Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Cere Junda Character Profile

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Cere Junda is a Human Jedi in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn Cere Junda's role in the story, character profile, and more!

Cere Junda Character Profile

Cere Junda
Cere Junda
Occupation Jedi Knight
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Jedi Order, Galactic Republic, Grand Army of the Republic, & Stinger Mantis crew
Race Human (Female)
Voice Actor Debra Wilson

Cere Junda Role in Jedi Survivor

Former Jedi Knight

Cere Junda is a former Jedi Knight and a survivor of Order 66/the Jedi Purge. Her padawan at the time was Trilla Suduri, who later became the Second Sister, one of the Jedi-hunting Inquisitors, and main antagonist of the preceding game Jedi: Fallen Order.

Mantis Crew Member and Teacher to Cal

In the years since Order 66, Cere joined Greez to form the crew of the Mantis. Later, Cere got former Jedi padawan Cal Kestis to join the Mantis crew and help track down a Jedi holocron, in attempts to rebuild the Jedi Order. In Jedi: Fallen Order, the Nightsister Merrin joined the crew as well.

Cere Junda Companion Skills

Blaster Wielder and Force User

Cere is a former Jedi Knight, knowledgable in ways of the Force and with lightsaber combat. However, she ditched her lightsaber back in the early days of the Empire, so she'll primarily use a blaster when she accompanies you on missions.

In Fallen Order, Cere retrieved the double-bladed lightsaber of her former padawan Trilla Suduri, but it's currently unconfirmed whether she'll use it in Jedi Survivor.

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