Fallout 4 (FO4)

Hancock Affinity and Location Guide: Where to Find Hancock

Fallout 4 - Hancock Affinity and Location Guide

Hancock is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Hancock's Affinity guide, where to find Hancock, Hancock's location and quest, as well as how to romance Hancock!

Hancock Affinity Guide

All Hancock Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Using Chems
・Donating Items
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs
・Walking Around Without Clothes

Hancock likes it when the player uses Chems and develop an addiction to it. Despite having a few misdemeanors, Hancock still favors morally good decisions and dislikes it when you kill friendly NPCs and steal items from others.

Hancock Location Guide

Where to Find Hancock

  1. Visit Goodneighbor
  2. Complete the The Big Dig Quest

Visit Goodneighbor

Map View
Overworld View

Hancock is currently residing in Goodneighbor, a settlement located Northeast of Boston Common. As soon as you enter the town, a thug named Finn will attempt to extort you, however, the situation is quickly defused when Hancock steps in and stabs him to death.

Complete the The Big Dig Quest

Fallout 4 - The Big Dig Quest Star

To recruit Hancock as your companion, you will need to complete the The Big Dig side quest. You can begin this quest by speaking to Bobbi No-Nose, who can be found in an alleyway behind Goodneighbor's gun shop.

Towards the end of the Big Dig quest, if you side with Hancock, he will be available as a companion immediately after the quest. However, if you side with Bobbi No-Nose, then you will have to make amends with Hancock first by tracking Bobbi down and killing her.

How to Romance Hancock

Romance at High Affinity

Hancock does not have a companion quest, so reaching a high enough affinity is enough to Romance him.

Hancock will then initiate a conversation with you, sharing some of his personal backstory. After this, you can then choose the Romance dialogue option (Difficult Speech Check) to begin your romantic relationship with him.

Hancock Companion Perk


Hancock's companion perk is Isodoped. This perks grants you 20% faster Critical Hits when receiving 250 Radiation Damage.

Hancock doesn't give out radiation when you go near him. The companion perk just requires you take RAD damage for it to take effect.

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