Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Jedha Buried Refuge Door Puzzle Solution

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Jedi Survivor Jedha Burried Refuge Door Puzzle Solution
Force Pull the lever rope to remove the obstructions blocking the door to solve the Buried Refuge Door Puzzle in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn its exact location and how to solve the Jedha Door puzzle.

Buried Refuge Door Puzzle Solution

How to Open Jedha Door Puzzle

Buried Refuge Door Puzzle Solution
1 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 1
By this giant door in Sanctuary Temple, there are two giant mechanisms that can be Force Pulled towards the middle. They need to lock together in order for the door to be opened. Unfortunately, there are metal obstructions beside the door that are preventing the mechanisms to attach.
2 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 2
You will find two levers on top of the door. They both function as a trigger to elevate the metal obstructions beside the door.
3 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 3
Force Pull the left lever to fully elevate the corresponding metal obstruction, then attach the lever to the holding mechanism. The obstruction will stay elevated.
4 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 4
Force Pull the left door mechanism. It should go straight and stop at the right obstruction.
5 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 5
Release the lever attached to the holding mechanism. The left obstruction will go down again.
6 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 6
Force Pull the left door mechanism again. It should move back to the left, and stop at the left obstruction. This part is now at the correct position.
7 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 7
It's time to do the right part of the door. Begin by Force Pulling the right door mechanism.
8 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 8
While the right door mechanism is moving, immediately Force Pull the right lever. There won't be a holding mechanism for this lever, you simply have to hold it yourself.
9 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 9
If done correctly, the right door mechanism will go straight, through the right obstruction and stop beside the left door mechanism. You can release the lever after this happens. If it doesn't, you'll have to repeat the two previous steps again.
10 Jedi Survivor - Locate Brother Armias Puzzle 10
Force Push the door to open it. You'll now be able to proceed to the Buried Refuge area.

Buried Refuge Door Puzzle Location

Where to Find Buried Refuge Door Puzzle

Map Location In-Game Location
Jedha - Buried Refuge

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