Fallout 4 (FO4)

Cambridge Polymer Labs Solution and Location

Fallout 4 - Cambridge Polymer Lab

Cambridge Polymer Labs is a Side Quest located south of Cambridge Police Station in Fallout (FO4). Read on for a Cambridge Polymer Labs solution and walkthrough, and learn the Gold, Lithium Hydride, and U-238 isotope sample locations.

Cambridge Polymer Labs Solution

Which Samples to Use

Slot Sample to Use
Chemical Reagent Slots Unidentified Sample 3111
(Lithium Hydride)
Unidentified Sample 611
Isotope Sample Slot U-238

Unidentified Sample 3111 (Lithium Hydride) Location

Unidentified Sample Location

Unidentified Sample 3111
Found in a room with a single Feral Ghoul

Unidentified Sample 611 (Gold) Location

Unidentified Sample Location

Unidentified Sample 611
From the C1 Room, head up towards the ramp into the vents then jump down on the hole at the end. The sample is in the table.

U-238 Location

Unidentified Sample Location

Adjacent the room labeled C4. Access the terminal to open a door. Inside is U-238 on the shelf.

Cambridge Polymer Labs Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Molly Inside Cambridge Polymer Labs
  2. Follow Molly
  3. Find the Samples
  4. Complete the Experiment or Override the Terminal?
  5. Follow Molly to Speak with the Director

Talk to Molly Inside Cambridge Polymer Labs

Fallout 4 - Talk to Molly

Once you enter the building, Molly will be there to meet you immediately. She will offer you a job depending on your answers to her questions.

Get Costume Depending on the Job

The job you receive comes with a free costume. Here are the costumes you get for each job based on your answers to her questions:

Answer Job Costume
Polymer Synthesis? Janitor Mop
Mechanic Jumpsuit
You Need Me
Sales Coordinator Dirty Tan Suit
You Need Me
Lab Assistant Lab Coat
Threaten Security Dirty Army Fatigues
Patrolman Sunglasses
Yes Researcher Lab Coat

Follow Molly

Fallout 4 - Clean Room

After answering the questions, Molly will ask you to follow her to the orientation room. Have a seat and let her do the talking.

Afterward, she will ask you again to follow her, and this time to the Clean Room. Change into your job uniform and enter the Clean Room to start the quest.

Find the Samples

Head to the next room and examine the Polymer Coating Applicator terminal.

You will need the samples provided in the log to complete the experiment and find a way out, however since all samples are yet to be identified, it is ideal to collect them all.

All Samples Location

Unidentified Sample Location

Unidentified Sample 11317
Found at the console beside the applicator terminal.

Unidentified Sample 3111
Found in a room with a single Feral Ghoul

Unidentified Sample 413
Inside the room labeled C4

Unidentified Sample 65
Found at the room adjacent to where you got Sample 413

From the room where you got to sample 65, access the terminal to open a door. Inside is U-238 on the shelf.

Unidentified Sample 49
Second Floor, at the table inside the C1 room

Unidentified Sample 611
From the C1 Room, head up towards the ramp into the vents then jump down on the hole at the end. The sample is in the table.

Complete the Experiment or Override the Terminal?

From here, there are two ways to end this quest. The goal is to open the door to the clean room and both options lead you there.

Complete the Experiment

Fallout 4 - Applicator

Return to the room with the applicator and insert Unidentified Sample 3111, which is Lithium Hydride, and Unidentified Sample 611, which is Gold, into the Chemical Reagent slots. Place U-238 into the Isotope Sample slot.

Use the terminal to start the experiment. Once the experiment is complete, Molly will open the clean room for you.

Override the Terminal

Fallout 4 - Facility Defense System

Beside Unidentified Sample 611 is Bergman's Terminal, which you can override by selecting the Facility Defense System option. This will open the doors to the clean room.

You can walk out of the clean room and complete the quest. However, all defenses will be activated and will turn against you, including Molly, so you will have to fight your way out. Additionally, you won't get the Piezonucleic Power Armor.

Follow Molly to Speak with the Director

Fallout 4 - Director

This step of the quest is only available if you have chosen to complete the experiment. Once Molly opens the door to the clean room, follow her to the Director's Office.

The director is now a feral ghoul and will attack you. Molly will intervene, killing the director. She will then provide you with rewards and self-destruct.

Cambridge Polymer Labs Location

South of Cambridge Police Station

Map View
World View

Cambridge Polymer Labs is located south of Cambridge Police Station and west of C.I.T. Ruins. The building is a wide structure and you cannot miss it.

Cambridge Polymer Labs Quest Summary and Rewards

Cambridge Polymer Labs Rewards and Quest ID

Cambridge Polymer Labs Overview
Rewards XP: 200+
・ Piezonucleic Power Armor Chest
・ 25 Pre-war Money
Quest ID 000284BC

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