Fallout 4 (FO4)

Best Companions and All Companions List

Fallout 4 - List of All Companions

This is a list of all 13 companions that you can recruit in Fallout 4. Check out our guide for a list of companions, best companions, companion perks, how to find companions, as well as how companion affinity works!

All Companions List

All Recruitable Companions

Companion Location Perk Romance?
Fallout 4 - CaitCait Location:
Combat Zone
How to Recruit:
Kill all the Raiders in the Combat Zone and speak to Tommy.
Trigger Rush ✔︎
Fallout 4 - CodsworthCodsworth Location:
Sanctuary Hills
How to Recruit:
Return to Codsworth at Sanctuary Hills after meeting Preston Garvey in the When Freedom Calls quest.
Robot Sympathy ✖︎
Fallout 4 - CurieCurie Location:
Vault 81
How to Recruit:
Complete the Hole in the Wall quest.
Combat Medic ✔︎
Fallout 4 - DeaconDeacon Location:
Old North Church
How to Recruit:
Complete the Tradecraft quest.
Cloak and Dagger ✖︎
Fallout 4 - DogmeatDogmeat Location:
Red Rocket Truck Stop
How to Recruit:
Talk to Dogmeat at the Red Rocket Truck Stop and select the "Let's Go" dialogue option.
None ✖︎
Fallout 4 - HancockHancock Location:
How to Recruit:
Complete the The Big Dig quest.
Isodoped ✔︎
Fallout 4 - MacCreadyMacCready Location:
The Third Rail in Goodneighbor
How to Recruit:
Pay MacCready 250 Caps (or 200 Caps through successful persuasion check)
Killshot ✔︎
Fallout 4 - Nick ValentineNick Valentine Location:
Vault 114
How to Recruit:
Accept Nick Valentine's offer to track down Kellogg during the Getting a Clue quest.
Close to Metal ✖︎
Fallout 4 - Paladin DansePaladin Danse Location:
Cambridge Police Station
How to Recruit:
Complete the Shadow of Steel quest.
Know Your Enemy ✔︎
Fallout 4 - PiperPiper Location:
Diamond City
How to Recruit:
Complete the Story of the Century quest.
Gift of Gab ✔︎
Fallout 4 - Preston GarveyPreston Garvey Location:
Museum of Freedom
How to Recruit:
Complete the The First Step quest.
United We Stand ✔︎
Fallout 4 - StrongStrong Location:
Trinity Tower
How to Recruit:
Complete the Curtain Call quest.
Berserk ✖︎
Fallout 4 - X6-88X6-88 Location:
The Institute
How to Recruit:
Complete the Mankind - Redefined quest.
Shield Harmonics ✖︎

Best Companions Tier List

Best Companions for Combat Tier List (No DLCs)

Companions Tier List
S TierS Tier Paladin Danse
A TierA Tier Robert MacCready
Preston Garvey
Curie (Synth Form)
B TierB Tier Deacon
Curie (Ms. Nanny Form)
Nick Valentine
Piper Wright
C TierC Tier Codsworth

S-Tier Companions

Paladin DansePaladin Danse Pros
・The only companion that naturally wears T-60 Power Armor
・Danse's Power Armor is indestructable, which means it doesn't require repairing
・Is a large target, which means enemies will often prioritize attacking him
・Cannot sneak, which means he's not a good companion for sneak builds or stealth missions
・ Will become unavailable during Blind Betrayal, and it's possible to lose him as a companion if you don't spare him during the mission
DogmeatDogmeat Pros
・Available at the start of the game
・The only companion that you can issue proper commands
・The Lone Wanderer perk effect works even when traveling with him as a companion
・Is only useful when fighting humanoid enemies that he can maul or grab their limbs
・Has no armor options. Even the armor he can equip actually doesn't provide any damage or energy reduction

A-Tier Companions

MacCreadyMacCready Pros
・Is a Sniper, which makes him one of the best companions for sneak or Sniper builds
・Gives a random selection of ammo when speaking to him as an active companion
・His Hat and Outfit can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・Is a Sniper, which means he struggles in enclosed locations where melee enemies (such as Ghouls) can swarm him
・Requires a payment of caps to recruit as a companion
Preston GarveyPreston Garvey Pros
・Recruitable early in game
・His Laser Musket can one-shot weaker enemies and is still strong in the midgame
・ His hat and outfit can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・NPCs may sometimes talk to him and give him items or caps, which you can take from his inventory
・ Although his laser musket functions as a sniper, it's not silenced and is in fact very load, making him a poor choice for sneak builds
・Will often ask you to do a settlement radiant quest even as an active companion, which can get very annoying
HancockHancock Pros
・ Wields a combat knife and a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun, making him a great choice for melee fights
・ Provides you a random chem when travelling as an active companion
・His outfit and hat can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・Not a great choice for combating enemy snipers due to his own gun's low range
StrongStrong Pros
・ Physically the strongest companion
・Has the second highest HP among the companions
・Has high carry capacity
・ Limited to super mutant armor
・ Limited to equipping weapons that Super Mutant enemies can equip
・ Cannot sneak, making him a poor choice for stealthy characters
・ Has a range of dislikes that make him difficult to befriend
(Synth Form)
・Has a fixed 670 Health which is the highest companion health and can be further boosted with health-increasing armor pieces
・Clothing can be upgraded with Ballistic weave
・Provides the stronger Curie's Healthpak when an active companion
・ Has less overall health than her Ms. Nanny Form
・ You need to equip her better armor and weapons (and ammo) to be combat relevant

