Fallout 4 (FO4)

Strong Affinity and Location Guide: Where to Find Strong

Fallout 4 - Strong Affinity and Location Guide

Strong is a recruitable companion in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on for Strong's Affinity guide, where to find Strong, Strong's location, and find out if you can romance Strong!

Strong Affinity Guide

All Strong Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
・Eating Corpses
・Killing Non-Hostile NPCs
・Entering Power Armors
・Entering Vertibirds
・Healing Dogmeat
・Lockpicking Owned Storages/Doors
・Asking for more Caps in Speech Checks

Strong likes it when you eat corpses using the Cannibal perk and you can easily raise affinity with him just by doing this. Despite being vicious by nature, he hates it when you do crimes such as stealing. He also has a disdain against the use of Power Armors and entering Brotherhood of Steel Vertibirds.

Overall, Strong favors morally good decisions, as long as you choose the destructive route, since he hates solving problems without resorting to violence.

Strong Location Guide

Complete the Curtain Call Quest

Map View
Overworld View

Strong becomes available to recruit as your companion after completing the Curtain Call quest. You can find him locked behind a cell on the highest floor of Trinity Tower, southwest of Boston Common.

The quest begins immediately after listening to a distress signal from Rex near Trinity Tower, urging someone to rescue him and Strong from being prisoners of Super Mutants atop the tower.

Curtain Call Walkthrough

Can You Romance Strong?

Cannot Be Romanced

Unfortunately, Strong is one of the companions that cannot be romanced. You can however, raise affinity with him up to the maximum level to unlock his companion perk, Berserk.

Strong Companion Perk


Strong's companion perk is Berserk. This allows you to deal 20% more melee weapon damage when your health falls below 25%.

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