Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Dialogue Choices and Consequences

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Dialogue Choices and Consequences - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

The dialogue choices in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor do not have any consequences to the main story whatsoever. Learn more about dialogue choices and how it affects the game!

Do Dialogue Choices Affect Story?

Dialogue Choices Don't Affect Story

The dialogue choices in Jedi Survivor are inconsequential and do not have any effect to the main story of the game. While these choices do not have major consequences to the story, it can show unique scenes or change the direction of your experience of the story.

Major Choices Revolve Around Planet Sequencing

Travel to Previous Planets - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

For example, players sometimes encounter the choice to explore between two different planets where one is more difficult, but more rewarding than the other. Regardless of what the player chooses, it will not affect the story and they can explore the other planet later on in the game.

List of Dialogue Choices and Consequences

Trust or Reward (Coruscant)

Jedi Survivor - Senator Sejan Choice

Choice Consequence
Trust Senator Sejan unlocks the terminal.
Reward Senator Sejan unlocks the terminal.

Trust or Reward? Jedi Mind Trick Choice Guide

Being Careful or Moving Quicker (Jedha)

Jedi Survivor - Jedha Choice

Choice Consequence
Being Careful Cal will give his reasons to resting.
Moving Quicker Cal will agree with Merrin.

Being Careful or Moving Quicker Choice

Shattered Moon or Koboh (Jedha)

Shattered Moon or Koboh

Choice Consequence
Shattered Moon The planet is a combat-heavy experience.
Koboh The second visit is focused on exploring, collectible hunts, and puzzle solving.

Shattered Moon or Koboh Choice Guide

Nothing to See Here or Inspection (Koboh)

Jedi Survivor - Nothing to See Here or Inspection Choice

Choices Result
Nothing to See Here The Stormtrooper opens the door.
Inspection The Stormtrooper opens the door.

Nothing to See Here or Inspection Choice Guide

Classified or Intruder (Nova Garon)

Choices Result
Classified The ISB Officer won't let you in.
Intruder The ISB Officer won't let you in.

Nova Garon ISB Officer Choices Guide

Threaten or Deceive (Nova Garon)

Choices Result
Threaten The ISB Officer will let you in.
Deceive The ISB Officer will let you in.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Related Guides

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Walkthrough Wiki

Jedi Survivor Guide and Walkthrough

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