Fallout 4 (FO4)

The Disappearing Act Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - The Disappearing Act

The Disappearing Act is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full The Disappearing Act walkthrough and learn The Disappearing Act location and rewards.

The Disappearing Act Location

Where to Start The Disappearing Act

Map View
Diamond City
Quest Giver
Valentine Detective Agency

The Disappearing Act Walkthrough

  1. Read Earl Sterling Case File
  2. Enter Earl Sterling's House
  3. Search Earl's House for Clues
  4. Talk to Doctor Sun
  5. Enter Earl Sterling's House
  6. Enter the Mega Surgery Cellar and Deal with Doc Crocker
  7. Report Back to Ellie Perkins

Read Earl Sterling Case File

Fallout 4 - Earl Sterling Case File

To begin this quest, first, you must have completed the Unlikely Valentine main quest. Go inside Valentine Detective Agency and find Earl Sterling's Case File on the table to the right.

Unlikely Valentine Walkthrough

Enter Earl Sterling's House

Fallout 4 - Lock Pick the Door

You must then enter Earl Sterling's House, which is found near the Dugout Inn. It has a Novice lock on the door. Pick the lock and enter.

Alternatively, you can speak to Vadim Bobrov to get the key, he's the barkeep at the Dugout Inn.

Locksmith Perk - Is It Worth It?

Search Earl's House for Clues

Fallout 4 - Surgery Receipt

Once inside, head over to the sofa and find a receipt. This receipt is a surgery receipt for facial reconstruction at the Mega Surgery Center.

Head over there to investigate further.

Talk to Doctor Sun

Fallout 4 - Doctor Sun

Doctor Sun is found at the entrance of the Mega Surgery Center in the marketplace area of Diamond City.

Talk to him and ask him about the receipt, and ask him for the cellar key as well. These two requests may require a bit of Charisma to work.

Alternatively, you can pickpocket the cellar key from Doc Sun.

Pickpocket Perk - Is It Worth It?

Save and Reload

Fallout 4 - Quicksave

To easily bypass every Charisma dialogue, especially if your Charisma is not that high yet, you can do the Save and Reload technique where you save before every decision.

If you fail a Charisma check then you go ahead and reload that save, do it until you pass the dialogue option.

All Charisma Clothing

Take Grape Mentats

Fallout 4 - Grape Mentats

If a quest needs you to pass a Charisma check when your Charisma is on the low side, you may want to consider taking Grape Mentats before talking to someone.

It temporarily boosts your Charisma by 5.

How to Get Grape Mentats

Enter the Mega Surgery Cellar and Deal with Doc Crocker

Fallout 4 - Doc Crocker

After getting or receiving the Surgery Cellar Key, head down to the cellar and find Doctor Crocker.

You can either arrest him, end it peacefully, or just kill him. All options lead to his death since he will commit suicide when you choose not to kill him.

Report Back to Ellie Perkins

Fallout 4 - Report to Ellie

Doctor Sun will come down after what happened to Doc Crocker. Talk to him and explain everything.

Return to Valentine Detective Agency and report back to Ellie Perkins to finish the quest and receive your rewards.

The Disappearing Act Quest Summary and Rewards

The Disappearing Act Rewards and Quest ID

The Disappearing Act Overview
Rewards XP: 250+
Caps: Up to 200 (Depending on the negotiated price)
Quest ID 0001CB51

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