Fallout 4 (FO4)

Crucible Quest Walkthrough

Fallout 4 - Crucible

Crucible is a side quest added with the next-gen update in Fallout 4 (FO4)! Read on to learn how to complete the Crucible quest and the rewards for completion!

Crucible Walkthrough

Crucible Objectives

  1. Head to the Saugus Ironworks
  2. Enter the Main Entrance
  3. Hack the Terminals (Option A)
  4. Find Another Way to the Other Side (Option B)
  5. Kill the Forged Keeper
  6. Read the Forged Keeper's Notes
  7. Unlock the Forged Keeper's Toolbox
  8. Access the Smelter Terminal
  9. Stop the Molten Metal Flow
  10. Move the Crucible at the Smelter Terminal
  11. Retrieve the Buried Items
  12. Equip Flame-Resistant Power Armor Legs
  13. Take the Heavy Incinerator

Head to the Saugus Ironworks

Map Location

Head to Saugus Ironworks located on the eastern side of the map. There will be many Forged enemies guarding the area.

Enter the Main Entrance

Fallout 4 - Enter Through the Main Entrance

After clearing the area, head inside through the main entrance just in front of the building. There will be around three Forged enemies in this room, kill all of them.

Hack the Terminals (Option A)

Fallout 4 - Hack the Terminal to Get Through Door

Use the stairs up to the second floor of the building and hack the Advanced level terminal to open the door, provided that you have the Level 1 Hacker perk.

Hacking Explained: How to Hack Terminals

Find Another Way to the Other Side (Option B)

Fallout 4 - Find a Path Through the Top

If you don't have the hacker perk, head up the stairs once again to reach the top level. Go through the wooden planks at the top level and you'll find a way to the other side. The room will have more enemies to fight.

Kill the Forged Keeper

Fallout 4 - Incinerator Next to the Forged Keeper

The quest marker will point you towards the Forged Keeper. You have to kill him to advance the quest. You can also see the Heavy Incinerator in front of him inside the crucible.

Read the Forged Keeper's Notes

Fallout 4 - Grab the Forged Keeper

Pick up the Forged Keeper's Notes and read it to advance the quest. It will tell you about what they did with the Heavy Incinerator.

Unlock the Forged Keeper's Toolbox

Fallout 4 - Unlock the Forged Keeper

Follow the quest marker that leads you up the stairs in the same room towards a toolbox. Unlock the toolbox with a bobby pin and grab the Forged Recruit's Notes and Smelter Console Password. Read the Forged Recruit's Notes in your inventory.

Access the Smelter Terminal

Fallout 4 - Access the Smelter Terminal

Proceed to the Smelter Terminal right next to the room and unlock it using the Smelter Console Password. It will tell you to stop the molten metal pipeline before you can control it.

Stop the Molten Metal Flow

Fallout 4 - Head Down the Bottom and Press the Button

Head back down to the area where the Forged Keeper was, you'll find a button there to stop the Molten Metal Flow. Press the button and head back to the Smelter Terminal.

Move the Crucible at the Smelter Terminal

Fallout 4 - Go Back to Smelter Terminal and Move Crucible

Move the crucible using the Smelter Terminal.

Retrieve the Buried Items

Fallout 4 - Retrieve the Buried Items

Head back down and retrieve the buried items under the crucible. You should be able to obtain two Power Armor Legs and Flame Resistant mods for each of them.

Equip Flame-Resistant Power Armor Legs

Fallout 4 - Go to the Power Armor Station

Head to the Power Armor Station just next to the area. Attach the Flame Resistance mods to the legs and equip them on the armor.

Take the Heavy Incinerator

Fallout 4 - Use the Power Armor to Take the Incinerator From the Crucible

Get in the Power Armor and head to the crucible in front of where the Forged Keeper was. Grab the Heavy Incinerator from inside the crucible.

Crucible Rewards

Heavy Incinerator

Weapon Damage Weight
Heavy Weapon ImageHeavy Incinerator 30 Physical
49 Energy

The quest rewards you with the Heavy Incinerator that uses Flamer Fuel for ammo to launch fireballs that deal heavy area damage and burn enemies. The Heavy Incinerator will come with the Ghoul Slayer effect making it deal 50% extra damage to ghouls.

Heavy Incinerator Location, Ammo, and ID

How to Unlock Crucible

Automatically Added to Quest List

Fallout 4 - Crucible Quest Data

Crucible is automatically added to your quest list in the Pipboy after exiting the vault as a new character or loading a previous character from before the 2024 next-gen update.

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