Splatoon 3

How to Get Barazushi Wrap: Abilities and Brand

Barazushi Wrap is a gear from Splatoon 3 that you can get from the Clothing Shop. Read on to learn how to get the Barazushi Wrap, its default ability, price, brand, as well as its common and uncommon abilities.

Barazushi Wrap Overview

Barazushi Wrap Brand and Ability

Barazushi WrapBarazushi Wrap
Brand Type
BarazushiBarazushi Clothing
Default Ability Ability Slots
Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) 3

Common and Uncommon Abilities

Common Uncommon
Splatoon 3 Intensify ActionIntensify Action Splatoon 3 Sub Power UpSub Power Up

All Gear Brands and Compatible Abilities

How to Get Barazushi Wrap

Buy From the Clothing Shop

Jel La Fleur - Man-o

Price 7200

You can get the Barazushi Wrap by buying it from Jel La Fleur at the Man-o'-Wardrobe. You can get to the Clothing Shop by opening the menu with the 'x' button and selecting 'Clothing' among the other options.

Gear with the Same Brand as Barazushi Wrap


Moto ShadesMoto Shades Ink-Black Flap CapInk-Black Flap Cap


Barazushi Black TeeBarazushi Black Tee Barazushi Rice TeeBarazushi Rice Tee Barazushi AnorakBarazushi Anorak Barazushi Sakura TeeBarazushi Sakura Tee
Arctic Monster ParkaArctic Monster Parka Barazushi WrapBarazushi Wrap


Suede BossesSuede Bosses Desert ChukkasDesert Chukkas Arctic Duck BootsArctic Duck Boots Suede BasicsSuede Basics

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