B-Tier Companions

DeaconDeacon Pros
・Is a Sniper, which makes him one of the best companions for sneak or Sniper builds
・ Is generally an inferior combat companion to Macready
・Becomes aggressive when siding with the Institute or Brotherhood of Steel
・Because he regularly changes disguises, you'll need to upgrade different sets of clothes with Ballistic Weave
・Struggles in enclosed areas unless equipped with another weapon
CaitCait Pros
・Wields a baseball bat and a double-barrel shotgun, making her a versatile fighter that can adapt very quickly
・Her outfit can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・ Is the only companion that will use Chems, including combat chems such as Jet
・ Can lockpick any locked container, up to Master level locks as long as she's supplied with bobby pins
・Her affinity will drop if you use chems after doing Benign Intervention, including benign chems such as RadAway
・May struggle against larger enemies, such as Super Mutant Behemoths and Deathclaws
(Ms. Nanny Form)
・ Has a built-in buzzsaw and laser gun for weapons
・Has a fixed 440 Health
・ Provides Stimpaks when travelling as an active companion
・ Cannot sneak due to being a robot
・ Despite her higher HP, she lacks innate Damage or Energy Resistance, which means she's still a weaker choice compared to her Synth Form
Nick ValentineNick Valentine Pros
・ Hat and Outfit can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・The only companion that can hack terminals
・Has slightly more health compared to other humanoid characters except for Curie and Strong
・ Is only equipped with a pipe revolver pistol, which is the weakest revolver in the game
・You can give him a stronger revolver, but you'll also need to supply him ammo
PiperPiper Pros
・ Hat and outfit can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・ Provides candy items when travelling as an active companion
・Wields a generally weak 10mm pistol
・You can give her better guns but will also require ammo

C-Tier Companions

CodsworthCodsworth Pros
・Available at the start of the game
・His flamer weapon can instantly kill most low level enemies at the start of the game
・ Will provide you 1 Purified Water when talking to him when travelling as an active companion. This is life-saving during Survival mode since using Stimpaks and Radaways will make you thirsty
・Cannot sneak, which means he's not a good companion for sneak builds or stealth missions
・ Damage falls off during the mid to late game and often ends up becoming a guard for a settlement
X6-88X6-88 Pros
・Courser Uniform can be upgraded with Ballistic Weave
・Has a more aggresive A.I. compared to other companions
・ Obtained very late in the game
・His Institute Laser Rifle is very weak compared to standard laser rifles
You can give him better guns but will also require ammo
・Becomes aggressive when siding against the Institute

All Companion Perks

Companion Perks and Effects

Companion Perk Effect
Berserk Deal 20% more melee weapon damage when health falls below 25%.
Cloak and Dagger Increases Stealth Boy duration by 40% and deal 20% more sneak attack damage.
Close to Metal 50% faster terminal cooldowns and gain one extra guess when hacking.
Combat Medic Heal 100 HP when health falls below 10% (once per day).
Gift of Gab Earn Double XP for successful speech checks and discovering new locations.
Isodoped Get 20% faster Critical Hits when receiving 250 Radiation Damage.
Killshot Increases headshot accuracy in V.A.T.S. by 20%.
Know Your Enemy Deal 20% more damage to Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Synths.
Robot Sympathy Receive +10 damage resistance against robot energy weapons.
Shield Harmonics Receive +20 Energy Resistance
Trigger Rush Action Points regenerate faster when health falls below 25%.
United We Stand Deal 20% more damage and gain +20 Damage Resistance when facing three or more enemies.

Best Companion Perks

Companion Affinity Explained

NPC Relationship Mechanic that Unlocks Unique Perks

Fallout 4 - Piper Talking to Sole Survivor

Companion Affinity in Fallout 4 works by performing actions in-game that a companion likes or dislikes. If a companion reacts positively to a player's action or decision, their affinity with a player will increase. Once maximum affinity has been achieved, the player will unlock that companion's unique perk which grants them with passive stat buffs.

Some companions may ask you to do a personal favor (a companion quest) first in order to gain access to their perks. These personal quests are also unlocked once a player reaches a high affinity with them.

All Companion Likes and Dislikes

Companion Likes Dislikes
Fallout 4 - CaitCait ・Selfish
Fallout 4 - CodsworthCodsworth ・Generous
Fallout 4 - CurieCurie ・Kindness
Fallout 4 - DeaconDeacon ・Kindness ・Rude
Fallout 4 - DogmeatDogmeat ・None ・None
Fallout 4 - HancockHancock ・Generous
Fallout 4 - MacCreadyMacCready ・Violence ・Kindness
Fallout 4 - Nick ValentineNick Valentine ・Kindness
Fallout 4 - Paladin DansePaladin Danse ・Kindness
Fallout 4 - PiperPiper ・Generous
Fallout 4 - Preston GarveyPreston Garvey ・Generous
Fallout 4 - StrongStrong ・Generous
Fallout 4 - X6-88X6-88 ・Selfish

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