Fallout 4 (FO4)

Best Ending and All Endings Guide

Fallout 4 - Best Ending and All Endings Guide
Siding with the Minutemen offers the best ending in Fallout 4 (FO4) as it allows the Brotherhood of Steel and the Railorad to coexist. Find out how to get the best ending, as well as a list of all endings in the game and how to get them!

Best Ending in Fallout 4

The Minutemen Ending is the Best

Fallout 4 - Minutemen Preston Garvey

The Commonwealth Minutemen faction offers the best possible ending in Fallout 4 as it allows both The Brotherhood of Steel and The Railroad to remain neutral and coexist alongside the Minutemen itself, with The Institute being the only faction destroyed.

This means you can still do the repeatable quests from the two other factions, on top of keeping both Paladin Danse and Deacon as companions by the end of the game, though X6-88 will become hostile.

All Factions List

All Endings in Fallout 4

List of All Endings
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

The Minutemen Ending

The Minutemen Ending Summary
How to Get ・Do not start Tactical Thinking
・Do not start Undergroud Undercover
・Start Banished from The Institute
・Complete The Nuclear Option with the Minutemen
Consequences ・Destruction of The Institute
X6-88 becomes hostile
・Possible truce between The Railroad and The Brotherhood of Steel

The Minutemen Ending sees the Minutemen becoming the foremost power in The Commonwealth after the destruction of the Institute. This ending will cause you to lose X6-88 as a companion who will turn hostile when encountered.

This is considered the best ending in the game as the people of Boston will react favorably, and all remaining companions will see The Minutemen regaining power as a positive change.

How to Get the Minutemen Ending

The Minutemen Ending Guide
1 Avoid starting Tactical Thinking for the Brotherhood and Underground Undercover for the Railroad.
Note: This prevents you from accidentally allying with The Brotherhood of Steel or The Railroad.
2 Kill X4-18 and free the Synths during the The Battle of Bunker Hill, and then admit and respond negatively to Father to start Banished from the Institute.
3 Complete the Main Quests Form Ranks and Defend the Castle.
4 Complete The Nuclear Option with the Minutemen.

You can get this ending by siding with Minutemen after becoming enemies with The Institute and not starting the Tactical Thinking and Underground Undercover quests which will cause you to side with The Brotherhood of Steel and The Railroad respectively.

How to Stay Neutral with the Other Factions

Stay Neutral with The Brotherhood and Railroad
Check markTrigger the Evacuation Signal during The Nuclear Option (Minutemen)

Check markAvoid attacking Brotherhood personnel

The Minutemen ending uniquely allows you to stay neutral with both The Brotherhood of Steel and The Railroad provided that you don't make them hostile such as attacking Brotherhood personnel or failing to trigger the evacuation signal for the Railroad.

Staying neutral with the other two factions will allow you to keep both Deacon and Paladin Danse as companions, as well as the ability to do their respepctive faction repeatable quests.

The Brotherhood of Steel Ending

The Brotherhood of Steel Ending Summary
How to Get ・Start Tactical Thinking
・Start Banished from The Institute
・Complete The Nuclear Option with The Brotherhood of Steel
Consequences ・Destruction of The Institute
・Destruction of The Railroad
X6-88 becomes hostile
Deacon becomes hostile

The Brotherhood of Steel ending causes the East Coast chapter of The Brotherhood of Steel to become the foremost power in The Commonwealth after the destruction of both The Railroad and The Institute. This ending will cause you to lose X6-88 and Deacon who will turn hostile when encountered.

The people of the Commonwealth have a divided opinion of the Brotherhood taking power, with many expressing equal approval and disdain for The Brotherhood. Certain companions such as Piper Wright and Nick Valentine will also express concern to the Brotherhood taking power.

How to Get the Brotherhood Ending

The Brotherhood Ending Guide
1 Start Tactical Thinking and wipe out the Railroad members
2 Complete the Main Quests Spoils of War and Ad Victoriam,
3 Complete The Nuclear Option with the Brotherhood.

