Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Get Resilience Perk and Location

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Jedi Survivor Resilience Perk
The Resilience Perk can be acquired after completing the Chamber of Duality puzzle on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to get the Resilience Perk, where to get the Resilience Perk, and what effects the Resilience Perk has.

How to Get Resilience Perk

Solve the Chamber of Duality Puzzle in Koboh

Chamber of Duality Puzzle Solution
Pull the purple orb and place it on the glowing blue slot to create a bridge that leads to the central area.
▶︎ Chamber of Duality Puzzle Walkthrough
After crossing the bridge, pull the purple orb again and place it in the slot on your right.
Cross the second bridge and then use your Force-Pull to grab the rope.
While holding the rope, you can interact with the panel and attach it. This will hold the door open for you.
Pull the purple orb inside the room and return to the central area.
You can now use the two purple orbs that you have to open the central bridge has two slots.
Jump down the cliff on your left and head towards the end.
Here you will have to perform a wall-to-wall jump again to reach the top.
Use Force-Pull to grab the second rope and attach it to the panel.
Jump back down to the central area and help Zee.
Wait for Zee to open up the door that leads to the elevator.

Where to Get Resilience Perk

Find the Chamber of Duality

Map Location In-Game Location
Koboh - Rambler's Reach

Chamber of Duality Puzzle Walkthrough

Proceed Inside the Smuggler's Tunnel

How to Get to the Chamber of Duality
After receiving the Find the Gyro Module objective, head towards the Smuggler's Tunnels in Rambler's Reach.
Continue following the path and use your Force-Push to open the breakable wall.
At the end of the tunnel, grab the Gyro Module and a cutscene will play where you will fall to the Chamber of Duality.

Koboh Walkthrough

Resilience Perk Effects

Perk Cost / Effect
Resilience Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Resilience 1 slot
Increases your block meter.

The Resilience Perk greatly helps in deflecting blaster shots from multiple enemies. In situations where you are being outgunned by Stormtroopers or Droids, a sizeable block meter will go a long way in helping you get through a tight spot.
Best Perks to Get

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All Perks

All Jedi Survivor Perks
Resilience Perk Flux Perk
Steadfast Perk Perplexity Perk
Elixir Perk Wisdom Perk
Versatility Perk Equilibrium Perk
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Trendsetter Perk Fellowship Perk
Gambler Perk Persistence Perk
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Patience Perk Recuperation Perk
Fortification Perk Ambidexterity Perk
Marksmanship Perk -


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