Fallout 4 (FO4)

Best Companion Perks and All Companion Perks List

Fallout 4 - All Companion Perks List

There are 12 Companion Perks in Fallout 4 (FO4). Check out our guide for a list of all companion perks, best companion perks, companion perk effects, how to get them, and find out if companions have to be with you to activate the Companion Perk!

Companion Perk Guides
Best Companion Perks Companion Perk IDs

All Companion Perks List

Companion Perks and How to Get

Companion Perk Effect and How to Get
Berserk Effect: Deal 20% more melee weapon damage when health falls below 25%.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Strong.
Companion: Strong
Cloak and Dagger Effect: Increases Stealth Boy duration by 40% and deal 20% more sneak attack damage.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Deacon.
Companion: Deacon
Close to Metal Effect: 50% faster terminal cooldowns and gain one extra guess when hacking.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Nick Valentine and complete the Long Time Coming companion quest.
Companion: Nick Valentine
Combat Medic Effect: Heal 100 HP when health falls below 10% (once per day).
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Curie and complete the Emergent Behavior companion quest.
Companion: Curie
Gift of Gab Effect: Earn Double XP for successful speech checks and discovering new locations.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Piper.
Companion: Piper
Isodoped Effect: Get 20% faster Critical Hits when receiving 250 Radiation Damage.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Hancock.
Companion: Hancock
Killshot Effect: Increases headshot accuracy in V.A.T.S. by 20%.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with MacCready and complete the Long Road Ahead companion quest.
Companion: MacCready
Know Your Enemy Effect: Deal 20% more damage to Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Synths.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Paladin Danse.
Companion: Paladin Danse
Robot Sympathy Effect: Receive +10 damage resistance against robot energy weapons.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Codsworth.
Companion: Codsworth
Shield Harmonics Effect: Receive +20 Energy Resistance
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with X6-88.
Companion: X6-88
Trigger Rush Effect: Action Points regenerate faster when health falls below 25%.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Cait and complete the Benign Intervention companion quest.
Companion: Cait
United We Stand Effect: Deal 20% more damage and gain +20 Damage Resistance when facing three or more enemies.
How to Get: Reach Maximum Affinity with Preston Garvey.
Companion: Preston Garvey

Best Companion Perks Tier List

Overall Best Companion Perks Tier List

Companion Perks Tier List
S TierS-Tier Killshot
Combat Medic
United We Stand
A TierA-Tier Know Your Enemy
Cloak and Dagger
Gift of Gab
B TierB-Tier Trigger Rush
Shield Harmonics
Robot Sympathy
C TierC-Tier Close to Metal

1. Killshot

Effect Increases headshot accuracy in V.A.T.S. by 20%.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with MacCready and complete the Long Road Ahead companion quest.

Killshot is the best Companion Perk in Fallout 4 due to its ability to improve your headshot accuracy while in V.A.T.S. mode. The head is the weakest point of most enemies in the game, so you'll definitely want to increase your chances of hitting that vital spot.

2. Combat Medic

Effect Heal 100 HP when health falls below 10% (once per day).
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Curie and complete the Emergent Behavior companion quest.

Combat Medic is a great companion perk, since it can save you from the brink of death by healing you to a 100 HP as soon as your health is very low. The only downside is that this perk only activates once per in-game day.

3. United We Stand

Effect Deal 20% more damage and gain +20 Damage Resistance when facing three or more enemies.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Preston Garvey.

United We Stand comes in extremely useful, as there will be a lot of times where you'll be going up against several enemies at the same time, so receiving a buff to Damage and Damage Resistance can increase your odds of surviving these deadly encounters.

4. Know Your Enemy

Effect Deal 20% more damage to Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Synths.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Paladin Danse.

Know Your Enemy is a good combat perk as you will often encounter a lot of Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Synths in the game. You'll be able to kill these types of enemies within mere seconds due to the damage buff that you'll receive when facing them.

5. Cloak and Dagger

Effect Increases Stealth Boy duration by 40% and deal 20% more sneak attack damage.
Unlock Req. Reach Maximum Affinity with Deacon.

Cloak and Dagger's perk effect is not only restricted to Stealth builds, but also works for aggressive playstyles as you can inflict bonus damage when ambushing unsuspecting enemies.

6. Gift of Gab

Effect Earn Double XP for successful speech checks and discovering new locations.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Piper.

Gift of Gab is a good perk to have for bonus XP and leveling up fast due to the vast amount of locations and settlements, as well as speech check dialogues in the game.

7. Trigger Rush

Effect Action Points regenerate faster when health falls below 25%.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Cait and complete the Benign Intervention companion quest.

Trigger Rush is a high risk, high reward perk as you'll need your health to be below 25 percent for it to activate. When it's active, your Action Points will recover quicker, allowing you to spam V.A.T.S. mode multiple times during drastic situations and may even save your life at the very last second.

8. Berserk

Effect Deal 20% more melee weapon damage when health falls below 25%.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Strong.

Berserk is a suitable perk for Melee weapon users as the perk activates when you're low on health, and most likely your health points will always be low since you're going to take a lot of damage when fighting in close-quarters combat.

9. Shield Harmonics

Effect Receive +20 Energy Resistance
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with X6-88

Shield Harmonics is a perk that only shines in late game, as enemies using energy weapons are not that common early on. Nonetheless, it's still a decent perk to have to survive against Brotherhood of Steel soldiers using laser rifles and gatling lasers.

10. Robot Sympathy

Effect Receive +10 damage resistance against robot energy weapons.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Codsworth.

Robot Sympathy is a handy perk when infiltrating locations with a lot of security robots and turrets guarding the place, since it toughens up your resistance from robot energy weapons.

11. Close to Metal

Effect 50% faster terminal cooldowns and gain one extra guess when hacking.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Nick Valentine and complete the Long Time Coming companion quest.

Close to Metal is probably one of the useless companion perks since you can just save your game before attempting to hack a terminal and then reload that file if ever you fail your hacking attempt.

12. Isodoped

Effect Get 20% faster Critical Hits when receiving 250 Radiation Damage.
Unlock Req. Reach Max Affinity with Hancock.

Isodoped is a very risky companion perk because you'll need to absorb a certain amount of radiation for it to activate. You can find different alternatives to build up Critical Hits faster, such as investing in the Critical Banker perk.

Are Companion Perks Permanently Active?

Companions Don't Have to be With You for Companion Perk to be Active

Once you have unlocked a Companion Perk, that perk is yours forever and will remain active even without the companion in your party.

It is highly recommended that you drop a companion immediately upon gaining access to their perk and move on to unlocking another companion perk until you get all of them!

What are Companion Perks?

Unique Perks Unlocked by Reaching Max Affinity

Fallout 4 - Cait

Companion Perks are unique abilities of companions that are unlocked by reaching maximum affinity with them. These perks usually provide a boost in stats to specific weapon types, buff your resistance to different types of damage, and many more passive bonuses that can help in combat.

You can increase affinity of a companion by doing various actions in-game that they like. Most of them will approve good deeds, while others prefer you dive into evil activities.

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All Companions

All Companions in Fallout 4
CaitCait CodsworthCodsworth
CurieCurie DeaconDeacon
DogmeatDogmeat Hancock IconHancock
MacCreadyMacCready Nick ValentineNick Valentine
Paladin DansePaladin Danse PiperPiper
Preston GarveyPreston Garvey StrongStrong

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