Splatoon 3

Range Blaster Guide: How to Use, Stats, and Best Gear Abilities

The Range Blaster is a Blaster weapon in Splatoon 3. Read on to see its stats, including its sub, special, damage, and range, as well as our analysis and tips on how to use Range Blaster and the best gear abilities to go with it.

Range Blaster Info and How to Get

Range Blaster Overview

Weapon Sub Special
Splatoon 3 Range BlasterRange Blaster Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 Wave BreakerWave Breaker
Points for Special Type
200 Blaster
Unlock Level
Range Blaster will be available for purchase from Ammo Knights upon reaching Level 11.

Range Blaster Tier Ranking

S Range Blaster currently is considered an S Tier weapon.
Considered one of the better weapons at the moment, using Range Blaster can help you get the upper hand in battles.

Best Weapons Tier List: Main Weapons Ranked

Range Blaster Stats: Damage and Range

Damage 125 (Direct Hit)
50-70 (Blast)
(Test Range Lines)
3.5 (Maximum)
2.7 (Direct Hit

Range Blaster Analysis, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Range Blaster Analysis

Overall Ranking
Turf War.png Turf Wars Splat Zones.png Splat Zones Tower Control.png Tower Control Rainmaker.png Rainmaker Clam Blitz.png Clam Blitz

Range Blaster Characteristics

Ratings of Individual Characteristics
Inking Potential 1 Star.png Ease of Use 2 Star.png
Offense 4 Star.png Defense 2 Star.png
Utility 4 Star.png Shield Penetration 3 Star.png

Range Blaster Strengths and Weaknesses

Range Blaster Strengths Range Blaster Weaknesses
Splatoon AdvantagesGreat blast radius and damage.
Splatoon DisadvantagesExtremely slow rate of fire leaving you to carefully choose your shots.

Best Gear Abilities for Range Blaster

Gear Ability Effect
ComebackComeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning.
Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink.
Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your main weapon.
Intensify ActionIntensify Action Makes Squid Rolls and Squid Surges easier to do and steadies your aim when firing after jumping.
Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Reduces respawn time after getting splatted repeatedly without splatting any opponents.
Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed.
Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Increases special-gauge fill rate.
Special SaverSpecial Saver Reduces special-gauge decrease after getting splatted.
Stealth JumpStealth Jump Hides your Super Jump landing point from distant players.
Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form.

All Gear Abilities and Effects

How to Use Range Blaster Effectively

Position yourself at high vantage points and use its long-range capability.

The Range Blaster has a longer range than its Blaster siblings. Familiarize yourself with the stages and study key vantage points that are excellent at shooting enemies from a great distance.

Landing direct hits to Inklings results in an insta-splat!

Be patient and only shoot at targets that are not moving too fast. A quick tip is to wait for them to get in fights with your allies to make them stationary targets and then start blasting away!

Throw the Wave Breaker in the heat of battle to reveal all enemies hiding behind walls.

Blasters have blast damage and will force the enemy to take cover. Use the Wave Breaker to reveal their positions which will open a window of opportunity for you to jump in the fight and engage with the enemy Inklings.

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

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List of Blaster Weapons

BlasterBlaster Clash BlasterClash Blaster Luna BlasterLuna Blaster
Range BlasterRange Blaster Rapid BlasterRapid Blaster Rapid Blaster ProRapid Blaster Pro


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