Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Path of Persistence Puzzle Solution and Location

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Jedi Survivor Path of Persistence Puzzle Solution
Use the force and move the marbles to complete and solve the puzzles in the Path of Persistence for Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn how to solve the Path of Persistence puzzle in Jedha to unlock the Wayfinder's Tomb puzzle and where to find the Northern Desert Ruins Rumor.

Wayfinder's Tomb Puzzle
Path of Conviction Path of Persistence Path of Restoration

Path of Persistence Puzzle Solution

How to Solve the Marble Puzzle

Path of Persistence Puzzle Solution
Use the zipline from Arid Flats to reach the Path of Persistence.
Head straight to your left using your grappling hook. You will have to fight Stormtroopers in this area.
Continue following the path until you reach the marble ahead.
Force-Push the marble to move the entire wall behind you.
Backtrack to the entrance but now you go to your left instead of right.
Use Force-Push on the marble and it will reach the top.
Before returning to the first marble, you can use the Ascension Cable Ballons behind you to grab the Industrial BD-1 Components on the hidden platform.
Return to the first marble and move the wall back to its original position.
Head outside and perform a wall run to reach the peak of the Path of Persistence.
Defeat all of the enemies present in the area.
Pick up the Force Echo near the marble.
Use Force-Push on the marble to complete the Path of Persistence.
After you complete the puzzle in the Path of Persistence, A hatch will open up where you can pick up a New Perk Slot.

Path of Persistence Puzzle Reward

1 of the 3 Paths Required for Wayfinder's Tomb

Completing the Path of Persistence is 1 of the 3 requirements that you need to complete to access the Wayfinder's Tomb at the center of Arid Flats. You need to complete the Path of Conviction and Path of Restoration to unlock the Wayfinder's Tomb.

Path of Conviction Path of Persistence Path of Restoration

Perk Slot

Jedi Survivor Path of Persistence Reward.png
By finishing the Path of Persistence, a hatch on your right with a New Perk Slot will open up. Note that the Perk Slot only appears after pushing the last marble.

All Perk Slot Locations

How to Get Path of Persistence Chest

Industrial BD-1 Components

Jedi Survivor Path of Persistence Chest

The Path of Persistence chest contains the Industrial BD-1 Components. To get to the Path of Persistence chest, you need to grapple using the Upgraded Ascension Cable and you'll find the chest on your left by the corner.

How to Get Upgraded Ascension Cable

How to Get to Path of Persistence

Where to Find Path of Persistence Puzzle

Map Location In-Game Location
Jedha - Path of Persistence

Path of Persistence Rumor

How to Discover Ruins in the Northern Desert Rumor

Northern Desert Ruins In Game
You will come across the Path of Persistence if you are doing the Ruins in the Northern Desert Rumor. This rumor can be discovered by speaking to Eno Cordova at The Archive.

You may go to the Path of Persistence even if you haven't discovered the rumor, but it is required to unlock the Ruins in the Southern Desert Rumor.

Ruins in the Northern Desert Rumor

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