Fallout 4 (FO4)

All Console Commands and Best Cheats

Fallout 4 - Console Commands

Console commands are only available on the PC version and allow you to do almost anything you want in Fallout 4 (FO4). Here you can find out about all the console commands and the best cheats in terms of usefulness!

All Console Commands

Console Command Function
Toggle God Mode

Toggles God Mode on/off, basically making you invulnerable, have unlimited ammo, and unlimited materials when building.
Toggle Collision

Toggles collision on/off letting you pass through everything when it's off.
Free Camera Mode

Toggles Free Camera Mode which lets the camera leave the character and fly around.
tfc 1
Free Camera (Freeze)

Free Camera Mode but with everything frozen/locked animation.
Toggle UI

Toggles the UI on/off.
Reset Screen Effects

Resets blood splatter/explosion marks/etc from surroundings.
fov (first-person FOV) (third-person FOV)
Change Field of View

Change the camera field-of-view for both first-person and third-person mode. Set it to 0 for default settings.
set timescale to (value)
Speed Up/Slow Down Time

Sets how fast or slow time passes in proportion to realtime. Default setting is 16 while 1 is realtime.
coc (cell ID)
Teleport to Cell

Teleports player to the center of a specified cell (location).
showlooksmenu player 1
Customize Appearance

Opens the character customization menu to change your appearance. Be sure to look at your character in third-person mode.
player.setrace (race ID)
Change Race

Changes the player's race.
Reset Health

Resets player health back to full, does not remove radiation damage.
setgs fJumpHeightMin (value)
Set Jump Height

Sets jump height to a designated value, allowing you to jump higher/lower. Turn on God Mode to avoid dying from fall damage.
Undetectable Mode

Toggles AI detection on/off.
player.getav (character variable)
Get Character Variable

Returns the value of a character variable such as stats, experience, health, etc.
player.modav (character variable) (value)
Modify Character Variable

Modifies (add/subtract) character variable such as stats, experience, health, etc.
player.setav (character variable) (value)
Set Character Variable

Sets character variable such as stats, experience, health, etc.
player.setlevel (value)
Set Character Level

Sets your character's level to the specified value.
player.additem (item ID) (amount)
Add Item to Inventory

Adds the item with the specified ID into the player's inventory with the specified amount.
player.additem 0000000f (amount)
Add Bottlecaps

Adds bottlecaps into the player's inventory with the specified amount.
player.additem 0000000a (amount)
Add Bobby Pins

Adds bobby pins into the player's inventory with the specified amount.
Toggle NPC AI

Toggles NPC AI on/off.
Toggle AI Combat

Toggles NPC AI Combat on/off.
Kill All

Kills everything in the vicinity.
kill (NPC ID)
Kill Target

Kills the target.
resurrect (NPC ID)
Resurrect Target

Resurrects the target.
Reset Target

Resets the target NPC back to when they first spawned.
setscale (value between 0.1 to 10)
Set Size

Changes the size of the target.
Change Target Gender

Changes the target's gender, works on yourself.
getav CA_affinity
Check Companion Affinity

Allows you to check current companion's affinity.
setav CA_affinity (value)
Set Companion Affinity

Set your current companion's affinity to a specified value.
modav CA_affinity (value)
Modify Companion Affinity

Modifies (add/subtract) your current companion's affinity by a specified value.
Unequip Target's Items

Unequip all items from the target.
player.addtofaction (faction ID) (0 or 1)
Add To Faction

Adds the player to a faction as either a friend (0) or an ally (1).
player.removefromfaction (faction ID)
Remove From Faction

Removes the player from a faction.
Remove From All Factions

Removes target from all factions.
setally (faction ID) (faction ID) (0 or 1) (0 or 1)
Set Two Factions as Friendly/Allied

Sets the relationship between two factions as either friendly (0) or allied (1).
setenemy (faction ID) (faction ID) (0 or 1) (0 or 1)
Set Two Factions as Neutral/Enemies

Sets the relationship between two factions as either neutral (0) or enemies (1).
completeallobjectives (quest ID)
Complete All Quest Objectives

Completes all quest objectives.
resetquest (quest ID)
Reset Quest

Resets the quest objectives
completequest (quest ID)
Complete Quest

Completes the quest.
Complete Main Story Quest

Completes the main story quests, effectively finishing the game.
Unlock Door

Unlocks selected door.
Hide Target

Hides the targeted object, item, or NPC.
tmm (0 or 1)
Toggle Map Markers

Toggles map markers on/off letting you see and use all markers and fast travel points when turned on.

Console Command IDs

All IDs and Item Codes

Item IDs
Weapon IDs Armor, Clothing, and Outfit IDs
Weapon Mod IDs Ammo IDs
Crafting Material IDs Consumable IDs

All IDs and Item Codes

How to Use Console Commands

1. Press the Tilde (~) Button on the Keyboard to Open the Console

Fallout 4 - Open Console Command

The console window can be opened by pressing the tilde button (~) usually found below the ESC button on the keyboard. This pauses the game and lets you type console commands.

2. Type in the Command and Hit Enter

Command player.additem [item id] [value]
Example player.additem 0001f276 20

After entering the command, close the console by pressing the tilde (~) button again.

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Console Commands Partial.png

All IDs and Item Codes

All IDs and Console Commands

All IDs and Console Commands in Fallout 4
All Weapon IDs All Ammo IDs
All Perk IDs All Crafting Material IDs
All Consumable IDs All Weapon Mod IDs
All Quest IDs All Armor and Outfit IDs
All Junk IDs All Console Commands
All Bobblehead IDs All Magazines IDs
All Companion Perk IDs All Power Armor IDs


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