Fallout 4 (FO4)

Mankind Redefined Walkthrough

Mankind Redefined is a The Institute Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Mankind Redefined walkthrough and learn Mankind Redefined location and rewards.

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The Battle of Bunker Hill Mass Fusion

Mankind Redefined Quest Summary

Mankind Redefined Overview
"Attend the Directorate Meeting and find out about Shaun's condition."
Faction The Institute
Quest Giver Father
Quest ID 0002B4E9
Rewards XP: 484

Mankind Redefined Walkthrough

Mankind Redefined Objectives

  1. Talk to Father
  2. Attend the Directorate Meeting
  3. Inquire about Shaun's Condition

Talk to Father

Head back to the Institute and talk to Father again. Follow him as he leads you to the Directorate Meeting.

Attend the Directorate Meeting

Attend the Directorate Meeting with all the department directors of the Institute. During this meeting, Father will outline his plans moving forward, including his decision to name you as the new director due to his condition.

Inquire about Shaun's Condition

As the directors leave, talk to Father once again to learn more about his condition. He'll then assign you to take charge of the next assignment to reassure the other directors about your new position as the director.

Recruit X6-88 Upon Quest Completion

After completing this quest, you can recruit X6-88 as a companion. You can find him in the Synth Retention department, which you can access in the main square.

X6-88 Affinity and Location Guide

Previous Quest Next Quest
The Battle of Bunker Hill Mass Fusion

Mankind Redefined Location

Where to Start Mankind Redefined

Map View Fallout 4 - C.I.T. Ruins Location
C.I.T Ruins
Quest Giver

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Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Institute Questline

The Institute Quests
1 Synth Retention
2 The Battle of Bunker Hill
3 Mankind Redefined
4 Mass Fusion
5 Pinned
6 Powering Up
7 End of the Line
8 Airship Down
9 Nuclear Family


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