Fallout 4 (FO4)

X6-88 Affinity and Location Guide: Where to Find X6-88

Fallout 4 - X6-88 Affinity and Location Guide

X6-88 is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for X6-88's Affinity guide, where to find X6-88, X6-88's location, and find out if you can romance X6-88!

X6-88 Affinity Guide

All X6-88 Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Entering Power Armors
・Hacking Terminals
・Modifying Armors
・Modifying Weapons
・Asking for more Caps in Speech Checks
・Entering Vertibirds
・Chem Addictions
・Using Chems
・Donating Items
・Healing Dogmeat
・Walking Around Without Clothes

You can raise affinity with X6-88 by hacking terminals, entering Power Armors, crafting weapon and armor mods, and asking for more caps during quests. He dislikes it when you hop on Vertibirds, donating items to NPCs, and overall helping others in need.

X6-88 Location Guide

Complete Mankind - Redefined Quest

Map View
Overworld View

X6-88 becomes available to recruit as your companion after completing the Mankind - Redefined quest. You can find him in the Institute, a location that you unlock after building and using the teleporter in the Molecular Level main story mission.

Mankind - Redefined is the third quest in the Institute Faction questline, preceeded by Synth Retention and The Battle of Bunker Hill.

All Factions List

Can You Romance X6-88?

Cannot Be Romanced

X6-88 is one of the companions that cannot be romanced. You can however, raise affinity with him up to the maximum level to unlock his companion perk, Shield Harmonics.

X6-88 Companion Perk

Shield Harmonics

X6-88's companion perk is Shield Harmonics, which grants you plus 20 Energy Resistance.

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