Star Wars Jedi Survivor

List of All Rumors and Side Quests

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Rumors and Sidequests

Rumors are Side Quests or optional missions players can complete to earn various rewards in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to see a list of all side quests available, their location and rewards, and if there are missable side quests!

List of Rumors

All Rumors

Side Quest Location Unlock Condition
Help Zygg in the Swamp Viscid Bog
✓ Speak to Monk at the bar after Zee is taken.
Find Missing Prospectors Sodden Grotto
✓ Speak to the Koboh Prospector at Southern Reach
Explore the Ruins in the Northern Desert Path of Persistence
✓ Speak to Eno Cordova once you reach the Archives
Defeat the Gorocco Matriarch Derelict Dam
✓ Speak to Mosey in Pyloon's Saloon
Check on the Jawa Settlement Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Speak to the Koboh Prospector near the entrance to Pyloon's Saloon
Use the Saloon's Jukebox Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Recruit Ashe Javi and DD-EC
Locate the Odd Pair Boiling Bluff
✓ Speak to Moran at the Saloon once the Mantis can be flown again.
Investigate the Abandoned Shack Foothill Falls
✓ Speak to the Prospector by the Stables.
Explore the Ruins in the Southern Desert Path of Restoration
✓ Speak to Eno Cordova after visiting the Northern Ruins
Explore High Republic Chamber on the Mountain Mountain Ascent
✓ Speak to Toa after Zee is taken.
Explore the High Republic Chamber in the Forest Chamber of Reason
✓ Talk to Toa in Basalt Forest on Koboh
Find Kip Ostar Derelict Dam
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Check in With Pili Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Speak to Pili at Pilgrim's Path
Recruit the Mysterious Fisherman Foothill Falls
✓ Speak to the Koboh Prospector at Nekko Pools
Investigate the Raider Watchtower Riverbed Watch
✓ Speak to the Koboh Prospector near the entrance to Rambler's Reach Outpost
Investigate the Central Valley Facility Alignment Control Center
✓ Speak to Turgle after fixing the Mantis
Find the Gorge's Secret Winding Ravine
✓ Speak to the Prospector near the exit of your room from the saloon.
Visit Zee's Shop Pyloon's Saloon
✓ Fix the Mantis after returning from the Forest Array.
Visit Doma's Shop Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Fix the Mantis after returning from the Forest Array.
Visit the Saloon's Garden Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Fix the Mantis after returning from the Forest Array.
Find the Musician and Their Droid Harvest Ridge
✓ Speak to Monk at the bar after fixing the Mantis.
Investigate the Roller Mine Factory Hunter's Quarry
✓ Speak to the Prospector with damaged hearing across the Saloon.
Find Jo the Cannibal Yurt Barracks
(Shattered Moon)
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Find Masi, Fenn, and Cleo Hangar Bay Exterior
(Nova Garon)
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Find Gatt Medo Freight Handling Depot
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Find Vaslyn Martz Fogged Expanse
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Find Kili Oso Sanctuary Temple
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Play a Holotactics Game Boiling Bluff
✓ Recruit Bhima and Tulli
Find Mash Hangar Bay Exterior
(Nova Garon)
✓ Speak to Caij in Pyloon's Saloon
Check on Wini & Zygg at Pyloon's Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Recruit Wini
Speak to Caij About Bounty Hunting Rambler's Reach Outpost
✓ Meet Caij in the Devastated Settlement during the Koboh Part 2 chapter

How to Find Rumors

Speak to NPCs

In order to find Rumors, you'll need to speak to their respective NPCS. It's important that when you speak to them, you finish the conversation.

Without finishing the conversation, you will not unlock the Rumor.

Are Rumors Missable?

Rumors are Not Missable

Since players can return to any planet they have already completed, it is likely that Rumors can be picked up and completed at any time. This means that players have the option to go back and do a Rumor whenever they want to, so feel free to pace your playthrough the way you prefer!

All Missables and Points of No Return

What are Rumors?

Optional Missions

Rumors are a new feature in the series that offers optional missions and side content for the players to experience. These quests will likely help players gain more skill points or earn customization items for Cal, the lightsaber, or BD-1. It also helps expand the world of Jedi Survivor, letting players get to know more about the world and its characters.

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor Walkthrough Wiki

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1 Orestesalmost 2 years

The game is really great. If you are looking for a good price for this game, I highly recommend the site. There are lots of games at great prices.


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