Fallout 4 (FO4)

Vault 75 Location and Access Cards

Fallout 4 - Vault 75

Vault 75 is a location and Side Quest found in the Malden Middle School in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to know the Vault 75 access card locations, a full walkthrough, rewards, and learn where Vault 75 is located.

Where is Vault 75?

Basement of Malden Middle School

Map View Fallout 4 - Malden Middle School Map
Malden Middle School / Vault 75
World View

Vault 75 is located in the basement of Malden Middle School. You can find the school northwest of Covenant.

The name Malden Middle School will change into Vault 75 on the map once you head down the basement until the end of the game.

Vault 75 Access Card Locations

Lab Access Card

Fallout 4 - Lab Access Card Tool Case

The Lab Access card is located on the second floor of the Diner area found just after the locker room. You can find it inside a tool case.

Admin Access Card

Fallout 4 - Admin Access Card.png

The Admin Access card can be found in one of the Gunner's corpses in the Lab, the room accessible when you unlocked the blue doors.

Vault 75 Walkthrough

  1. Go to Malden Middel School Basement
  2. Find the Lab Access Card
  3. Open the Locked Doors
  4. Find the Admin Access Card
  5. Head to the Admin Area

Go to Malden Middel School Basement

Fallout 4 - Malden Middle School Basement

Once inside the school, head down to the basement to enter Vault 75. Deal with the enemies here and proceed to the elevator once all is clear.

As you go down the elevator, the quest will be triggered.

Find the Lab Access Card

Fallout 4 - Diner

After exiting the elevator, you will encounter a locked door that needs a Lab Access Card to open. The Lab Access Card is located in the Diner area.

Deal with the gunners and the Diner area will be past the locker area downstairs. Head inside, go up to the second floor, and grab the access card inside the tool case.

Open the Locked Doors

Fallout 4 - Blue Doors

After getting the Lab Access Card, go back upstairs and use the access card on the blue door to the right, this reveals a shortcut to the first locked door you encountered earlier on.

Find the Admin Access Card

Fallout 4 - Admin Acces Card

Inside the room where you opened the door, head left and go upstairs. You will be surrounded by Gunners. Defeat these enemies.

Make sure to examine their corpses as one of them will be holding the Vault 75 Admin Access Card you will need later on.

Head to the Admin Area

Fallout 4 - Overseer

Backtrack to where you opened the blue doors. Open the locked door marked Overseer with the Admin Access Card.

Once inside, head upstairs and find the Overseer's Terminal on a desk. Accessing this completes the quest.

Vault 75 Quest Summary and Rewards

Vault 75 Rewards and Quest ID

Vault 75 Overview
Rewards XP: 200+
Quest ID 000FCB15

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