Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Tanalorr Walkthrough

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★ Make sure to get all the BD-1 Upgrades to help in combat!
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Jedi Survivor - Tanalorr Banner
This is a walkthrough for the planet Tanalorr in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on for a detailed walkthrough of Tanalorr, location maps for the main objectives, tips, and strategies on how to finish every goal and puzzle, and a list of all obtainable items, enemies, and bosses!

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Koboh Part 5 -

Tanalorr Walkthrough

Tanalorr Objectives

1 Confront Bode on Tanalorr

Confront Bode on Tanalorr

Confront Bode on Tanalorr
1 Jedi Survivor - Tanalorr Step 1
Travel to the Verdant Gardens with Merrin.
2 Jedi Survivor - Tanalorr Step 2
Find the Ceremonial Fountain and head inside the Temple Atrium in search of Kata. Players will be able to find a meditation poin for Cal to save up.
3 Jedi Survivor - Tanalorr Step 3
After finding and talking to Kata, he helps you find Bode. Once finding Bode he will attack Cal and Merrin.

Bode Attack Patterns

All Bode Attacks
Bode opens the battle by throwing three bombs. He will most likely follow up with his blaster.
If Cal is too far from Bode, he is most likely to use his blaster on Cal.
Whenver Bode gets pressured by lightsaber attacks while he is blocking he has the tendency to use a Force Push to create distance.
After falling to the floor below and entering the 2nd phase of the battle, Bode opens with a lightsaber throw. This is easy to avoid but be careful closing distance as he will also drop a couple of bombs.

Bode Fight Aftermath and End Credits

Confront Bode on Tanalorr
1 Jedi Survivor - Tanalorr Step 4
After defeating Bode, the Mantis crew buries the dead, and the credits roll.
2 Jedi Survivor - Tanalorr Step 5
At the end credits scene, the Mantis crew decide to make Tanalorr their permanent home and lets Kata join the crew.

Is There a Secret Ending?

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# Story Chapter Unlockables
1 Coruscant Walkthrough ・Double-Bladed Stance
・Dual Wield Stance
2 Koboh Walkthrough ・Rumors
・Jedi Chambers
3 Jedha Walkthrough ・Blaster Stance
・The Archive
4 Shattered Moon Walkthrough ・Crossguard Stance
5 Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough ・Koboh Grinder
6 Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough ・Dash Ability
7 Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough ・Lift and Slam Ability
8 Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough ・Upgraded Ascension Cable
9 Koboh Part 4 Walkthrough ・Electro Dart
10 Jedha Part 3 Walkthrough -
11 Nova Garon Walkthrough ・Dark Side Ability
12 Koboh Part 5 Walkthrough -
13 Tanalorr Walkthrough -


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