Fallout 4 (FO4)

Speak of the Devil Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Speak of the Devil Walkthrough

Speak of the Devil is a Side Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Speak of the Devil walkthrough and learn Speak of the Devil's location and rewards.

Speak of the Devil Location

Where to Start Speak of the Devil

Map View
Wattz Consumer Electronics
Quest Giver Automatically available after leaving Vault 111.

Speak of the Devil Walkthrough

Speak of the Devil Objectives

  1. Browse the Wattz Consumer Electronics
  2. Investigate the 0MC-810 Relay Tower
  3. Read Richie's Note
  4. Load AM holotape into the 0MC-810 Relay Tower terminal
  5. Investigate the BADTFL Regional Office
  6. Find a password or hack the holotape
  7. Load the Holotape into the 0SC-527 Relay tower terminal
  8. Check the FM holotape transcriptions for more information
  9. Investigate the Boston Police Rationing Site mentioned in the transcription

Browse the Wattz Electronic Store

Map Location

Go to Wattz Consumer Electronics and pick up Connie's Note on the table at the second floor of the building.

Investigate the 0MC-810 Relay Tower

Map Location

Proceed to the 0MC-810 Relay Tower, located northwest of County Crossing. This area is surrounded by Enclave remnants, so be sure to come loaded with weapons and lots of ammunition.

Read Richie's Note

Fallout 4 - Richie

Look for Richie's dead body underneath the tower and grab the Richie's Note and AM 810 Music Catalogue from his corpse. Afterward, open your Pip-Boy, then hover over to INV - MISC menu and read Richie's Note.

Load AM Holotape into the 0MC-810 Relay Tower Terminal

Fallout 4 - Transfer Files 0MC-810 Relay Tower

Activate the 0MC-810 Relay Tower terminal and insert the AM 810 Music Catalogue.

Afterward, choose the Transfer Files option. There will be two options to choose from: Stars and Stripes Forever and Battle Hymn of the Republic. You only need to select one to proceed.

Investigate the BADTFL Regional Office

Map Location

Head to the BADTFL Regional Office and grab the FM 52.7 Music Catalogue holotape next to Connie's corpse in one of the interrogation rooms.

Find a Password or Hack the Holotape

Fallout 4 - Cigarette Paper

You can hack the holotape if you have Hacker perk at Level 3 or you can generate a list of possible passwords with Level 1 of the perk. If you don't have the Hacker perk, the password is written on a cigarette paper inside a hole in the wall, just behind Connie's corpse.

Hacker Perk - Is It Worth It?

Load the FM Holotape into the 0SC-527 Relay Tower Terminal

Map Location

Go to the 0SC-527 Relay Tower and load the FM 52.7 Music Catalogue into the terminal. Again, select Transfer Files and choose the America the Beautiful option.

Check the FM Holotape Transcriptions

Fallout 4 - Raw Audio Transcriptions

Select the Transcriptions menu and open all four Raw Audio Transcriptions to find out your next and final location.

Investigate the Boston Police Rationing Site

Map Location

Enter the Boston Police Rationing Site and activate the radio down in the generator room to end the quest. This will also open up the locked door in front of you containing a full set of the X-02 Power Armor.

NOTE: The entrance of the Boston Police Rationing Site is barred, so you will have to use Explosives to destroy the doors.

Speak of the Devil Quest Summary and Rewards

Speak of the Devil Rewards

Speak of the Devil Overview
Rewards XP: 362
・ X-02 Power Armor

How to Get Enclave X-02 Power Armor

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