see. You'll find the chest to the right of the door.
Collectible: Common Plastoid
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: Enter the room full of Stormtroopers and pillars and you'll find the chest just beside the workbench.
Collectible: Undercut
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: From the Halls of Ranvell Meditation point, jump down to the platform and continue along the path. Run along the first wall, turn around and then run alng the second wall.
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Sheltered Hollow
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, walk down the path and you'll find it on your left by the wall.
Collectible: Wanderer
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Penitent Chambers
Where to Find: Found at the highest point in the area that you'll need to wall jump to access after meeting with Merrin.
Collectible: Wanderer
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: Past the "Pilgrims, Lost" Force Echo, slide down the platform and grapple as soon as you can. Walk across the beam and jump past the three pillars and you'll find the chest on your left by the edge.
Collectible: Detachment
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Wayfinder's Tomb
Where to Find: Head to the top of Wayfinder's Tomb and head for the broken bridge leading towards Arid Flats Meditation Point. You'll find the chest at the end but you'll need the Upgraded Ascension Cable.
Collectible: Justice
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Blustery Mesa
Where to Find: Found once you reach the windy area after hanging from and crossing the bridge.
Collectible: Nocular
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: Past the "Pilgrims, Lost" Force Echo, slide the down platform and grapple up as soon as you can. Walk across the beam then wall run through and you'll find the chest infront.
Collectible: Commander
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found by following the path by the rocky wall from the Anchorite Base Meditation Point.
Collectible: K3 Vindicator
Type: Blaster Cosmetic
Area: Whistling Drop
Where to Find: Found beneath a ship wreckage with a Skriton nearby.
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Crypt of Uhrma
Where to Find: Solve the Crypt of Uhrma puzzle and you'll find the chest across.
Collectible: K3 Vindicator
Type: Blaster Cosmetic
Area: Whistling Drop
Where to Find: Found behind the Meditation Point past a green laser wall.
Collectible: Temperance
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Timeworn Bridge
Where to Find: After unlocking the shortcut zipline at the other side of the bridge, ride it halfway and drop down. You'll find the chest on your left.
Collectible: Wanderer
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Path of Restoration
Where to Find: On the platform at the bottom of the wire which connects to the top of the temple.
Collectible: Wanderer
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: First, unlock the Dash ability in Jedha Part 2 story chapter. From the spot where you get the Wanderer Shirt and Force Tear, look back where you came from to see a wall you can Dash onto. Dash to it and climb up to reach the chest.
Collectible: Exile
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: From the Anchorite Base meditation point, walk forward a bit and jump up the ledge, and look to the left to see a wall that's slightly lower than those around it. Double jump to the top; you might fail a few times, but you can make it up. Follow the path to the end to find the chest.
Collectible: Scrapyard
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Desert Passages
Where to Find: Found in the Desert Passages. Pull the two Orbs on the second floor to unlock a room on the first floor where you'll find the chest behind the ruin that the Anchorite is studying.
Collectible: Scrapyard
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Once you have the Upgraded Ascension Cable, use it to launch to the top floor of the archive. Head into the room then slide down the wall to land on the chest.
Collectible: Cere Junda
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Veiled Hangar
Where to Find: Return to Jedha as Cal after the sequence where you play as Cere. The chest is found just before the entrance to the Archive.
Collectible: Serenity
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Desert Ridge
Where to Find: Found in a dead-end cliff in Desert Ridge next to a Zipline Shortcut
Collectible: Eno Cordova
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Wayfinder's Tomb
Where to Find: Found inside the Wayfinder's Tomb after completing the three puzzles and opening the tomb.
Collectible: Temperance
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Desert Ridge
Where to Find: From the Desert Ridge Meditation Point, follow the path towards Arid Flats and hug to your left side until you reach 2 Ascension Cable Droids. Take the path upwards and ride the flying mount and you'll find the chest across at the high platform.
Collectible: Skeleton Key
Type: Blaster Cosmetic
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the area in Monastery Walls overlooking the desert, grapple to the balloon in front of you then turn right to dash to the top of the wall-runnable wall. From there turn right and jump to the broken bridge on top.
Collectible: Scrapyard
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Veiled Hangar
Where to Find: Take the elevator behind the training dummy and you'll find the chest on your left by the corner in the dark.
Collectible: Scrapyard
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, face towards the Mantis and enter the door on your left. Climb up the walls, and jump across the gap and you'll find the chest at the end.
Collectible: Industrial
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Path of Persistence
Where to Find: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, head east towards the zipline at the edge and cross it. Grapple up the Ascension Cable Droid and you'll find the chest on your left by the corner.
Collectible: Nocular
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Penitent Chambers
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the bridge below and climb the ledges on the right. Follow the path til the fork and you'll find the chest across the gap on your right.
Collectible: Kaminoan
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Narkis Highlands
Where to Find: From the Arid Flats Meditation point, zipline down to Narkis Highlands then follow the path past the Skriton until you reach the room with the moveable wall. The chest itself is behid the moveable wall.
Collectible: Nocular
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head for the entrance on the east side below the workbench. You'll find the chest inside by the wall.
Collectible: Nocular
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: On a platform above the workbench. Climb the nearby pillars to reach it.
Collectible: Wood
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: Path of Conviction
Where to Find: Inside a lower platform guarded by two Droids.

