Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half Location and How to Beat

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Corde and PR-85T
Find Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half is a Bounty found in Halls of Ranvell on Jedha in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Find out where to find Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half, and how to quickly beat them.

Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half Location

Halls of Ranvell

From the Halls of Ranvell Meditation circle, head left and use the zipline to reach the cliff where you will find both bounty hunters.

How to Quickly Beat Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half

Use Howling Push to Make Them Fall

The fastest way to beat Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half is by using Howling Push to make them fall off the cliff. Both bounty hunters do not have Jetpacks and will instantly die when they fall off.

You still complete the bounty and get their bounty pucks through this method.

Best Skills to Get First

Scan Them Before Fighting

Scanning Corde the Half and PR-85T the Other Half adds progression to your tactical guide even if you push them off to instantly kill them.

Lure them near the zipline and go back to the other end, this will allow you to scan them.
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Who is Corde the Half?

Cyborg Bounty Hunter

Jedi Survivor - Corde the HalfCorde the Half Never seen without her "better half', Corde complements her eye-of-a-needle aim with a slicer's intuition, performing deadly upgrades on her droid companion. She's known for cannibalizing the necessary parts from 'lesser' droids.

Who is PR-85T the Other Half?

Empath Turned Killer

Jedi Survivor - PR-85T the Other HalfPR-85T the Other Half PR-85T may once have been a garden-variety bounty droid, but years of tinkering and upgrading have left him full of perilous surprises - at the cost of any traces of empathy he may have once had.

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