Fallout 4 (FO4)

With Our Powers Combined Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - With Our Powers Combined

With Our Powers Combined is a Minutemen Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full With Our Powers Combined walkthrough and learn With Our Powers Combined location and rewards.

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The Nuclear Option -

With Our Powers Combined Quest Summary

With Our Powers Combined Overview
"Destroy the Prydwen of the Brotherhood of Steel to fully take over the Commonwealth."
Faction The Minutemen
Quest Giver Preston Garvey
Quest ID 000DFB3C
Rewards XP: 403
Bosses ・ Brotherhood of Steel

With Our Powers Combined Walkthrough

With Our Powers Combined Objectives

  1. Talk to Preston Garvey
  2. Build an Artillery Piece in 5 Different Settlements
  3. Talk to the Radio Operator
  4. Defend the Castle from the Brotherhood
  5. Talk to Ronnie Shaw
  6. Report to Preston Garvey

Talk to Preston Garvey

Fallout 4 - With Our Powers Combined Start

To start the quest, go see Preston Garvey in whichever settlement he is in. He'll ask you to build an Artillery Piece in at least five different settlements as part of the plan to take down the Brotherhood of Steel. Make sure you are enemies with the Brotherhood of Steel first. Otherwise, you won't be able to get this quest.

If you haven't made enemies with the Brotherhood of Steel yet, you can simply do the Fire Support quest and ambush the Cambridge Police Station afterward.

Build an Artillery Piece in 5 Different Settlements

Fallout 4 - Build Artillery Pieces

Next, build an Artillery Piece in any of your settlements. Although you need five, you can build in four settlements since you already have one at the Castle.

Talk to the Radio Operator

Fallout 4 - Castle Radio Operator

Fast travel to the Castle and talk to the assigned Radio Operator. Once you give him your signal, he'll relay the message to the other settlements to start firing. Get on top of the bastion afterward and watch the Prydwen crumble.

Defend the Castle from the Brotherhood

Fallout 4 - Vertibirds Attack

After destroying the Prydwen, the Brotherhood of Steel will retaliate, prompting the Defend the Castle (Brotherhood) side quest.

Unlike the Institute's attack, the Brotherhood will send Vertibirds with Knights and Captains on board. If they manage to land, you'll have to fight these heavily armed and tough units, so make sure to take down the Vertibirds first to force them to crash.

Use Missile Turrets to Destroy Vertibirds

Fallout 4 - Use Missle Turrets

A good way to take down any approaching Vertibirds is to install Missile Turrets around the Castle. They can inflict a decent amount of damage on them, allowing you to defeat them quickly with just a few shots.

Talk to Ronnie Shaw

Fallout 4 - Speak to Ronnie Shaw

After successfully defending the Castle again, speak to Ronnie Shaw. She'll thank you for helping her defend the Castle from the Brotherhood.

Report to Preston Garvey

Fallout 4 - With Our Powers Combined End

End the quest by talking to Preston Garvey one last time, where you two will discuss the future of the Minutemen now that the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel are gone.

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The Nuclear Option -

With Our Powers Combined Location

Where to Start With Our Powers Combined

Map View
Note: If you've assigned Preston Garvey to a different Settlement, head to that settlement instead.
Quest Giver
Preston Garvey

All Settlement Locations

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Minutemen Questline

The Minutemen Quests
1 When Freedom Calls
2 Sanctuary
3 Taking Independence
4 Old Guns
5 Inside Job
6 Form Ranks
7 Defend the Castle
8 The Nuclear Option
9 With Our Powers Combined


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