Fallout 4 (FO4)

Piper Likes and Affinity Guide: How to Romance Piper

Fallout 4 - Piper Affinity and Location Guide

Piper is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Piper's Affinity guide, where to find Piper, Piper's likes and dislikes, as well as how to romance Piper!

Piper Affinity Guide

All Piper Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Donating Items
・Healing Dogmeat
・Eating Corpses
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs
・Lockpicking Owned Storages/Doors

Piper is a good-hearted person and likes it when the player helps innocent people and dislikes all manner of violence and evil decisions. If you want to raise affinity with her, always choose the morally right decision when given the choice.

How to Romance Piper

Romance at High Affinity

Once you reach a high affinity level with Piper, she will ask if you got a minute to spare and will begin talking about her backstory. Eventually you will come across a Romance dialogue. You will have to pass this Persuasion attempt to succeed and start a romantic relationship with her.

Piper Location Guide

Where to Find Piper

  1. Go to Diamond City
  2. Complete Story of the Century Quest

Go to Publick Occurences at Diamond City

Map View
Overworld View

Piper can be found in her office, Publick Occurences, at Diamond City. This city is a huge trading hub located at the center of the map.

Upon first arriving at the city gates, you will encounter Piper speaking to someone on the intercom. Afterward, she will proceed to her office near Diamond City's marketplace.

Complete Story of the Century Quest

Fallout 4 - Story of the Century Quest Complete

To recruit Piper as your companion, you will need to agree to be given an interview in the Story of the Century side quest. Your answers won't really matter in the interview, so pick any choices you want. After this quest, Piper will become available to join you in your travels.

Piper Companion Perk

Gift of Gab

Piper's companion perk is Gift of Gab. This allows you to earn Double XP for successful speech checks and discovering new locations.

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