Fallout 4 (FO4)

Out of Time Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Out of Time

Out of Time is a Main Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Out of Time walkthrough and learn Out of Time location and rewards.

Previous Quest Next Quest
War Never Changes Jewel of the Commonwealth

Out of Time Quest Summary

Out of Time Overview
"Escape Vault 111 and return home to collect yourself and make sense of what happened."
Faction None
Quest Giver Automatically starts after War Never Changes.
Quest ID 0001CC2A
Rewards XP: 200
・ Pip-Boy
・ Codsworth as Companion
・ Dogmeat as Companion

Out of Time Walkthrough

Out of Time Objectives

  1. Exit Vault 111
  2. Go Home and Follow Codsworth
  3. Go to Red Rocket Truck Stop
  4. Go to Concord and Fight the Raiders.

Exit Vault 111

Fallout 4 - Exit Vault 111

After waking up from being suspended in a cryogenic sleep, follow the quest marker on your compass and exit the vault.

Along the way, you will need to fight Radroaches infesting the vault and use the Overseer's Terminal to open the locked sliding door.

At the end of the vault, you will need to pick up the Pip-Boy next to a dead body and use it to open the Vault door to escape.

Go Home and Follow Codsworth

Fallout 4 - Go Home and Talk to Codsworth

After exiting the vault, go back to your house to see Codsworth roaming around. Talk to him and explain what happened to you and your family.

Follow Codsworth around as he will roam the Sanctuary. You will have to fight Bloatflies infesting the town and then talk again to Codsworth, in which he will tell you to go to Concord.

Codsworth Likes and Affinity Guide

Go to Red Rocket Truck Stop

Fallout 4 - Red Rocket Truck Stop Dogmeat

Along the way to Concord, you can go to the Red Rocket Truck Stop where you can meet and recruit Dogmeat. He is a reliable companion in battle so it is recommended to add him to your party.

How to Find Dogmeat

Go to Concord and Fight Raiders

Fallout 4 - Concord

Go to the town of Concord where you will encounter Raiders attacking the Museum of Freedom.

Defeat the raiders outside the Museum of Freedom and then go inside the museum to help Preston Garvey which will end the quest and start the Minutemen quest, When Freedom Calls.

When Freedom Calls Walkthrough

Previous Quest Next Quest
War Never Changes Jewel of the Commonwealth

Out of Time Location

Where to Start Out of Time

Map View
Vault 111
Quest Giver Fallout 4 - Exit Vault 111
Automatically starts after waking up from cryogenic sleep.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Main Quests

All Main Quests List

All Main Quests

All Main Quests
1 War Never Changes
2 Out of Time
3 Jewel of the Commonwealth
4 Unlikely Valentine
5 Getting a Clue
6 Reunions
7 Dangerous Minds
8 The Glowing Sea
9 Hunter/Hunted
10 The Molecular Level
11 Institutionalized


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