Fallout 4 (FO4)

Sanctuary Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Sanctuary

Sanctuary is a Minutemen Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Sanctuary walkthrough and learn Sanctuary location and rewards.

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When Freedom Calls Taking Independence

Sanctuary Quest Summary

Sanctuary Overview
"Help Sturges build a shelter for the new settlers of the Sanctuary."
Faction The Minutemen
Quest Giver Sturges
Quest ID 0005DEE4
Rewards XP: 173
・ Sanctuary Settlement

All Settlement Locations

Sanctuary Walkthrough

Sanctuary Objectives

  1. Talk to Sturges
  2. Build Beds
  3. Provide Clean Water
  4. Provide Food Supplies
  5. Build Defenses
  6. Report Back to Sturges

Talk to Sturges

Fallout 4 - Sturges Location

Start the quest by talking to Sturges. You can find him and the rest of the settlers sheltered in a yellow house to the right of the main entrance. Sturges will never leave the house, so it should be easy to spot him.

Build Beds

Fallout 4 - Build Beds

Using the workshop, build beds for each settler of the Sanctuary. The main component of all beds is cloth, which you can get from scrapping rugs, couches, and even old mattresses from neighboring houses. Place the beds anywhere within the building and report back to Sturges after.

Provide Clean Water

Fallout 4 - Provide Water

After that, you need to build a water source. Although the quests ask for clean water, you can complete this objective without building any water purification systems. So, a simple Water Pump will do. Build at least two of these around the settlement, and report back to Sturges after.

Provide Food Supplies

Fallout 4 - Provide Food

Next, gather all the crops you can find within the settlement. The main house conveniently has two watermelons and one gourd in the backyard that you can gather and plant again for food supplies.

Gather More Food Supplies at Abernathy Farm

Fallout 4 - Abernathy Farm Location

Since this isn't enough, you can gather more from the Abernathy Farm, which is just south of the Red Rocket Truck Stop. No need to worry about the current settlers of the farm. They won't attack you for taking crops from their farm.

Build Defenses

Fallout 4 - Guard Tower

After providing food for the settlers, you need to set up defenses for the group. While Sturges prefers turrets, building a couple of Guard Posts and Guard Towers should suffice, as turrets require materials that are quite hard to find in the Sanctuary like Gears and Circuitry.

Report Back to Sturges

Fallout 4 - Talk to Sturges

Once you've set up enough defenses for the group, complete the quest by reporting back to Sturges.

Previous Quest Next Quest
When Freedom Calls Taking Independence

Sanctuary Location

Where to Start Sanctuary

Map View
Quest Giver

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Minutemen Questline

The Minutemen Quests
1 When Freedom Calls
2 Sanctuary
3 Taking Independence
4 Old Guns
5 Inside Job
6 Form Ranks
7 Defend the Castle
8 The Nuclear Option
9 With Our Powers Combined


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