Fallout 4 (FO4)

When Freedom Calls Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - When Freedom Calls

When Freedom Calls is a Minutemen Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full When Freedom Calls walkthrough and learn When Freedom Calls location and rewards.

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- Sanctuary

When Freedom Calls Quest Summary

When Freedom Calls Overview
"Help Preston Garvey and the people in his care reach the Sanctuary by clearing all the dangers along the way."
Faction The Minutemen
Quest Giver None
Quest ID 001A001C
Rewards XP: 345
Caps: 100
・ 50 Fusion Cells
Bosses ・ Deathclaw

When Freedom Calls Walkthrough

When Freedom Calls Objectives

  1. Find the Museum of Freedom in Concord
  2. Defeat All 7 Raiders Inside the Museum
  3. Speak with Preston Garvey
  4. Open the Security Door
  5. Take the Fusion Core
  6. Use the Power Armor and the Minigun
  7. Defeat All Raiders Outside
  8. Defeat the Deathclaw
  9. Report Back to Preston Garvey
  10. Escort the Group to the Sanctuary

Find the Museum of Freedom in Concord

Fallout 4 - Museum of Freedom When Freedom Calls

From the Sanctuary, head towards the exit and continue moving south west until you reach Concord. Continue taking the main road and you should see the Museum by the end of the path.

Defeat All 7 Raiders Inside the Museum

Fallout 4 - Defeat the Raiders

Inside the museum, there will be 7 raiders attacking the Minutemen. Defeat all of them as you make your way to the top to unlock the door to the third-floor room.

Speak with Preston Garvey

Fallout 4 - Speak with Preston Garvey

After defeating all the Raiders, head to the top floor and speak with Preston Garvey. Make sure to defeat every Raider inside. Otherwise, the door to the Minutemen will remain locked.

Open the Security Door

Fallout 4 - Locked Security Room

Preston Garvey will ask you to take the fusion core behind the locked security door. There are two ways to unlock the door. You can try hacking the door using the terminal on the right, or head to the other side of the ticketing booths and take the bobby pins on top of the cigarette box.

Take the Fusion Core

Fallout 4 - Take the Fusion Core

Once you've unlocked the door, take the fusion core and head back to the top floor. Open the door to the other side and proceed to the fire exit.

Use the Power Armor and the Minigun

Fallout 4 - Power Armor and Minigun

Upon exiting the building from the top floor, you'll find the Power Armor. Insert the Fusion Core and enter it. Also, take the minigun as you'll need it for the next step.

Defeat All Raiders Outside

Fallout 4 - Defeat the Raiders Outside

Next, defeat the raider across the building, and then drop down to the front entrance to clear out the others on the streets. Keep in mind that the minigun doesn't have unlimited ammo. Conserve your ammo since you'll need it for the boss fight later on.

Defeat the Deathclaw

Fallout 4 - The Deathclaw

Sometime after taking down most of the raiders, the Deathclaw will spawn. As the boss of this quest, it will take some time to defeat compared to the other raiders surrounding you.

Use the Buildings for Cover

Fallout 4 - Shooting the Deathclaw from the Inside

When facing the Deathclaw, a good strategy is to use the abandoned buildings for cover, as it cannot enter these buildings. From there, you can use the windows to shoot it with your minigun. If it retreats, simply go back outside and wait for it to approach you again.

Report Back to Preston Garvey

Fallout 4 - Preston Garvey Main Entrance

After defeating the Deathclaw, head back to the museum and speak to Preston Garvey again. He will be waiting in the main entrance along with the other settlers.

Escort the Group to the Sanctuary

Fallout 4 - Escorting the Minutemen

Finally, escort Preston Garvey and the settlers to the sanctuary. You can go ahead of them to defeat any monsters that may attack them and then wait for them by the bridge as they walk.

Don't forget to talk to Preston Garvey to officially join the Minutemen. You can trigger this conversation as soon as he sets foot in the sanctuary.

Previous Quest Next Quest
- Sanctuary

When Freedom Calls Location

Where to Start When Freedom Calls

Map View
Museum of Freedom
World View

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Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Minutemen Questline

The Minutemen Quests
1 When Freedom Calls
2 Sanctuary
3 Taking Independence
4 Old Guns
5 Inside Job
6 Form Ranks
7 Defend the Castle
8 The Nuclear Option
9 With Our Powers Combined


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