Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Blaster Parts

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Jedi Survivor - All Blaster Parts and Components

Blaster Parts allow you to customize the look of your blaster weapon in Jedi Survivor. Learn all available blaster customization options, all blaster part locations, and where to find all barrels, bodies, and grips!

List of All Blaster Parts and Components

All Blaster Parts and Components
LW-896 Arakyd Heavy Model 13
Showdown Quickdraw K3 Vindicator
Swoop Skeleton Key Enforcer
RSKF-44 Caij Vanda Combustion
DL-44 - -


Unlocked with the Blaster

Blaster Workbench

The LW-896 Blaster set is the default parts attached to the blaster when you unlock it. This includes the barrel, body, and grip. You can unlock the Blaster after you finish your first visit to Jedha.

LW-896 Blaster Parts and Components

Arakyd Heavy

Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Arakyd Heavy Cosmetics
Arakyd Heavy


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Grapple on to some vines at the edge of a high platform and you'll find chest near the ponds at the edge.
Jedi Survivor - Arakyd Heavy Cosmetics
Arakyd Heavy


Planet: Koboh | Area: Corroded Silo
From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, take the flying mount and fly towards the roof of the large silo on the right. Use Lift and Slam to open the hole and drop down. Follow the path, take the zip, and wall run towards the platform above. You'll find the chest by the corner.
Currently Unavailable
Arakyd Heavy


Planet: Koboh | Area: Untamed Downs
Turn left in Untamed Downs when coming from Bygone Settlement meditation circle. The red chest is on a cliff facing Harvest Ridge. Shoot an Electro Dart at the machine underneath the red chest.

Arakyd Heavy Blaster Parts and Components

Model 13

Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Model 13 Cosmetics
Model 13


Planet: Shattered Moon | Area: Republic Research Library
Outside the area where you unlock the ability to traverse the balloons, before moving forward, grab onto the first balloon and look back and up to find a platform with the chest.
Jedi Survivor - Model 13 Cosmetics
Model 13


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Can be bought from Caij's Bounty Board with Bounty Pucks.
Cost: 1 Bounty Puck
Jedi Survivor - Model 13 Cosmetics
Model 13


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Can be bought from Caij's Bounty Board with Bounty Pucks.
Cost: 1 Bounty Puck

Model 13 Blaster Parts and Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Showdown Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Can be bought from Caij's Bounty Board with Bounty Pucks.
Cost: 1 Bounty Puck
Jedi Survivor - Showdown Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Can be bought from Caij's Bounty Board with Bounty Pucks.
Cost: 1 Bounty Puck
Jedi Survivor - Showdown Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Observatory Understructure
Drop down to a hidden platform in the middle layer of the Observatory Understructure

Showdown Blaster Parts and Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Quickdraw Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Southern Reach
Head above the cave blocked with Koboh Matter and drop down inside. Move forward on to the platform in the center and bring the Orb on the side back to coupler. Follow the laser until the end and use the Koboh Grinder to make a path inside the nearby hut and have it explode. You'll find the chest inside the hut.

Quickdraw Blaster Parts and Components

K3 Vindicator

Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - K3 Vindicator Cosmetics
K3 Vindicator


Planet: Jedha | Area: Whistling Drop
Found beneath a ship wreckage with a Skriton nearby.
Jedi Survivor - K3 Vindicator Cosmetics
K3 Vindicator


Planet: Jedha | Area: Whistling Drop
Found behind the Meditation Point past a green laser wall.
Jedi Survivor - K3 Vindicator Cosmetics
K3 Vindicator


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Can be bought from Caij's Bounty Board with Bounty Pucks.
Cost: 1 Bounty Puck

K3 Vindicator Blaster Parts and Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Swoop Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Shoot an Electro Dart at the generator in Rambler's Reach Outpost then enter the door that opens up. You need to complete the Jawa Rumor first.

Swoop Blaster Parts and Components

Skeleton Key

Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Currently Unavailable
Skeleton Key


Planet: Jedha | Area: Monastery Walls
From the area in Monastery Walls overlooking the desert, grapple to the balloon in front of you then turn right to dash to the top of the wall-runnable wall. From there turn right and jump to the broken bridge on top.

Skeleton Key Blaster Parts and Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Enforcer Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Loading Gantry
From the white laser wall, head down the stairs on the right and follow the path. You'll find the chest on the right by the wall.
Jedi Survivor - Enforcer Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Yurt Barracks
From the Lucrehulk Core Meditation Point, take the path down on the left and circle around the hut on your left. Go through the narrow path and climb up the wall and jump and dash across. You'll find the chest in the platform to your left.
Jedi Survivor - Enforcer Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Yurt Barracks
On the platform left of the Yurt Barracks droid tanks. You have to use an Electro Dart on the machine across the red chest to open the chest.

Enforcer Blaster Parts and Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - RSKF-44 Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Can be bought from Caij's Bounty Board with Bounty Pucks.
Cost: 1 Bounty Puck
Jedi Survivor - RSKF-44 Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Fast travel to Republic Research Laboratory meditation circle. Head into the main chamber, then turn left and grapple to yellow balloon to reach the next platform. Use the Electro Dart on the machine across to open the red chest on the platform.
Jedi Survivor - RSKF-44 Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Imperial Post 8L-055
Across the giant gap lit up by red lights.

RSKF-44 Blaster Parts and Components

Caij Vanda

Complete All Bounties

Jedi Survivor Caij Blaster Bounties

To get the Caij Vanda blaster, you need to eliminate all 15 bounty hunters, then defeat the special bounty hunter boss. Afterward, you will obtain all Caij Vanda blaster parts at once.

Caij Vanda Blaster Parts and Components


Fallen Order - Combustion Blaster Cosmetics
Combustion Blaster
Pre-Order any edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Combustion Blaster Parts and Components


Fallen Order - DL-44 Blaster Cosmetics
DL-44 Blaster
Purchase the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

DL-44 Blaster Parts and Components

How to Change Blaster Parts

Customize Blaster on Workbenches

Workbench Jedi Survovor

You can customize the different parts and colors of the blaster in any workbench you encounter. The easiest workbench to find is the one the backroom of the Mantis.

Blaster Customization Guide

Materials Change Blaster Color

The materials customization grants players the option to change what the blaster is made out of. This essentially changes the color scheme of the components of the blaster. Similarly, you can find blaster materials by looting from chests. All weapon materials you get for the blaster also apply to the lightsaber.

List of All Weapon Materials

Do Blaster Parts Have Perks?

Blasters Have No Perks

Cosmetics in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor do not offer any perks or stat benefits. This means that players can freely customize and personalize their characters since it does not affect gameplay!

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