Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat Drya Thornne Boss Guide

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How to Beat Drya Thornne Boss Guide - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Drya Thornne can be defeated by parrying most of his attacks in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more on how to beat Drya Thornne, where Drya Thornne is, and the rewards from defeating Drya Thornne.

How to Beat Drya Thornne

How to Beat Drya Thornne
3-Hit Attack and Wide Slash
Blaster Shots
Two-Hit Overhead Attack (Unblockable)

Parry Drya Thornne's Attacks

Drya Thornne Parry - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

The most important part of this fight is to parry Drya Thornne's attacks. He only has two unblockable attacks, which are his grenade throw and a double overhead slash. Everything else, like his regular hits and blaster shots, can be parried.

3-Hit Attack and Wide Slash

Drya Thornne uses a crossguard which makes his attacks slow. His 3-Hit attack and wide vertical slash can be easily parried, and he uses them frequently. Break his guard by parrying him whenever he uses these.

Blaster Shots

All of Drya Thornne's blaster shots can be parried as well. He will usually shoot 3 consecutive waves of blaster shots, and occasionally throws a grenade to follow it up with blaster shots again. Aside from the grenade, focus on parrying all of his shots to whittle down his health.

Two-Hit Overhead Attack

Whenever Drya Thornne starts sprinting towards you, he will follow it up with an overhead attack. While this can be parried, he will quickly follow it up with an overhead attack that is unblockable. Make sure to dodge to the side instead whenever he runs to you or does an overhead attack instead.

Lock onto Drya Thornne Immediately

Drya Thornne Lock On - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

The moment Drya Thornne is introduced, he will go invisible and do a surprise attack. Lock onto Drya Thornne immediately as he enters the room so you can track him easily wherever he goes.

Utilize Lunge or Dash Attacks

Drya Thornne is weak to lunge and dash attacks. Try to use these skills whenever he's far and just standing there. The best time to dash or lunge at him would be after his 3 waves of blaster attacks.

Force Push His Grenade

Whenever he throws out a grenade, use Force Push to throw the grenade back at him. Make sure to react and push quickly since he will follow up with blaster shots which can interrupt your Force Push.

Where to Find Drya Thornne

Boss in Shattered Moon

Shattered Moon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Drya Thornne can be located in Shattered Moon as part of the main story. He is the boss in the area while you complete the Research Tanalorr on Shattered Moon objective.

Shattered Moon Walkthrough

Drya Thornne Rewards

Crossguard Stance

Crossguard Lightsaber Reward - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Players will unlock the Crossguard Stance after defeating Drya Thornne. During a cutscene, Cal will pick up Drya's lightsaber and incorporate the crossguard as his own.

All Lightsaber Stances

Force Echo

Drya Thornne Force Echo Reward - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

There is also a Force Echo for you to interact with after beating Drya Thornne. The Force Echo will be located on the same table where Cal picked up the mysterious High Republic device.

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