Fallout 4 (FO4)

Pinned Walkthrough

Pinned is an Institute Faction Quest in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for a full Pinned walkthrough and learn Pinned location and rewards.

Previous Quest Next Quest
Mass Fusion Powering Up

Pinned Quest Summary

Pinned Overview
"Assist Enrico in recruiting T.S. Wallace to help out with the reactor."
Faction The Institute
Quest Giver Allie Filmore
Quest ID 00055BE4
Rewards XP: 651

Pinned Walkthrough

Pinned Objectives

  1. Talk to Father
  2. Reach the House
  3. Speak to Enrico Thompson
  4. Speak to Wallace
  5. Convince Wallace to Join the Institute

Talk to Father

Start the quest by talking to Father, who informs you that the Institute will need more help with the reactor by recruiting T.S. Wallace. He has already sent Enrico Thompson to handle this, but he was ambushed by Gunners or the Minutemen, causing him to pause the mission.

Reach the House

Head to the house next to the Graygarden settlement. Depending on whether you have completed Taking Independence or not, you'll either be greeted by hostile Gunners or the Minutemen on standby. Deal with them before you proceed to the house to reach Enrico.

Convince the Minutemen to Stand Down

Completing Taking Independence replaces the hostile Gunners with Minutemen forces on standby outside. You can simply convince them not to get involved by passing easy charisma checks, and they'll allow you to proceed with no problem.

Attacking the Minutemen Will Make the Graygarden Settlers Hostile

You can also attack them during this quest if you fail to convince them. However, since Graygarden is a Minutemen settlement, all of its settlers will also attack you once you show hostility towards the soldiers.

Choosing this option will also not make the Minutemen enemies with you, so if you want to engage in more action, simply attack them to start one.

Siding with the Minutemen Will Result in Banishment

Finally, during the conversation with the contact, you can also choose to side with the Minutemen. However, this changes the objectives to eliminating all Institute forces instead of helping Enrico. Once done, the quest will fail. This also results in your banishment and you will become a permanent enemy of the Institute.

Speak to Enrico Thompson

Once you've dealt with the opposition, simply head inside the house and speak to Enrico as he reports to you about the situation.

Speak to Wallace

Talk to T.S. Wallace by hovering over the upper half of the door. Since he locked himself inside his room, you cannot enter it even with lockpicking. You'll only get to speak to him by interacting with the door.

Convince Wallace to Join the Institute

Finally, you have to pass a difficult Charisma check to convince him to join the Institute. Make sure you have enough Charisma skill points before attempting this to successfully recruit him. Otherwise, failing to convince him will force the Institute to get him through other means. Regardless, the quest ends after you either convince him or not!

How to Get More Charisma Skill Points

Before talking to T.S. Wallace, you can change into any Charisma clothing to further boost your charisma points. You can also take Grape Mentats for a temporary charisma boost lasting 8 minutes. Just make sure you're not addicted to it!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Mass Fusion Powering Up

Pinned Location

Where to Start Pinned

Map View
The Institute
Quest Giver
Allie Filmore

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 Factions

All Factions List

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions
Minutemen Brotherhood of Steel
The Railroad The Institute

Full Institute Questline

The Institute Quests
1 Synth Retention
2 The Battle of Bunker Hill
3 Mankind Redefined
4 Mass Fusion
5 Pinned
6 Powering Up
7 End of the Line
8 Airship Down
9 Nuclear Family


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