Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Nova Garon Collectibles

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Nova Garon is one of the planets you can roam and visit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more about all the collectibles that can be found on this planet, and more!

Planet Walkthrough Planet Collectibles
Nova Garon Walkthrough Nova Garon Collectibles

All Nova Garon Collectibles

All Tanalorr Collectibles
Chests BD-1 Scans Force Echoes
Priorite Shards Force Essences Skill Point


In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Bomber
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: Use the Upgraded Ascension Cable on the balloon in the Hangar Bay to jump onto the railed-off ledge above the entrance of the Hangar Bay.
Collectible: Inquisitor Paint
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Hangar Bay Exterior
Where to Find: From the Priorirte Shard, double-jump on the wall again to find the chest at the end of a narrow hall.
Collectible: Inquisitor Paint
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: At the furthest end of the Central Command hall (away from Officer's Quarters).
Collectible: Map Upgrade: Databank
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: After the cutscene with Denvik, you'll find the Map Upgrade at the corner by the window.

BD-1 Scans

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: ISB Base Structure
Area: Hangar Bay Exterior
Where to Find: Found in the Hangar Bay
Databank Entry: Buried in the center of a frozen asteroid cluster, the Imperial Security Bureau established a listening post and operations hub - where better to remain out of sight?
Collectible: Electron Wall
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: Found as you drop down to the Hangar Bay.
Databank Entry: Used in high security Imperial bases, an electron wall only allows non-organics to pass through unharmed. Anything else is painfully admonished.
Collectible: Back-Up Servers
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: From the Force Echo in the last room, slash the tubes and drop down from the beam. After eliminating the enemies in the area, you can scan the server at the center of the room.
Databank Entry: Security protocols dictate multiple, closed-network abackup servers in case of unexpected power loss or enemy incursion.
Collectible: Espionage Data And Tracker
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: Found in Bode Akuna's room in the Officer's Quarters.
Databank Entry: Evidence of how vast Bode's information collection and espionage missionwas. Information deatilling the Jedha Archive, Koboh, and the Mantis.
Collectible: Audio Message
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: Found in Bode Akuna's room in the Officer's Quarters.
Databank Entry: An audio message from Bode to Kata, timestamp unknown, where he promises to be home soon with a gift.
Collectible: Officer's Linens
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: After the cutscene with Denvik, you'll find the Scan by some lockers.
Databank Entry: The outfit of an ISB officer. While known for being terrifyingly formal, Imperial attire is not know for being comfortable.
Collectible: Credential's Checkpoint
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: Found in the far end room of the Central Command, the central room next to the rotating platform.
Databank Entry: Imperial security checkpoints are equipped with security protocol scanners designed to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering.

Force Echoes

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Mind Trick Sabotage
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: Found in the adjacent room from the Hangar Bay central room.
Databank Entry: Bode, keen to make his escape, touches the mind of an imperial agent, compelling him to allow access.
Collectible: Family Portrait
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: Found in Bode Akuna's room in the Officer's Quarters.
Databank Entry: Bode comforts his daughter, Kata, after her mother - Bode's wife - is killed.

Priorite Shards

In-game Location Map Location
Area: Hangar Bay Exterior
Where to Find: From the Hangar Bay, take the right at the first intersection, then a left at the next intersection. The shard will be on top of an elevated platform you can reach by doublejumping.
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: When you pass through the first electron wall, take a right and the shard will be in the adjacent room.
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: Found after jump climbing one of the walls in the left most room of the Central Command.
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: Found in an elevated platform past the revolving red electron walls.
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: From the center, head for the doorway across the huge gap and you'll find the Shard on the floor.

Force Essences

Map Location In-game Location
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: Found in the left wing of past the last Force Echo in the Hangar Bay.

Skill Point

Map Location In-game Location
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, follow the path forward and you'll see a door on your left by the corner. Enter it and you'll find the Essence inside.

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All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
BD-1 Upgrades -

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