Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Force Skills

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Survival Skills

In Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Force skills are abilities that utilize or relate to the player's Force Meter. Read on to see a full list of the game's Force Skills, what their effects are, the skill tree, and more!

Skill Trees
Survival Lightsaber Force

All Force Skills

Jedi Concentration

Jedi Survivor - Jedi Concentration Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Attunement
1 SP Cal's Maximum Force is increased.
2 Fallen Order Icon Channelled Energy
Channelled Energy
1 SP Cal regains more Force when he defeats an enemy, and regains some Force when he hits a blocking enemy.
3 Fallen Order Icon Swift Focus
Swift Focus
1 SP Increase Force recovery when performing a successful Precision Evade.
4 Fallen Order Icon Lucid Attunement
Lucid Attunement
2 SP Cal's Maximum Force is further increased.
5 Fallen Order Icon Enlightened Attunement
Enlightened Attunement
2 SP Cal's Maximum Force is further increased.
6 Fallen Order Icon Greater Hold
Greater Hold
1 SP Increase the duration of Slow's effect on enemies.
7 Fallen Order Icon Extended Hold
Extended Hold
3 SP The first strike against enemies affected by Slow will not break the Slow effect.
8 Fallen Order Icon Superior Hold
Superior Hold
1 SP Further increase the duration of Slow's effect on enemies.


Jedi Survivor - Telekinesis Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
01 Fallen Order Icon Wrenching Pull
Wrenching Pull
1 SP Press the Pull and Push buttons to wrench groups of enemies closer together.
(Uses Force)
02 Fallen Order Icon Twin Pull
Twin Pull
2 SP While holding an enemy with Pull, press the Force Attack button to pull and hold a second target.
(Uses Force)
03 Fallen Order Icon Unrelenting Pull
Unrelenting Pull
3 SP Hold the Pull button to affect the largest and most force-resistant enemies.
(Uses Force)
04 Fallen Order Icon Radial Push
Radial Push
1 SP Press the Push and Force Attack buttons to push a wide area, causing multiple enemies to stagger
(Uses Force)
05 Fallen Order Icon Howling Push
Howling Push
2 SP Hold the Push button to push enemies in a much larger radius, and with a greater effect.
(Uses Force)
06 Fallen Order Icon Parry Push
Parry Push
2 SP Press the Push button right before an enemy attacks to send them flying.
(Uses Force)
07 Fallen Order Icon Soaring Lift
Soaring Lift
2 SP Hold Slow button and Force Attack button to lift your target as well as nearby enemies.
(Uses Force)
How to Unlock: Unlocked in the 3rd visit to Koboh (Chapter 4)
08 Fallen Order Icon Mass Slam
Mass Slam
2 SP Hold Slow button and Jump button to Slam groups of enemies.
(Uses Force)
How to Unlock: Unlocked in the 3rd visit to Koboh (Chapter 4)
09 Fallen Order Icon Power Slam
Power Slam
2 SP Hold Slow button and Jump button for bigger hit reactions from affected enemies.
(Uses Force)
How to Unlock: Unlocked in the 3rd visit to Koboh (Chapter 4)
10 Fallen Order Icon Gravitational Mastery
Gravitational Mastery
1 SP Increase Soaring Lift and Mass Slam radius.
(Uses Force)
How to Unlock: Unlocked in the 3rd visit to Koboh (Chapter 4)
11 Fallen Order Icon Power Lift
Power Lift
1 SP Hold Slow button and Force Attack button to lift larger enemies.
(Uses Force)
How to Unlock: Unlocked in the 3rd visit to Koboh (Chapter 4)


Jedi Survivor - Confusion Skill Tree

No. Skill Cost Description
1 Fallen Order Icon Addled Mind
Addled Mind
1 SP Increases the amount of time enemies will attack other enemies while Confused.
2 Fallen Order Icon Confounded Mind
Confounded Mind
2 SP Increases the amount of time enemies will attack other enemies while Confused.
3 Fallen Order Icon Greater Confusion
Greater Confusion
1 SP Hold the Slow button then press the Evade button after Confusing a target to Confuse an additional enemy.
(Uses Force)
4 Fallen Order Icon Amplification
2 SP Confused enemies deal additional damage.
5 Fallen Order Icon Redirected Strength
Redirected Strength
2 SP Hold the Parry/Block button and press the Slow button while holding a Pulled enemy to force them to fire their weapon. Works on humanoids only.
(Uses Force)
6 Fallen Order Icon Superior Confusion
Superior Confusion
2 SP Successfully Confuse otherwise resistant humanoid enemies.
(Uses Force)
7 Fallen Order Icon Confusion Mastery
Confusion Mastery
2 SP Successfully Confuse even the most resistant humanoid enemies.
(Uses Force)

Force Skill Tree

 ┣ Jedi Concentration (12 SP total)
 ┃┗ Attunement (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Channelled Energy (1 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Swift Focus (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Lucid Attunement (2 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Enlightened Attunement (2 SP)
 ┃ ┗ Greater Hold (1 SP)
 ┃  ┗ Extended Hold (3 SP)
 ┃   ┗ Superior Hold (1 SP)
 ┣ Telekinesis (11 SP total)
 ┃┗ Wrenching Pull (1 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Twin Pull (2 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Unrelenting Pull (3 SP)
 ┃ ┣ Radial Push (1 SP)
 ┃ ┃┗ Howling Push (2 SP)
 ┃ ┃ ┗ Parry Push (2 SP)
 ┃ ┗ Soaring Lift (2 SP)
 ┃  ┣ Mass Slam (2 SP)
 ┃  ┃┗ Power Slam (2 SP)
 ┃  ┗ Gravitational Mastery (1 SP)
 ┃   ┗ Powerlift (1 SP)
 ┗ Confusion (12 SP total)
  ┗ Addled Mind (1 SP)
   ┣ Confounded Mind (2 SP)
   ┗ Greater Confusion (1 SP)
    ┣ Amplification (2 SP)
    ┣ Redirected Strength (2 SP)
    ┗ Superior Confusion (2 SP)
     ┗ Confusion Mastery (2 SP)

What are Force Skills?

Skills that Utilize or Relate to Force Meter

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Force Skills are abilities that utilize or improve the player's Force Meter. These skills add variety to how a player can tackle combat encounters. They also add different ways to maneuver during fights, allowing you to manipulate enemy actions and positions.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Skill

List of Skills and Skill Trees

List of Skill Trees

Survival Lightsaber Force


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