Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Survival Skills

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Survival Skills

In Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Survival skills are abilities that increase the player's health, healing, and other gauges. Read on to see a full list of the game's Survival Skills, what their effects are, the skill tree, and more!

Skill Trees
Survival Lightsaber Force

All Survival Skills


Jedi Survivor - Survival Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Survival Skills
Survival Skills
1 SP Cal's Maximum Life is increased.
2 Fallen Order Icon Focused Sight
Focused Sight
2 SP Hold Evade/Drop button to automatically evade incoming melee attacks.
(Uses Force)
How to Unlock: Defeat The Ninth Sister in Coruscant.
3 Fallen Order Icon Improved Stim Formula
Improved Stim Formula
1 SP Cal recovers additional Life when using a stim canister from BD-1.
4 Fallen Order Icon Perfected Stim Formula
Perfected Stim Formula
2 SP Cal recovers additional Life when using a stim canister from BD-1.
5 Fallen Order Icon Teamwork
1 SP Reduces time required to heal with a BD-1 stim.
6 Fallen Order Icon The Power of Friendship
The Power of Friendship
2 SP BD-1's stim canisters refill some Force Meter.
7 Fallen Order Icon Improved Survival Skills
Improved Survival Skills
2 SP Cal's Maximum Life is increased.
8 Fallen Order Icon Greater Reflexes
Greater Reflexes
1 SP Block Meter refills faster.
9 Fallen Order Icon Expert Survival Skills
Expert Survival Skills
2 SP Cal's Maximum Life is increased.

Survival Skill Tree

 ┗ Resilience (12 SP total)
  ┗ Survival Skills (1 SP)
   ┣ Focused Sight (2 SP)
   ┣ Improved Stim Formula (1 SP)
   ┃┣ Perfected Stim Formula (2 SP)
   ┃┗ Teamwork (1 SP)
   ┃ ┗ The Power of Friendship (2 SP)
   ┗ Improved Survival Skills (2 SP)
    ┣ Greater Reflexes (1 SP)
    ┗ Expert Survival Skills (2 SP)

What are Survival Skills?

Skills that Affect Life and Healing

Survival skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are abilities that affect the player's life. These skills help players last longer during combat encounters and exploration without resting in Meditation Points.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Skill

List of Skills and Skill Trees

List of Skill Trees

Survival Lightsaber Force


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