Fallout 4 (FO4)

Show No Mercy Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Show No Mercy
Show No Mercy is a Brotherhood of Steel Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Show No Mercy walkthrough and learn Show No Mercy location and rewards.

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Show No Mercy Quest Summary

Show No Mercy Overview
"Help the Brotherhood of Steel secure Fort Strong by clearing out all its Super Mutant settlers."
Faction Brotherhood of Steel
Quest Giver None
Quest ID 000537FF
Rewards XP: 345
・ Vertibird Signal Grenade
Bosses ・ Behemoth

Show No Mercy Walkthrough

Show No Mercy Objectives

  1. Speak to Elder Maxson
  2. Board the Vertibird
  3. Defeat Behemoth
  4. Defeat All Remaining Super Mutants
  5. Head to the Fort Strong Armory
  6. Defeat All Super Mutants in the Armory
  7. Take the Elevator to the Sublevel
  8. Talk to Paladin Danse
  9. Report to Elder Maxson

Speak to Elder Maxson

After meeting all the important members of the Brotherhood of Steel, head outside of the Prydwen and talk to Elder Maxson. Speak to him to receive your next task, which is to secure Fort Strong by defeating all the Super Mutants.

Board the Vertibird

As Elder Maxson sends you off to Fort Strong, you have the option to either go there on foot or have Paladin Danse fly you to the location. It is recommended to fly to Fort Strong instead, as it gives you an advantage later on when facing the Behemoth.

Defeat Behemoth

Next, defeat the Behemoth upon arriving at Fort Strong. If you're on the Vertibird, use the built-in minigun to deal damage. With the flight advantage, you can take down the Behemoth quickly, as the minigun can inflict substantial damage.

If you're approaching on foot, make sure to clear out the enemy Super Mutants first so you can focus on taking down the Behemoth afterward.

How to Defeat Behemoth

If you're riding the Vertibird, the best strategy is to wait for it to get closer to the Behemoth. At a closer range, you can hit it more effectively with the minigun, allowing you to deal a lot of damage quickly!

If you're fighting the Behemoth up close, use the abandoned buildings to block his attacks. Hiding in these buildings can also cause him to stall, as he cannot hit you with his club or rock throws. However, if he finds an opening to throw rocks, be sure to take cover quick to avoid getting hit.

Defeat All Remaining Super Mutants

After defeating the Behemoth, clear out the remaining Super Mutants, including the Legendary Super Mutant Butcher, to fully secure Fort Strong. You can skip this step if you've already defeated all the other mutants before taking down the Behemoth.

Head to the Fort Strong Armory

Once you've defeated all enemies outside Fort Strong, head towards the Armory to defeat the remaining Super Mutants.

Defeat All Super Mutants in the Armory

From the entrance, clear the Super Mutants on the left side first, as the door to the right will be locked. Fortunately, all the rooms here are connected, so there's no need to unlock that door. Start from the left, examine all rooms, and defeat any Super Mutants you encounter.

Take the Elevator to the Sublevel

After clearing all the Super Mutants on the main floor, take the elevator at the far back to reach the sublevel. Most of the Super Mutants here are in a single hallway on the left side of the bottommost floor. Defeat all of them to secure the Armory.

Talk to Paladin Danse

Once you've secured the Armory, talk to Paladin Danse. He'll then ask you to return to the Prydwen to report back to Elder Maxson about the completed mission.

Report to Elder Maxson

Fast travel to the Prydwen and head to the command room to find Maxson. Speak to him to complete the quest, as he rewards you with Vertibird Signal Grenades.

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Tour of Duty From Within

Show No Mercy Location

Where to Start Show No Mercy

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All Joinable Factions
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Full Brotherhood of Steel Questline

The Brotherhood of Steel Quests
1 Reveille
2 Fire Support
3 Call to Arms
4 Semper Invicta
5 Shadow of Steel
6 Tour of Duty
7 Show No Mercy
8 From Within
9 Outside the Wire
10 Liberty Reprimed
11 Blind Betrayal
12 Tactical Thinking
13 Spoils of War
14 Ad Victoriam
15 The Nuclear Option
16 A New Dawn


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