Stim Upgrades

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Sheltered Hollow
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, walk down the path and you'll find it on your left by the wall.
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Crypt of Uhrma
Where to Find: Solve the Crypt of Uhrma puzzle and you'll find the chest across.

BD-1 Scans

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Ancient Crypt
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Collectible: Catacombs of the Weary
Area: Blustery Mesa
Collectible: Companions of the Caretakers
Area: Crypt of Uhrma
Collectible: Map of Pilgrim's Path
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Collectible: Communal Space
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: Past the Monastery Walls Workbench, drop down the area with a group of Hardshells. In that area scan the tilted metal pot.
Collectible: Ancient Ruins
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: From the Halls of Ranvell Meditaion point, jump down and continue along the path until you reach down the end of the staircase. Look left and scan the sculpture.
Collectible: Ancient Wars
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: In the Halls of Ranvell Workbench room, scan the wall art with candles
Collectible: Prayer Wheel
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Meditation Point, look right to see the Prayer Wheels between two Columns
Databank Entry: A tool used by pilgrims to profess their faith by spinning the wheel while repeating an invocation to the Force.
Collectible: Scorch Marks
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: From the room with the Workbench, drop down one level until you see a spiraling platform. Walk down to the end of it to see the Scan
Databank Entry: These scars bear the hallmarks of a lightsaber. Perhaps the ancient people succeeded in inviting Jedit to their planet.
Collectible: Cordova's Travel's on Jedha III
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: In the area just before the Path of Conviction, grapple to a drone on the left-hand side to access the ledge above you.
Databank Entry: Eno Cordova considers Jedha's mysteries as they relate to his own personal journey.
Collectible: The Path
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: Can be scanned from the second rectangular stone structure
Databank Entry: An ancient script welcomes travelers to the beginning of 'The Pilgrim's Path', a long-walked route for those devoted to the worship of the Force.
Collectible: Meditation Hall
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: From the Crypt of Uhrma Meditation Point, go to the circular room to find the scan on the walls
Databank Entry: An invitation for travelers to find stillness along the Path. Though the journey carries Pilgrims forward, direction can only be found in taking stock of the route.
Collectible: Hidden Path, Exposed
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: Look for the skeleton at the left-hand side of the tunnel leading out of the room with water.
Databank Entry: In the abrupt evacuation, all manner of personal belongings were left behind, a tableau of the lives that were lived before

Force Echoes

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: A Warning
Area: Arid Flats
Collectible: Ghost or Guardian
Area: Blustery Mesa
Where to Find: Past the windy area, slide down and wall run through the path. You'll find the Force Echo inside the cave to your left.
Databank Entry: The Imperial presence on Jedha is seemingly increasing, for reasons yet unknown. The Empire, however, did not account for a Dathomirian Nightsister.
Collectible: One Journey Ends
Area: Whistling Drop
Where to Find: Found behind the Whistiling Drop Meditation Point infront of a green laser wall.
Collectible: Sanctuary Revived
Area: Sanctuary Temple
Where to Find: Once you've arrived at Pilgrim's Sanctuary, go left and you'll find the Force Echo in the room on your right.
Databank Entry: Decades ago, Pilgrim's Sanctuary was a refuge for those seeking safe harbor. Now, Cere Junda and Eno Cordova have repurposed the space to provide a new sanctuary for associates of the Hidden Path.
Currently Unavailable
Collectible: The Destination and the Beginning
Area: Sanctuary Temple

