Fallout 4 (FO4)

Caps Farming Guide and Caps ID

Fallout 4 - Caps Farming Guide and Caps ID
Farming and selling Purified Water is the fastest way to farm caps in Fallout 4 (FO4). Check out all the methods you can farm caps fast in the game, as well as the caps ID console command!

Cap Farming Guide

Best Cap Farming Methods in Fallout 4
Sell Purified Water ★★★★★
(Passive Cap Farming Method)
Invest in the Cap Collector Perk ★★★★☆
(Cap Farming boost)
Craft and Sell Jet ★★★★☆
(Repeatable Cap Farming Method)
Invest in the Fortune Finder Perk ★★★☆☆
(Build specific)
Sell Unwanted Ammo ★★☆☆☆
(Build specific)

Sell Purified Water

Fallout 4 - Water Purifiers

The easiest way to make caps early in Fallout 4 is to sell Purified Water which you can passively generate by installing Water Pumps or Power Water Pumps in settlements with bodies of water

You can also craft 1 Purified Water with 3 Dirty Water at a Cooking Station. Though less efficient, Dirty Water is more plentiful and you can get a lot just from scavenging throughout the Commonwealth.

Settlement Map and All Settlement Locations

Sanctuary Hills Setup (Early Game)

Sanctuary Hills will only have 5-6 settlers at the start of the game, with Jun and Marcy Long, as well as Mama Murphy and Sturges being the only permanent settlers.

This means that when installing 3 Powered Water Pumps, you will always get excess Purified Water which goes directly to your storage. You can then sell these excess Purified Water to vendors for 20 Caps each or higher depending on your Cap Collector perk level.

Note: Purified Water is generated passively as you play the game, so you can go back to your settlement after hours of doing quests and you'll find a lot of Purified Water in your storage to sell!

Spectacle Island Setup (Late Game)

Spectacle Island is a large island settlement located on the eastern side of the map and is accessible by swimming to the island or walking on the seafloor with power armor.

This island is surrounded by water, and you can place several powered water pumps on its coastline to maximize your Purified Water generation.

Spectacle Island Location Guide

Invest in the Cap Collector Perk

Fallout 4 Cap Collector ImageCap Collector
(Charisma 1)

The Cap Collector perk only request 1 Charisma and allows you to sell items for higher caps at vendors, on top of getting better prices for buying items!

Rank 3 of this perk also allows you to invest 500 caps to a vendor, increasing their buying capacity and allowing you to sell more items in the future!

Cap Collector Perk - Is It Worth It?

Craft and Sell Jet

Jet is a Chem that requires 2 Fertilizer and 1 Plastic to craft at a Chemistry Station.

While it has a relatively low base sell price of 50 Caps, it's also inexpensive to make since Plastic is very common in the Commonwealth and it's possible to get a steady supply of Fertilizer by having a Brahmin in your settlement.

By taking the Chemist Perk, you can also use Jet to craft Ultra Jet which, while requiring more materials to craft, also sells more!

Chemist Perk - Is It Worth It?

Invest in the Fortune Finder Perk

Fallout 4 Fortune Finder ImageFortune Finder
(Luck 1)

The Fortune Finder perk only requires 1 Luck and allows you to get increasingly higher amount of caps when looting containers the more levels you invest in the perk.

At Fortune Finder Level 4, enemies even have a chance to explode into a shower of caps when you kill them! This makes it one of the best perks to get since enemies are plentiful throughout the Commonwealth.

Fortune Finder Perk - Is It Worth It?

Sell Unwanted Ammo

Depending on your build and choice of guns, you can also sell ammo that you don't use. With the Scrounger Perk, you'll have an increased chance to find ammo in containers and as loot from enemies.

Selling ammo you don't need will net you a lot of caps as you do main and side quests and is an easy way to get a lot of caps in the early game.

Scrounger Perk - Is It Worth It?

Fallout 4 Caps ID

Add Caps Console Command

Console Command
player.additem 0000000f #

PC players can add caps directly to their inventory by opening up the console commands with the tilde (~) button and typing player.additem 0000000f followed by the desired number of caps.

For example, if you want to add 2000 Caps, you should type the command as player.additem 0000000f 2000.

All IDs, Console Commands, and Item Codes

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