Fallout 4 (FO4)

How to Get Rid of Molerat Disease

Fallout 4 - How to Get Rid of Molerat Disease

The Molerat Disease is an almost incurable disease in Fallout 4 (FO4) that you can only get rid of using the Vault 81 Cure. Read on to learn more about the Molerat Disease, and how to avoid it while still getting the best outcome for the Hole in the Wall side quest.

How to Get Rid of Molerat Disease

Use the Vault 81 Cure

Fallout 4 - Vault 81 Cure

You can only cure the Molerat Disease by using thhe Vault 81 Cure provided by Curie during the end of the Hole in the Wall side quest.

There is only 1 Vault 81 Cure available, which means you need to decide whether to cure yourself or Austin Engill.

Hole in the Wall Walkthrough

Use Console Commands

Console Command Effect
player.additem 00055f10 Spawns a Vault 81 Cure
player.dispel 00249690 Removes the Molerat Disease

You can also remove the Molerat Disease on PC by using console commands, and there's two ways to remove it.

Open up the console command with the tilde (~) button and type player.additem 00055f10 to spawn an additional Vault 81 Cure that you can use. Alternatively, you can type player.dispel 00249690 to remove the debuff directly.

All IDs and Item Codes

How to Avoid the Molerat Disease

Avoid Getting Bitten by Vault 81 Molerats

How to Avoid Contracting Molerat Disease

You can only get the Molerat Disease by being bitten by the Vault 81 Lab Molerats in the hidden part of Vault 81 during the Hole in the Wall side quest. These molerats have a 100% chance to transmit the disease even if you're wearing Power Armor, which means you need to completely avoid getting bitten to avoid contracting the diseases.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can completely avoid getting bitten by the Vault 81 Molerats though some require some preparation.

Dismiss Your Companions

Fallout 4 - Codsworth in Sanctuary Hills

Companions bitten by Vault 81 Molerats will pass the disease to you, even robotic companions such as Codsworth or the likes of Strong and Hancock who are immune to diseases.

This means it's best to dismiss all of your companions before heading into Vault 81's hidden testing area to minimize the chance of accidentally contracting the Molerat Disease.

List of All Companions

Use the Overseer's Guardian

Molerats can quickly close the distance between your character once they emerge from the ground, so it's best to carry a powerful but fast-reloading weapon during the mission.

The best weapon to take is the Overseer's Guardian due to its high power and relatively fast reload, and is conveniently available to purchase in Vault 81. It also has the Two-Shot legendary weapon effect, which means even non-head shots can instantly kill the molerats.

You can modify this combat rifle to have a standard or automatic receiver depending on whether you have the Rifleman or Commando perk, making it a great choice for nearly all ranged builds.

Overseer's Guardian Location, ID, and Ammo

Invest in the Critical Banker Perk

Critical Banker is a Luck Perk that requires 7 Luck and allows you to store criticals which you can then unleash during V.A.T.S. mode. At Rank 3, you can store a total of 3 Criticals to use!

Stored criticals from sufficiently powerful weapons such as the Overseer's Guardian can 1-shot the Vault 81 Lab Molerats, with the added bonus of having perfect accuracy every time. This perk can make clearing the hordes of Molerats in the testing area, particularly in the final stretch before the exit.

Critical Banker Perk - Is It Worth It?

Get the Killshot Perk from MacCready

Fallout 4 - MacCready in the Third Rail

For V.A.T.S.-centered builds, MacCready's Killshot companion perk is invaluable for the quest since it adds 20% increased chance to hit an enemy's head during V.A.T.S. mode.

Headshots from almost any gun barring pipe guns can 1-shot the Vault 81 Lab Molerats, which will make going through the testing area easier.
MacCready Affinity Guide

Use the Spray n' Pray Gun

For Commando builds, the Spray n' Pray submachine gun is one of the best weapons to use against the Molerats in the Vault 81 testing area.

Thanks to its Explosive legendary perk, the gun can inflict a wide AOE damage against the hordes of Molerats. The gun's explosive rounds can also stagger the molerats and even cripple them when hitting their legs, making the swarm easier to handle.

You can further increase the gun's explosive damage and area effect by taking more levels of the Demolition Expert perk which, when getting all 4 ranks, is often enough to 1-shot groups of molerats and severely cripple those that survive.

Spray N' Pray Location, ID, and Ammo

Molerat Disease Effects

Reduces Maximum HP

Fallout 4 - Molerat Disease
The Molerat Disease inflicts a permanent -10 HP debuff that is impossible to remove even when asking to cure diseases from a Doctor in Survival Mode.

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