Fallout 4 (FO4)

List of All Magazines IDs

Fallout 4 - Magazine IDs

This is a list of all Magazine IDs for Fallout 4 (FO4). Find out all special and perk magazines IDs, all perk magazine console commands, and how to get them instantly on PC.

Magazine Guides
Magazine Locations Magazines IDs

All Magazine IDs

To get the Perk Magazine, press the tilde (~) key to open the console command window and type the following code:

• player.placeatme [item ID]

All Perk Magazines IDs

Perk Magazine ID Console Command
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 1 0016969A player.placeatme 0016969A
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 10 001696A3 player.placeatme 001696A3
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 11 001696A4 player.placeatme 001696A4
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 12 001696A5 player.placeatme 001696A5
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 13 001696A6 player.placeatme 001696A6
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 14 001696A7 player.placeatme 001696A7
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 2 0016969B player.placeatme 0016969B
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 3 0016969C player.placeatme 0016969C
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 4 0016969D player.placeatme 0016969D
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 5 0016969E player.placeatme 0016969E
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 6 0016969F player.placeatme 0016969F
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 7 001696A0 player.placeatme 001696A0
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 8 001696A1 player.placeatme 001696A1
Astoundingly Awesome Tales 9 001696A2 player.placeatme 001696A2
Grognak the Barbarian 1 0008E741 player.placeatme 0008E741
Grognak the Barbarian 10 0008E74A player.placeatme 0008E74A
Grognak the Barbarian 2 0008E742 player.placeatme 0008E742
Grognak the Barbarian 3 0008E743 player.placeatme 0008E743
Grognak the Barbarian 4 0008E744 player.placeatme 0008E744
Grognak the Barbarian 5 0008E745 player.placeatme 0008E745
Grognak the Barbarian 6 0008E746 player.placeatme 0008E746
Grognak the Barbarian 7 0008E747 player.placeatme 0008E747
Grognak the Barbarian 8 0008E748 player.placeatme 0008E748
Grognak the Barbarian 9 0008E749 player.placeatme 0008E749
Guns and Bullets 1 00092A8A player.placeatme 00092A8A
Guns and Bullets 10 00092A89 player.placeatme 00092A89
Guns and Bullets 2 00092A8B player.placeatme 00092A8B
Guns and Bullets 3 00092A8C player.placeatme 00092A8C
Guns and Bullets 4 00092A8D player.placeatme 00092A8D
Guns and Bullets 5 00092A8E player.placeatme 00092A8E
Guns and Bullets 6 00092A8F player.placeatme 00092A8F
Guns and Bullets 7 00092A83 player.placeatme 00092A83
Guns and Bullets 8 00092A87 player.placeatme 00092A87
Guns and Bullets 9 00092A88 player.placeatme 00092A88
Live & Love 1 00184DA7 player.placeatme 00184DA7
Live & Love 2 00184DB9 player.placeatme 00184DB9
Live & Love 3 00184DC6 player.placeatme 00184DC6
Live & Love 4 00185CC2 player.placeatme 00185CC2
Live & Love 5 00185CCD player.placeatme 00185CCD
Live & Love 6 001C2E24 player.placeatme 001C2E24
Live & Love 7 001C2E26 player.placeatme 001C2E26
Live & Love 8 001C2E28 player.placeatme 001C2E28
Live & Love 9 001D1CD6 player.placeatme 001D1CD6
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 1 0008E74B player.placeatme 0008E74B
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 2 0008E74C player.placeatme 0008E74C
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 3 0008E74D player.placeatme 0008E74D
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 4 0008E74E player.placeatme 0008E74E
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 5 0008E74F player.placeatme 0008E74F
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 6 0008E750 player.placeatme 0008E750
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 7 0008E751 player.placeatme 0008E751
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 8 001D1F53 player.placeatme 001D1F53
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 9 001D1F55 player.placeatme 001D1F55
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 1 00092A63 player.placeatme 00092A63
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 2 00092A64 player.placeatme 00092A64
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 3 00092A65 player.placeatme 00092A65
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 4 00092A66 player.placeatme 00092A66
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 5 00092A67 player.placeatme 00092A67
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 6 00092A68 player.placeatme 00092A68
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 7 00092A69 player.placeatme 00092A69
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 8 00092A6A player.placeatme 00092A6A
Tesla Science Magazine 1 00092A78 player.placeatme 00092A78
Tesla Science Magazine 2 00092A79 player.placeatme 00092A79
Tesla Science Magazine 3 00092A7A player.placeatme 00092A7A
Tesla Science Magazine 4 00092A7B player.placeatme 00092A7B
Tesla Science Magazine 5 00092A7C player.placeatme 00092A7C
Tesla Science Magazine 6 00092A7D player.placeatme 00092A7D
Tesla Science Magazine 7 00092A7E player.placeatme 00092A7E
Tesla Science Magazine 8 00092A7F player.placeatme 00092A7F
Tesla Science Magazine 9 00092A80 player.placeatme 00092A80
Tumblers Today 1 00092A6D player.placeatme 00092A6D
Tumblers Today 2 00092A6F player.placeatme 00092A6F
Tumblers Today 3 00092A70 player.placeatme 00092A70
Tumblers Today 4 00092A71 player.placeatme 00092A71
Tumblers Today 5 00092A72 player.placeatme 00092A72
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 1 0008E737 player.placeatme 0008E737
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 10 0008E740 player.placeatme 0008E740
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 2 0008E738 player.placeatme 0008E738
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 3 0008E739 player.placeatme 0008E739
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 4 0008E73A player.placeatme 0008E73A
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 5 0008E73B player.placeatme 0008E73B
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 6 0008E73C player.placeatme 0008E73C
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 7 0008E73D player.placeatme 0008E73D
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 8 0008E73E player.placeatme 0008E73E
U.S. Covert Operations Manual 9 0008E73F player.placeatme 0008E73F
Unstoppables 1 00135F03 player.placeatme 00135F03
Unstoppables 2 00135F04 player.placeatme 00135F04
Unstoppables 3 00135F05 player.placeatme 00135F05
Unstoppables 4 00135F06 player.placeatme 00135F06
Unstoppables 5 00135F07 player.placeatme 00135F07
Wasteland Survival Guide 1 0008E75E player.placeatme 0008E75E
Wasteland Survival Guide 2 00135F0A player.placeatme 00135F0A
Wasteland Survival Guide 3 00135F0D player.placeatme 00135F0D
Wasteland Survival Guide 4 00135F0E player.placeatme 00135F0E
Wasteland Survival Guide 5 00185CBA player.placeatme 00185CBA
Wasteland Survival Guide 6 00185CBD player.placeatme 00185CBD
Wasteland Survival Guide 7 00185CC4 player.placeatme 00185CC4
Wasteland Survival Guide 8 00185CCA player.placeatme 00185CCA
Wasteland Survival Guide 9 00185CD8 player.placeatme 00185CD8