Databank Entry: Upon crossing the temple threshold, travelers are invited to meditate upon their pilgrimage before embarking upon their next journey.
Collectible: Underground Canals
Area: Sanctuary Temple
Where to Find: Found along the hall past the giant droid arm stuck on the wall.
Databank Entry: Some Jedha temples used ancient and intricate aqueducts to draw water up from subterranean springs.
Collectible: Old Connections, New Paths
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head up the path and you'll find the Force Echo on your left by the corner.
Databank Entry: After a long time apart, Cere and Merrin reconnect. A newfound sense of purpose seems to draw them together, even after much time apart.
Collectible: Pilgrims, Attacked
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: Found just beside the Halls of Ranvel Meditation Point.
Databank Entry: A group of pilgrims are assaulted by a creature on their travels. Afterwards, they pray to the Jedi for protection.
Collectible: Pilgrims, Lost
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: Follow the path westward past the room with a Sutaban. You'll find it beside a Jedha Scroll.
Databank Entry: Three pilgrims make their way dutifully, across the Jedha desert. Their provisions are low and their situation is grim.
Collectible: Pilgrims, Saved
Area: Divine Oasis
Where to Find: After defeating the Skriton, head outside and you'll find the Force Echo by a tent.
Collectible: A New Path
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head for the path up and on your left, climb the ledge that's just beside the elevator. You'll find the Force Echo at the end of the path by some crates.
Databank Entry: After reuniting, Cere and Merrin discuss how the Path might find a safe place on Jedha.
Collectible: Witch
Area: Desert Passages
Where to Find: After giving the research to Cordova, follow Merrin and along the way you'll find the Force Echo on your left past a door.
Databank Entry: An Anchorite is eager to learn about the Nightsister Merrin.
Collectible: Foundation
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found just outside The Archives entrance.
Databank Entry: Cere and the Anchorites discover what will become their home base in the Archive. The Anchorites express that they will aid Cere, as part of their broader belief.
Collectible: The Beasts of Jedha
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, walk towards the middle of the desert and you'll find the Force Echo by some bones.
Databank Entry: The deserts of Jedha are home to many lethal creatures.
Collectible: The Desert Ghost
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, travel east and you'll find the Force Echo on top of a high platform.
Databank Entry: Merrin fights against the Imperial encroachment on Jedha.
Collectible: Debt
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, travel towards the middle platform of the desert infront and you'll find the Force Echo nearby.
Databank Entry: The desert of Jedha was always dangerous to travelers, but it has grown more deadly with the arrival of Imperial forces.
Collectible: A Warning
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: From the Arid Flats Meditation Point, facing the zipline infront, face west and move forward past the chest. You'll find the Force Echo near the square rock below.
Databank Entry: Pilgrims give their perspective on the cults of Jedha.
Collectible: Voices on the Wind
Area: Crypt of Uhrma
Where to Find: Solve the Crypt of Uhrma puzzle and you'll find the Force Echo across beside the chest.
Databank Entry: Caretakers of the Path memorialized fallen pilgrims with a bell symbolizing their voice, that it may carry on the winds to be heard by all.
Collectible: Trespassers of the Storm
Area: Singing Ruins
Where to Find: Past the second narrow passageway, head for the path infront of you and you'll find the Force Echo at the end.
Databank Entry: After trespassing in the Path's most sacred of chambers, looters receive their just reward.
Collectible: Temple Evacuation
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: After coming out the water, unlock the door and you'll find the Force Echo down the hall by a skeleton.
Databank Entry: The temple refugees were evacuated so suddenly it's a miracle that any of them made it out alive.
Collectible: A Noble Deed
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: After coming out the water, unlock the door and you'll find the Force Echo at the end of the hall.
Databank Entry: Brother Armias shepherds a group of refugees through a perilous path. In an act of noble sacrifice, he sends them ahead and insures the Empire will not follow.
Collectible: The Master's Arrival
Area: Veiled Hangar
Where to Find: From the Mantis, backtrack towards the elevator and take the path past the door leading outside. You'll find the Force Echo at the end by the corner.
Databank Entry: An Anchorite annouces that, through their connections on the path, someone has arrived to see Cere - Master Eno Cordova.
Collectible: Digging Deeper
Area: Path of Conviction
Where to Find: Climb up on the side and you'll find the chest on your right above the stairs.
Databank Entry: Master Cordova begins to glean the larger meaning of the ruins of Jedha he has so diligently explored.
Collectible: Pilgrimage
Area: Desert Ridge
Where to Find: From the cave with the Green Forcefields, walk left until you see some rocks blocking another cave entrance. Force push the rocks to enter the cave
Databank Entry: Pilgrims discuss why they made the long journey to Jedha
Collectible: Jedha Politics
Area: Desert Ridge
Where to Find: Can be found just outside the walls surrounding the Desert Ridge Meditation Point, right by a skeleton
Databank Entry: Two Anchorites give their perspective on the other cults-concluding best to keep to themselves and not become embroiled in wider Jedha politics.
Collectible: The Pilgrims of Jedha
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found in the cave with the Hardshells and Sutaban
Collectible: Witch
Area: Desert Passages
Where to Find: Found in the circular room
Databank Entry: An Anchorite is eager to learn about the Nightsister Merrin.

