Fallout 4 (FO4)

Best Heavy Weapons and All Heavy Weapons List

Fallout 4 - Heavy Weapons

Heavy Weapons provide the most damage out of all weapon types in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to see the best heavy weapons, the list of heavy weapons, and the best heavy weapon perks to get!

All Heavy Weapons List


Weapon Damage Weight
Heavy Weapon ImagePiggy Bank Fat Man 568 Physical 30.7
Heavy Weapon ImageBig Boy 468 Physical 30.7
Heavy Weapon ImageFat Man 468 Physical 30.7
Heavy Weapon ImagePenetrating Chinese Grenade Launcher 250 Physical 21.4
Heavy Weapon ImageRapid Pipe Grenade Launcher 230 Physical 9.6
Heavy Weapon ImageSaw Blade Launcher 156 Physical 12.7
Heavy Weapon ImageDeath From Above 150 Physical 21
Heavy Weapon ImageMissile Launcher 150 Physical 21
Heavy Weapon ImagePartystarter 150 Physical 21
Heavy Weapon ImageBroadsider 108 Physical 27.4
Heavy Weapon ImageTesla Cannon 60 Energy 21
Heavy Weapon ImageJunk Jet 14 Energy 29.9


Weapon Damage Weight
Heavy Weapon ImageBaseball Launcher 82 Physical 22.8
Heavy Weapon ImageHeavy Incinerator 30 Physical
49 Energy
Heavy Weapon ImageCryolator 20 Energy 13.2
Heavy Weapon ImageFinal Judgment 14 Energy 19.3
Heavy Weapon ImageGatling Laser 14 Energy 19.3
Heavy Weapon ImageFlamer 12 Energy 16.1
Plasma Thrower 12 Physical
12 Energy
Heavy Weapon ImageAshmaker 8 Physical 27.4
Heavy Weapon ImageMinigun 8 Physical 27.4

Best Heavy Weapons

Big Boy

Big Boy ImageBig Boy Damage Ammo Fire Rate
468 Physical Mini Nuke 1
Range Accuracy Weight
117 63 30.7

The Big Boy is the best Heavy Weapon in Fallout 4 as it can fire two mini-nukes at the same time. Due to its two-shot ability, you can completely obliterate areas with a lot of enemies in an instant.

Penetrating Chinese Grenade Launcher

Penetrating Chinese Grenade Launcher ImagePenetrating Chinese Grenade Launcher Damage Ammo Fire Rate
250 Physical 40mm Frag Grenade 11
Range Accuracy Weight
155 77 21.4

The Penetrating Chinese Grenade Launcher ignores a portion of your target's damage and energy resistance, which makes it ideal to use against heavily armored foes such as Brotherhood of Steel Knights and Enclave Soldiers.


Ashmaker ImageAshmaker Damage Ammo Fire Rate
8 Physical 5 mm Round 272
Range Accuracy Weight
131 35 27.4

The Ashmaker can deal more damage than a regular minigun due to its ability of setting targets on fire, making this unique heavy weapon lethal to use against large groups.


Broadsider ImageBroadsider Damage Ammo Fire Rate
108 Physical Cannonball 2
Range Accuracy Weight
203 63 27.4

The Broadsider is the only heavy weapon that can shoot cannonballs. These cannonballs deal exceptional damage and is perfect for going up against stronger enemies like Deathclaws and Yao Guais.


Cryolator ImageCryolator Damage Ammo Fire Rate
20 Energy Cryo Cell 90
Range Accuracy Weight
71 66 13.2

The Cryolator has a chance to freeze enemies, rendering them unable to move for a short period of time. This gun's special ability may save you on multiple occasions by immobilizing your opponents just as you're about to die.

Death From Above

Death From Above ImageDeath From Above Damage Ammo Fire Rate
150 Physical Missile 2
Range Accuracy Weight
203 65 21

The Death From Above gives you the most mobility out of all heavy weapons with its unique effect of increasing your movement speed while aiming. With this, you can move around quicker before sending a deadly missile at your target.

Best Heavy Weapon Perks

What Perks to Equip for Heavy Weapon Users

Perk Simplified Effect
Heavy Gunner ImageHeavy Gunner Improves damage and hip-fire accuracy for heavy weapons.
Quick Hands ImageQuick Hands Increases reloading speed.
Demolition Expert ImageDemolition Expert Increases explosives damage.
Strong Back ImageStrong Back Increases carry weight.
Bloody Mess ImageBloody Mess When an enemy explodes, nearby enemies may suffer the same fate.
Scrounger ImageScrounger You find more ammunition in containers.

Best Perks Tier List

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