You can get this ending by starting and completing Tactical Thinking which causes you to permanently ally with The Brotherhood of Steel after the destruction of The Railroad, after which you attack and destroy The Institute with the help of Liberty Prime.

The Railroad Ending

The Railroad Ending Summary
How to Get ・Start Underground Undercover
・Complete The Nuclear Option with The Railroad
Consequences ・Destruction of The Institute
・Destruction of The Brotherhood of Steel
X6-88 becomes hostile
Paladin Danse becomes hostile*
Note: Danse only becomes Hostile if Blind Betrayal is not completed

The Railroad ending causes The Railroad to become the imminent power in The Commonwealth after the destruction of both The Brotherhood of Steel and The Institute. This ending will cause you to lose X6-88 and Paladin Danse if you have not completed Blind Betrayal.

The people of the Commonwealth have a mostly neutral opinion of The Railroad, with most negative opinions stemming from existing anti-Synth sentiments. Most companions have a neutral opinion of the Railroad, and Paladin Danse will no longer be an available companion even if you complete Blind Betrayal.

How to Get the Railroad Ending

The Railroad Ending Guide
1 Start Tactical Thinking and wipe up the Railroad members
2 Complete the Main Quests Precipice of War and Rocket's Red Glare.
3 Complete The Nuclear Option with the Railroad.

You can get this ending by starting and completing Underground Undercover which causes you to permanently ally with The Railroad. This leads to repelling an attack from The Brotherhood of Steel and then destroying their faction, after which you infiltrate and destroy The Institute.

The Institute Ending

The Institute Ending Summary
How to Get ・Start Mass Fusion
・Destroy the Railroad during End of the Line
・Detroy the Brotherhood during Airship Down
・Complete Nuclear Family
Consequences ・Destruction of The Railroad
・Destruction of The Brotherhood of Steel
Deacon becomes hostile
Paladin Danse becomes hostile
Note: Danse only becomes Hostile if Blind Betrayal is not completed

The Institute ending causes The Institute to become the uncontested power in the Commonwealth after the destruction of both The Railroad and The Brotherhood of Steel. This ending will cause you to lose Deacon and Paladin Danse if you have not completed Blind Betrayal.

The people of the Commonwealth will express fear and concern of The Institute openly becoming the main power in Boston due to the increased Synth patrols. Many companions, such as Piper Wright and Nick Valentine with only Codsworth expressing a more positive opinion.

How to Get the Institute Ending

The Institute Ending Guide
1 Escort X4-18 to the escaped synths and activate their recall codes during the Battle of Bunker Hill.
2 Complete Mankind - Redifined and speak with Allie Filmore to start Mass Fusion.
3 Complete the Main Quest Pinned by attacking or ordering the Minutemen to stand down.
4 Complete the Main Quest Power Up with any option.
5 Complete the Main Quests End of the Line and Airship Down to wipe out The Railroad and The Brotherhood of Steel respectively.
6 Complete the Main Quest The Nuclear Family.

You can get this ending by agreeing to recall the escaped synths during the Battle of Bunker Hill and then commiting to the Institute by speaking with Allie Filmore after Mankind - Redifined to start Mass Fusion.

This leads to a couple of quests where you wipe out both The Railroad and The Brotherhood of Steel. You then finally say goodbye to Shaun, departing on good terms with him before he dies.

What is the Canon Ending of Fallout 4?

There is No Canon Ending in Fallout 4

Fallout 4 has no canon ending since it's up to the player and how they roleplay as The Sole Survivor and which faction to side with.

The Minutemen Ending is widely considered the ending since it allows you to remain neutral with the other two factions, though this still causes you to bitterly depart with Shaun during his final moments.

Alternatively, the Institute Ending allows you to depart on good terms with Shaun though this means you'll have to wipe out both The Railroad and The Brotherhood of Steel.

Which Ending is Your Favorite?

The Minutemen Ending 28
The Brotherhood of Steel Ending 28
The Railroad Ending 10
The Institute Ending 26

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