Force Essences

Map Location In-game Location
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: Head down the spiral staircase and you'll see an opening by the wall near some Hardshells. You'll find the Essence inside by the window.
Area: Sanctuary Temple
Where to Find: Found behind the green laser wall at the second floor.
Area: Penitent Chambers
Where to Find: From the Nocular Body chest, turn around and keep going forward running along the walls until you reach the end
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: From the Halls of Ranvell Meditation Point, walk forward and drop down to the ledge where the enemies are, look left to see a wall-runable wall then just follow the path
Area: Narkis Highlands
Where to Find: Grapple up to the balloon above the Skriton pit then turn to the Grapple Point on the wall-runnable wall then jump towards the scalable wall and jump up until you another wall to your left, jump to that wall and double jump-dash towards the ledge with the Relter.
Area: Narkis Highlands
Where to Find: From the Arid Flats Meditation Point, zipline down to Narkis Highlands then turn right into another zipline. From here turn around and double jump-dash to a set of scalable walls and climb left until you see a ledge with the Force Essence
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: In the cave with the Hardshells and Sutaban, you will find a ledge with the Force Essence
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: On top of the structure connecting to Wayfinder's Tomb, you will find the upgrade near an Anchorite and a Relter. Use a Mind Trick to convince the Anchorite into opening a locked door to the upgrade.

Health Essences

Map Location In-game Location
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found at the end of the broken bridge at Wayfinder's Tomb.
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Work Bench, look to the wall opening to the right and you'll see wall-climbable pillars. Jump Dash towards these pillars untill you reach the end where there'll be a hole in the wall with the Force Essence in it.

