Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Bounty Hunter Locations

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Jedi Survivor - All Bounty Locations
Bounties are unlocked after defeating the bounty hunter Korej Lim and meeting Caij Vanda in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Learn all bounty hunter locations, how to unlock and track bounties, and the reward for completing all bounties!

All Bounty Hunter Locations and Rumors

All Bounties and Bounty Hunters
Coruscant Koboh Jedha
Shattered Moon Nova Garon -

Coruscant Bounty Hunters

Bounty Location
Gatt Medo IconGatt Medo
Found in a room guarded by Haxion Brood Commandos at the lower levels of the Freight Handling Depot (Coruscant).

Koboh Bounty Hunters

Bounty Location
Korej LimKorej Lim
Koboh Campaign (Koboh Part 2)
Meyen CorrMeyen Corr
Found on the path from the Boiling Buff to the Untamed Downs (Koboh).
Kip Ostar IconKip Ostar
Found hiding in the broken tunnel with roller mines in the Derelict Dam (Koboh).
Raz IconRaz
Found in the upper level of the Forest Array (Koboh).
Selfin Jook IconSelfin Jook
Found in one of the platforms of the Observatory Understructure and is accompanied by two other bounty hunters. (Koboh)
Vaslyn Martz IconVaslyn Martz
Found as you progress the Fogged Expanse area (Koboh).
Jo the Cannibal IconJo the Cannibal
Found in the Yurt Barracks and is accompanied by a Magnaguard Droid and a Bedlam Raider.

Keep in mind that the nearest fast travel point is the Loading Gantry (Koboh).
Caij Icon.pngCaij Vanda
Can only be tracked after completing all 16 bounties and is encountered in the Devastated Settlement. (Koboh)

Jedha Bounty Hunters

Bounty Location
Corde IconCorde The Half
Found at the top of the cliff of the Halls of Ranvell along with PR-85T (Jedha).
PR-85T IconPR-85T The Other Half
Found at the top of the cliff of the Halls of Ranvell along with Corde (Jedha).
Yuhong IconYuhong
Found in the Anchorite's Base in the Path of Restoration's region (Jedha).
Kili Oso IconKili Oso
Located inside the Sanctuary Temple when the Haxion Brood takes over the Timeworn Bridge.

Note that the nearest fast travel point is the Timeworn Bridge as fast traveling to the temple is not allowed (Jedha).

Shattered Moon Bounty Hunters

Bounty Location
Mash IconMash
Found in the Automated Forge area without the Droid NPC (Shattered Moon)

Nova Garon Bounty Hunters

Bounty Location
Masi Finau IconMasi Finau
Found in the Hangar Bay Exterior along with Kle-0 and Fenn Finau (Nova Garon).
KLE-0 IconKLE-0
Found in the Hangar Bay Exterior along with Masi and Fenn Finau (Nova Garon).
Fenn Finau IconFenn Finau
Found in the Hangar Bay Exterior along with Kle-0 and Masi Finau (Nova Garon).

Best Way to Farm Bounties

Hunt All Bounties on the Same Planet

Jedi Survivor - Coruscant.png
The most efficient way to farm bounties is by hunting your targets consecutively on each planet. This way you only need to go back to Caij when collecting your reward and tracking other bounties on a different planet.

How to Unlock Bounties and Bounty Hunters

Defeat Korej Lim

Kip Ostar Rumor Start

While progressing through Koboh Part 2, you'll be attacked by Korej Lim and have to defeat him. Afterward, you'll have unlocked the Bounties feature. You can get new bounties from Caij at the saloon by talking to her (not interacting with her shop).

How to Track Bounties and Bounty Hunters

Complete Bounties then Return to Caij

Complete Bounties
Completing bounties allow you to track your next targets, making it easier to hunt them down. Caij will give you a general location of your next bounty.

However, you could also just go straight to the bounty's location and eliminate the bounty before ever speaking to Caij. You can refer to the above list of all Bounty Hunter locations.

▲ Back to All Bounty Hunter Locations

Completing All Bounties Rewards

Caij's Blaster

Jedi Survivor Caij Vanda Blaster

After the fight with Caij, players can claim her blaster for their use and customization.

Caij Vanda Blaster

Caij Match Trophy

Caij Match
You receive the Caij Match trophy after defeating Caij and completing the bounty tree.

All Achievements and Trophies List

Special Cameo

Jedi Survivor Boba Fett

After defeating Caij, Boba Fett intervenes and provides a spectacular cameo for all Star Wars fans, showcasing his bounty-hunting skills that we all expect from Jango Fett's special clone.

How to Meet Boba Fett

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1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

The bounty hunters won't spawn without talking to Caij. There's currently a few issues with the bounty hunter missions.


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