Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Get Patience Perk and Location

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Jedi Survivor Patience Perk.png
The Patience Perk can be acquired after completing the Chamber of Detachment in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to get the Patience Perk, where to get the Patience Perk, and what effects the Patience Perk has.

How to Get Patience Perk

Complete the Chamber of Detachment

Chamber of Detachment Puzzle Solution
Force-Pull the giant cube at the end of the hall and grab the purple orb behind it.
▶︎ Chamber of Detachment Puzzle Walkthrough
Place the purple orb on the slot at the right side of the chamber. This will allow it to fire a laser that stops after a few seconds.
Return the giant cube to its original position and then pull it back. Make sure you line it up perfectly so that when the cube passes, the laser is present.
Use BD-1 on the side of the cube while the laser is hitting it and follow it until it reaches the other giant cube covered in vines near the entrance.
Pick up the Jedi Paint - BD-1 Materials behind the other giant cube.
Now that you have two giant cubes, you need place one of them on top of the platform before it rises. You can do this by using one of the cubes to lower the platform and using Force-Push to place the other cube on top of it while it is lowered.
After that, you need to place your other cube below the platform and climb the vines on the cube to solve the puzzle.

Chamber of Detachment Puzzle Walkthrough

Where to Get Patience Perk

Head to the Mountain Ascent

How to Get to the Chamber of Detachment
In Mountain Ascent, you will have to perform a wall run to reach the other side of the ledge.
From there, you will be able to see the Green Laser Gate. You will need to pass this area to reach the Chamber of Detachment.
Head towards the Green Laser Gate and go through it using your Dash ability. Continue moving forward until you see a Skoova's ship below you.
Jump down and talk to Skoova to receive the Mee Fish.
While youre here, you can also pick up the Bomber pants inside the chest behind the bushes.
There is a nearby waterfall in the area. Pass through it and you will be able to see the Chamber of Detachment.

Patience Perk Effects

Perk Cost / Effect
Patience Perk Icon.pngPatience 3 slots
Using Slow also refills some Life.

The Patience Perk substantially raises the functionality of the Slow ability, in which it refills your health meter for every time you use it.

If this perk is paired up with the Persistence Perk, you'll be filling up your HP for every use of the Slow ability.
Best Perks to Get

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Precision Perk Fortitude Perk
Patience Perk Recuperation Perk
Fortification Perk Ambidexterity Perk
Marksmanship Perk -


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