All Special Magazines IDs

Special Magazine ID Console Command
Hot Rodder #1 00180A24 player.placeatme 00180A24
Hot Rodder #2 00185CD1 player.placeatme 00185CD1
Hot Rodder #3 00185CBF player.placeatme 00185CBF
La Coiffe #1 0009473E player.placeatme 0009473E
La Coiffe #2 001C63ED player.placeatme 001C63ED
Picket Fences #1 00184D8B player.placeatme 00184D8B
Picket Fences #2 00184DB7 player.placeatme 00184DB7
Picket Fences #3 00180A36 player.placeatme 00180A36
Picket Fences #4 00185CDD player.placeatme 00185CDD
Picket Fences #5 00185CEE player.placeatme 00185CEE
RobCo Fun #1 00184DA1 player.placeatme 00184DA1
RobCo Fun #2 00184DB2 player.placeatme 00184DB2
RobCo Fun #3 00184DC4 player.placeatme 00184DC4
RobCo Fun #4 001C1418 player.placeatme 001C1418
Taboo Tattoos #1 00180A2A player.placeatme 00180A2A
Taboo Tattoos #2 00184D9B player.placeatme 00184D9B
Taboo Tattoos #3 00184DA5 player.placeatme 00184DA5
Taboo Tattoos #4 00184DC0 player.placeatme 00184DC0
Taboo Tattoos #5 00185CE2 player.placeatme 00185CE2
Total Hack #1 00094734 player.placeatme 00094734
Total Hack #2 00094735 player.placeatme 00094735
Total Hack #3 00094736 player.placeatme 00094736
You're SPECIAL! 001A62D4 player.placeatme 001A62D4

How to Use Magazine IDs

Use Console Commands to Bobbleheads Instantly

  1. Press the Tilde Button on the Keyboard
  2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter
  3. Exit the Console With the Tilde Button

1. Press the Tilde Button on the Keyboard

Fallout 4 - Open Console Window

Console Command is a unique feature exclusively for PC and isn't available when playing the game via other platforms.

The Tilde Button is the (~) button found below the Esc key on the keyboard. By pressing this, you will be able to open the console.

2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter

Fallout 4 - Type Command and Hit Enter
Command player.placeatme [magazine ID]
Example player.placeatme 0001f276 20

3. Exit the Console With the Tilde Button and the Magazine Should Be on the Ground

Fallout 4 - Exit Window and Look Down

By pressing the Tilde Button (~) again, you can exit the console. Look down and the magazine ID that you have typed in the console will be placed on the ground where you are standing.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Console Commands Partial.png

All IDs and Item Codes

All IDs and Console Commands

All IDs and Console Commands in Fallout 4
All Weapon IDs All Ammo IDs
All Perk IDs All Crafting Material IDs
All Consumable IDs All Weapon Mod IDs
All Quest IDs All Armor and Outfit IDs
All Junk IDs All Console Commands
All Bobblehead IDs All Magazines IDs
All Companion Perk IDs All Power Armor IDs


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