Bravely Default 2 (Bravely Default II)

List of Key Items

Check here for the list of Key Items found in Bravely Default 2 for the Nintendo Switch. We have everything you need to know about all Key Items in the game!

List of Key Items

Name Description
Map A map of the known world. Use it to check where you are if you get lost.
Natter Ring An enchanted gizmo that allows the wearer to talk to people who are far away.
Anihal's Letter A plea for help that was dutifully delivered by one of Anihal's feathered friends.
Glintstone An intriguing item that can be used to dazzle enemies. Made to Sir Sloan's secret recipe.
Glintstone Materials Ingredients used in the making of glintstones.
Assassin's Necklace A necklace that retains a trace of an unusual fragrance.
Wald Ash Branch A branch that's brimming with life. Known to have an adverse effect on the undead.
Fisherman's Knife A prized knife given to a fisherman by his mentor.
Truff's Ring A gleaming golden ring lost by Truff's friend.
Motley Trefoil A herb whose vibrant colour makes it an ideal garnish.
Enspooklopaedia A book for children that features all sorts of scary spectres.
Mysterious Book An arcane tome that Elvis is determined to decipher.
Snow Lilies Delicate flowers that are as white as the driven snow.
Gold Dentures A set of false teeth that must have cost an arm and a leg, despite being dreadfully gauche.
Lantern A lantern issued to members of the military. Adorned with the royal crest.
Roc Tail Feather The tail feather of a giant bird that's known for its eye-catching colors.
Feather Dress A dress adorned with distinctive roc feathers.
Pretty Seashell A shell that produces the full spectrum of colours when held up to the light.
Lightweight Tome A novel that's a huge hit despite its formulaic and entirely predictable plot.
Packed Lunch A packed lunch made with lashings of love.
Flask A large flask filled with tea.
Fork A fork in a cute little carry case that stops it getting dirty.
Pretty Stone A strangely beguiling stone found while out at sea.
Sparkling Sand Sand that shimmers and glistens in the sunlight.
Badge of Bravery A courage-boosting charm once awarded by an older brother to his scared younger sibling.
Posh Perfume Elegantly blown glassware that can lend even the cheapest scent a whiff of class.
Schnitzel A succlent veal cutlet, breaded and fried in butter.
Old Knife An old knife that means a great deal to someone.
Trademan's Tools A set of tools that can be used to repair doors, walls and other structural features.
Rock Tortoise Shell The supremely hard shell of a giant reptile.
Mysterious Medal A medal much prized by schoolboys that's decorated with a star design.
Veronica Oil A substance used to protect and strengthen lumber, leather and other materials.
Mandarin Tea The so-called 'tea lover's tea of teas'.
Sir Sloan's Dagger A dagger received as a gift from an old friend
Rummy Morten An expensive drop that most ordinary people could only ever dream of sampling.
Handmade Doughnut A somewhat shapeless doughnut diligently baked by a well-meaning child.
Four-Leaf Clover A plant that's said to bring good fortune to whoever can find it.
Wizard's Trinkets A toy that makes use of magic to keep itself spinning.
Honeycap Mushrooms A highly prized mushroom favoured by monsters for its slightly sweet flavour.
Bananectarine A cross between a banana and a peach that's rumoured to taste as sweet as first love.
Luneclover A plant used in the preparation of dreamsnoozer.
Dreamsnoozer A medicine taken in order to enjoy sweet dreams that feature your loved ones.
Horsetail Buds Edible plantlets with a strangely satisfying texture.
Snow Cabbage A chunky, juicy vegeatable that doesn't go mushy even after a long time in the pot.
The Wind Crystal A sacred jewel in which the mightiest magics reside.
Moon Onion A perfectly round, perfectly white vegetable that resembles nothing less than a full moon.
Flowery Fungus A mushroom with a cap that looks like a flower in bloom.
Sugar Rime Ice formed by meltwater that has refrozen on the surface of leaves.
Pigment A substance used to give colour to paint.
Portrait by Gloria A remarkably lifelike portrait painted by a true artist.
Landscape by Gloria A breathtakingly realistic landscape painted by a true artist.
Portrait by Adelle A painting, thought to be a portrait, that could almost be mistaken for a masterpiece...
Landscape by Adelle Proof positive that not everyone is a natural artist. Perhaps time and space were a little warped that day?
Earrings Jewellery that looks cheap despite its owner's claims to the contrary.
Warm Furs The warm, luxurious pelt of a ferocious white fang.
The Water Crystal A sacred jewel in which the mightiest magics reside.
Special Wood Soft yet sturdy timber that's supremely easy to work.
Meaningful Flute A musical instrument that brings back memories of a happy family.
Sprig of Holly A prickly leaf that's used to ward off evil spirits.
Snake Skin A snakeskin said to allow its bearer to cast off evil and attract good fortune.
Maia's Diary A record of a young girl's love for her father, and her desire to avenge his death.
Meadowmist A plant with magical properties that grows only in Halcyonia.
Cactus Milk An extremely poisonous substance extracted from a desert plant.
Moonstone Ice Ice that has been compressed over countless centuries.
Cherry Berry Slightly sour fruit that can be used to make delicious drinks.
Exciting-Looking Comic A picture book packed with tales guaranteed to get kids going.
The Earth Crystal A sacred jewel in which the mightiest magics reside.
Pink Ruby A precious gemstone that emits a faint rosy glow.
Bloomspring Stone A rock that's packed with various health-improving minerals.
Calmagrass A curious plant believed to have a soothing effect on dragons.
Lotus A pale pink flower that grows near water.
Liverleaf A beautiful flower that's usually found beneath a coating of snow.
Rhododendron A magnificent flower with particularly large petals.
Snowman A snowman that resolutely refuses to melt.
Flower Crown An elaborate crown of flowers created by a highly skilled fairy.
Travel Token 1 Proof of a certain someone having visited almost every country in the world.
Travel Token 2 Proof of a certain someone having visited almost every country in the world.
The Fire Crystal A sacred jewel in which the mightiest magics reside.
Travel Token 3 Proof of a certain someone having visited almost every country in the world.
Travel Token 4 Proof of a certain someone having visited almost every country in the world.
Key to Bernard's Mansion A key that grants access to Bernand's abode.

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