Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Bode Akuna Character Profile

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Bode Akuna
Bode Akuna is a non-playable character in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and an ally of Cal Kestis in the game. Read on to learn more about Bode's role, affliation, voice actor, backstory, and more.

Bode Akuna's Character Profile

Bode Akuna
Bode Akuna
Occupation Mercenary
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Stinger Mantis Crew
Race Human (Male)
Voice Actor Noshir Dalal

Who is Bode Akuna?

Mercenary and Mantis Ally

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bode Akuna Profile

Not much is known about Bode Akuna, aside from his disdain towards the Empire. As a mercenary, he allies himself with Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and uses his exemplary skills as a gunslinger to help fight against the forces of the Empire.

Additionally, the director of the game, Stig Asmussen, has stated that the relationship shared between Bode Akuna and Cal Kestis is akin to a bond shared by brothers.

Bode Akuna Companion Skills

Capable Marksman

Star Wars Jedi_ Survivor - Official Reveal Trailer 1-22 screenshot (3)
In the Official Reveal Trailer of the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Bode Akuna can be seen helping Cal take down enemies as an NPC.

As a gunslinger, Bode's gameplay mechanic as an NPC support may see him more as a long-range specialist that uses hand-to-hand combat every now and then.

Jedi Survivor's director Stig Asmussen has also stated that Bode will act as a sort of Buddy A.I. and help Cal in both combat and traversal.

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