Fallout 4 (FO4)

Taking Independence Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Taking Independence

Taking Independence is a Minutemen Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Taking Independence walkthrough and learn Taking Independence location and rewards.

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Sanctuary Old Guns

Taking Independence Quest Summary

Taking Independence Overview
"Take over the Castle with Preston Garvey and the Minutemen by killing all the Mirelurks and their Queen."
Faction The Minutemen
Quest Giver Preston Garvey
Quest ID 0003A457
Rewards XP: 403
・ The Castle
・ Radio Freedom
Bosses ・ Mirelurk Queen

Taking Independence Walkthrough

Taking Independence Objectives

  1. Meet the Minutemen near the Castle
  2. Defeat the Mirelurks
  3. Destroy the Egg Clutches
  4. Defeat the Mirelurk Queen
  5. Build a Large Generator
  6. Connect the Generator to the Radio Transmitter
  7. Talk to Preston Garvey

Meet the Minutemen near the Castle

Fallout 4 - The Castle Map Location

Upon receiving the quest, head to the Castle to meet Preston Garvey along with a couple of Minutemen. You can find it east of the Commonwealth, near Diamond City.

Defeat the Mirelurks

Fallout 4 - Defeat the Mirelurks

Once you've reached the Castle, you'll be ambushed by Mirelurks. The best way to defeat them is to use ranged weapons and explosives, as they can deal significant damage when fought in melee combat.

Destroy the Egg Clutches

Fallout 4 - Destroy the Eggs

After defeating all the Mirelurks, you need to destroy the eggs from their nests. You can find them at the base of the Castle and also on top of the bastions.

Defeat the Mirelurk Queen

Fallout 4 - Mirelurk Queen

While destroying the eggs, the Mirelurk Queen will eventually attack you. The Mirelurk Queen moves very slowly, so using ranged weapons will be effective. Just make sure to stock up on ammo before facing her.

Use the Bastions to Attack the Mirelurk Queen From Above

Fallout 4 - Mirelurk Queen Using the Bastion

You can also use the bastions to your advantage to attack her from above. Once she reaches the top, lure her back down, as she can spit on you and deal damage if given a height advantage.

Build a Large Generator

Fallout 4 - Build Large Generator

Once defeated, you'll gain access to the Castle's workshop. Use it to build a large generator next to the radio tower.

Connect the Generator to the Radio Transmitter

Fallout 4 - Connect the Generator

Without exiting the Workshop interface, hover over to the newly built generator and connect it to the Radio Tower. This will activate the tower and fully unlock Radio Freedom.

Talk to Preston Garvey

Fallout 4 - Preston Garvey Complete Taking Independence

After activating the Radio Tower, end the quest by talking to Preston Garvey.

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Sanctuary Old Guns

Taking Independence Location

Where to Start Taking Independence

Map View
Note: If you've assigned Preston Garvey to a different Settlement, head to that settlement instead.
Quest Giver
Preston Garvey

All Settlement Locations

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Minutemen Questline

The Minutemen Quests
1 When Freedom Calls
2 Sanctuary
3 Taking Independence
4 Old Guns
5 Inside Job
6 Form Ranks
7 Defend the Castle
8 The Nuclear Option
9 With Our Powers Combined


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