Jedha Scrolls

In-game Location Map Location
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: Once you've brought the cube to climb the ledge, enter the cave and go down the path on the left. You'll find the Scroll at the end.
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: Found inside the building at the bottom of the spiral stairs.
Area: Blustery Mesa
Where to Find: From the Timeworn Bridge Meditation Point, backtrack down and use the wind the jump up the platform inbetween the rocks. Climb the wall on your right and you'll find the Scroll up top on your right back some stacked rocks.
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: After coming out of the water, force pull the gate on the right and you'll find the Scroll by the wall.
Area: Crypt of Uhrma
Where to Find: Enter the crypt and hug the wall to your left. You'll find the Scroll at the end of the path.
Area: Sanctuary Temple
Where to Find: Infront of the green laser wall on the second floor.
Area: Timeworn Bridge
Where to Find: From the Timeworn Bridge Meditation Point, follow the path forward and you'll find the Scroll beneath the metal platform.
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Meditation Point, head down the middle path into an opening you can force push. You'll find the Scroll on a dead Stormtrooper body after defeat the nearby enemies.
Area: Penitent Chambers
Where to Find: After meeting Merrin and defeating the group of Stormtroopers, grapple up and wall run to a ledge and you'll find the Scroll on your left by a small monument.
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: After watching Merrin defeat the Stormtroopers, wall jump up and you'll find the Scroll up top by the ledge.
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, face where the Mantis is, walk forward a bit and enter the red door on your right. Go through the narrow passageway on your left and you'll find the Scroll on the floor to your left.
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: Follow the path westward past the room with a Sutaban. You'll find it beside the "Pilgrims, Lost" Force Echo.
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Penitent Chambers Meditation Point, backtrack across the beam and past the Flametroopers and you'll find the Scroll just beside the workbench.
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: Past the "Pilgrims, Attacked" Force Echo, head down the hall and you'll find the Scroll infront of the door.
Area: Divine Oasis
Where to Find: After defeating the Skriton, head outside and you'll find the Scroll behind the tent.
Area: Divine Oasis
Where to Find: After defeating the Skriton, head outside, tame and ride the beast, then head for the exit. You'll find the Scroll on your right on top of a high ledge that you need to jump off the beast from.
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, face where the Mantis is, walk forward a bit and enter the red door on your left. Climb the wall, enter the narrow passageway, and climb another wall again. You'll find the Scroll just outside the door to your left.
Area: Wayfinder's Tomb
Where to Find: From the Arid Flats Meditation Point, head north towards some broken pillars. Once you're past them, you'll find a Scavanger Droid on your left that drops the Scroll.
Area: Whistling Drop
Where to Find: After crossing the series of climbable walls, defeat the group of Stormtroopers in the area and you'll find the Scroll nearby next to a small pillar.
Area: Blustery Mesa
Where to Find: From the Timeworn Bridge Meditation Point, backtrack down and use the wind the jump up the platform inbetween the rocks. Jump towards the platform with some pillars across and you'll find the Scroll by the edge to your left.
Area: Timeworn Bridge
Where to Find: From the archway, enter the building on your left, grapple up, and wall run across. You'll find the Scroll behind a rock.
Area: Singing Ruins
Where to Find: Past the narrow passageway, move forward a bit and you'll find the Scroll on a path to your left.
Area: Sepulcher Pass
Where to Find: Found just beside the Sepulcher Pass Meditation Point.
Area: Blustery Mesa
Where to Find: From the Crypt of Uhrma Meditation Point, enter the building and go up the stairs past the shortcut door. Wall run you way across the left and dash towards the cave opening. You'll find a Scavenger Droid that drops the Scroll.
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Head towards the broken pillars in the middle of the desert and you'll find the Scroll nearby.
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found at the end of the broken bridge at Wayfinder's Tomb.
Area: Penitent Chambers
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the bridge below and climb the ledges on the right. You'll find a Scavenger Droid along the path that drops the Scroll.
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: On top of the Sutaban room by the Force Tear and Chest, you will find a scalable wall. Jump up to it and follow the path until you reach a dead end and find the Jedha Scroll next to another Chest.
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: On the same bridge where you found the Skeleton Key Blaster Cosemetic, go to the very end of it to find the Jedha Scroll next to a cosmetics Chest
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Meditation Point, run along the wall to your right past the Prayer Wheels and jump on the ledge near the dead-end
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Work Bench, look to the wall opening to the right and you'll see wall-climbable pillars. Jump Dash towards the 2nd pillar then turn around until you face a broken bridge that you will need to jump on to. Walk until the end of the bridge to find an opening.
Area: Desert Ridge
Where to Find: From the rope Shortcut near the edge of the area connecting to the Anchorite Base Entrance, look left to see a scalable wall. Climb up to it and walk past the chest towards a scalable wall, the scroll will be on the wall itself, simply jump up to the wall and slide down to obtain it.
Area: Sheltered Hollow
Where to Find: When you exit the Sheltered Hollow tunnels you will enter an opening with a Scavenger Droid nearby that drops a Jedha Scroll
Area: Narkis Highlands
Where to Find: Grapple up to the balloon above the Skriton pit then turn to the Grapple Point on the wall-runnable wall then jump towards the scalable wall and jump up until you see the ledge to your right
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Found in the cave with the Hardshells and Sutaban
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: Cross the gap behind the Anchorite Base Meditation Point using the jump dash then keep walking forward until you find a Scavenger Droid
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, keep heading right past the pool where skoova is to find a path. Head to that path until you find a Skriton. The Scroll will be near a runnable wall.
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: At the start of the broken bridge connecting to Wayfinder's Tomb, there is a ledge by the left-hand side. Jump down to obtain the Scroll
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: A Scavenger Droid can be found at the bottom of the broken bridge connecting to Wayfinder's Tomb
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: By the platform where you can find a Force Upgrade and a Relter, drop down to obtain the Scroll
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: In the area near the broken bridge, you will find a Scavenger Droid
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: From the Crypt of Uhrma Meditation Point, go behind the right Jedi statue to find the scroll in the breakable pots
Area: Sanctuary Temple
Where to Find: Head to the very right of the temple to find a small room with a workbench and a green forcefield. The Scroll can be found by the artwork on the wall.
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: From the Buried Refuge Meditation Point, follow the tunnel into the area and go past the Green Force Field into the room with water. The Scroll can be found by some brown pots.


Fish Name: Snakefish
Location: Arid Flats
How to Get: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, turn right and head to the climbable ledge
Fish Name: Snakefish
Location: Arid Flats
How to Get: From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, turn right and head to the climbable ledge

Purchasable Collectibles

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Assembly
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Assembly
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Assembly
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Assembly
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Serenity
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Justice
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Detachment
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Serenity
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Justice
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Temperance
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Detachment
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Temperance
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Serenity
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Imperial
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Worn Metal
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator and Zee's Shop on the second floor.
Collectible: Soft Leather
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Rebel Paint
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Collectible: Hard Plastoid
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator and Zee's Shop on the second floor.
Collectible: Jedha Paint
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: The Archive
Where to Find: Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

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Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
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